This webpage "WHERE IS PARADISE TO BE FOUND IN THE SYSTEM?" is still under construction with sectional rewrites, inclusions, repetition deletions and editing going on. Completion expected by the 30th October 2024.
Through the centuries, men and women have looked for ways to regain their lost freedom but no one has ever been able to find the way out because they are looking for sanctuary in the Dark Ages where there isn't any. You may achieve a level of financial comfort but it is always at the expense of those who do not in a world of haves and have nots, where the deprived are looking over the fence at what others have got, which ends up leading to chaos, crimes, invasion, war, murder and genocide. None of this is a remedy for the mess we are ALL in together.

Despite all the entertainment, packaged holidays and getaways to exotic locations, ripened superannuation funds, workers compensation, retirements and grey nomad travels, multi millions of homes built, stock market success, profitable venture capital investments, all the awards, titles, statuses, degrees, certificates and licences, taxes, the accumulative fines and interest collected, private corporations, the legal system and courts, crimes, injustice, social and political dramas, elections, all the presidents, prime ministers and other leaders who have come and gone, wars, Olympic and Commonwealth Games, Xmas, Easter, Birth Day, Name Day, New Years Eve Celebrations, Public, King And Queen Holidays, records broken, sport, fashion, gambling, free sex, racing cars, horse and dog races, boxing, wrestling, MMA, concerts, music, festivals, Netflix, Hollywood, wellness, psychology, counselling and Big Pharma drugs, conspiracy theories and disclosure movements, all the posts on TikTok, Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook and Youtube and all the news and information coming from the media, social media, advertising, schools, universities and research, space exploration, births, deaths, marriages, funerals and weddings, gender transformation, Valentines Day, all the praying, faith and beliefs by the religious for the chaos to stop, the modern comforts, conveniences, services, utilities, etc, the Western World provides, NOTHING has ever been able to provide a remedy to the chaotic Dark Ages.

Despite all the mothers and fathers across the generations who loved their children and dreamt for them to have a better life than they had, nothing has really changed. If, amongst all this there was a remedy that would change all our lives for the better, you would think that, by now, through word of mouth passed down through the generations, we would all be living in paradise today, but that isn't the case. We are all still trapped while we constantly participate in fiction to grind life into anti-life, just so we can live and play with dead things in a man-made hell, The System of the Dark Ages.

Very few are willing to see the obvious common denominator that is glaring at all of us in plain sight, always, everywhere, which is how each of us is thinking, feeling and acting that impacts how we are living, instant by instant by instant, causing this destruction. Everything of nature/reality/earth has a purpose and we are all now paying the price for messing with the natural purpose of all of life, both minuscule and giant, for generation after generation after generation. We were never meant to have and use fiction to interfere with ANYTHING of life, including each other, or to corrupt, distort and confuse the natural purpose of all of life. The whole of "The System" and our worship of fiction is the result of interference with the natural purpose of life.

Interfere with the innocence of a child and that child can grow to harm millions of men, women and children. Harm the air and many breathing the air will be deeply affected. Harm the water and uncountable lifeforms will suffer. Tamper with a forest and vast arrays of species will die in that forest, many becoming extinct. Damage the earth and the whole of earth will eventually be destroyed. What we do wherever we are that supports and causes harm to life is affecting men, women and children all across earth no matter where they may be. We are all intrinsically connected but we have all been so severely interfered with for so long since childhood that we have lost connection with the big picture of reality and the full responsibility that comes with doing no harm to what we are all naturally part of. In The System, how often do we cross the line of a moral compass to do harm, whether intentionally or as a result of our chosen lifestyles and circumstances? We are running on the treadmills of fiction to survive, all the while deploring the genocide and annihilation that we are causing with our lifestyles of fiction.

In The System, we support children being kidnapped and moulded into the cogs of fiction, turning the wheels of The System as they perform as blue collars, white collars and labourers providing us with all the "good" fictional bits of The System that we want and need as we close our eyes to all the bad bits that always come with all the good bits. We have become co-dependent on others to provide us with the fiction we need to continue existing in The System of fiction. This is slavery, a cult of many cults, and we have to quickly end this madness of consumerism and materialism consuming and destroying earth, because extinction awaits us shortly if we don't end this slave system. To do that, we have to stop being manipulated by all destructive e-motions, the doubt, uncertainty, distrust, fear, confusion, distractions, complacency, denial, apathy, fantasy, delusions, illusions, greed, selfishness, power and control trips, etc, etc.

As we fill our heads with the facts, knowledge, information, distraction and entertainment of The System, we have forgotten the power we each have to impact all of life across earth. This is why freedom is such a huge responsibility; there is no one telling us how to think and feel to direct how we act any more, so it is up to each of us to make sure that everything we think, feel and do is for the greater good of all of life, not just us. As soon as we start thinking like this, we have to walk away from The System because The System is based on perception programming, driven by the intention of greed, selfishness and the desire for power and control that has caused the expansion of fiction, and with it, all the harm. The only remedy to The System is no system (no man-made system) and getting back to living from the good heart of do no harm.

Currently we do harm in every aspect of our system lives because we are trapped in the looking glass of fantasy, illusion and delusion of The System where we try to build lives from the reflections of the definitions we have been taught but all we end up with is a fake personality that we fashion to fit into system life. We are given pictures in our heads that form the memories we rely on to validate the definitions we adopt. None of this is natural to us as who we really are is life and there is nothing of life in The System or the definitions of The System. However, we are so young when we start observing those around us forming their system lives out of the definitions that they have been taught and then pass down to us, that we think it is normal and we bond with the definitions that we choose and that are chosen for us.

When we are young, the influences are from our families but, as we grow older, the definitions we are exposed to become more varied as we are influenced by our peers, books, videos, media, social media, music, fashion, diet, health, alcohol and recreational drugs, etc. Because there are so many definitions in The System to choose from, we are deluded into thinking that we are unique individuals, rather than just a smorgasbord of definitions adopted in any of the infinite combinations available. We talk about respecting the differences between us but there are no differences; we are all a jumble of definitions that anaesthetise us from sensing the pain and suffering we cause to life through our day to day lifestyles as we focus on the narcissistic "self" we have invented.

Imagining life without The System is too hard for most people because The System of defined perceptions of reality is who they think they are and what they are naturally part of; they may love nature and enjoy time spent outdoors, but it is not who they think they are so they always return to The System which is why they never find a remedy to The System. While we cling to The System definitions we think we are, we will remain trapped, generation after generation after generation, too blind, deaf and dumb to realise that we are clinging to the path to extinction.