Generally speaking, everyone raised in The System are talking, and talking and talking....... often thinking, dreaming and writing about what they don't have, and if they already had it, they would have nothing to talk about because they are already too busy living it and being it -------> freedom, truth, peace, joy, happiness, love, calmness, security, certainty, confidence, status, community, family, partnership, health, abundance with food and water, etc, etc, etc, etc. And yes I'm a hypocrite too.

Even though everyone appearing in the womb already has everything they need built in, the high-level ocCULTists/Freemasons who designed, oversee and administrate the ORDER of The System, condition everyone to believe/feel/think/dream they don't have it (CHAOS) outside, all around them, and spend whole lifetimes in pursuit of what they don't have (CHAOS), without ever really having it = FICTION.

Whatever means were used to eventually take control over foreign lands, the high level Freemasons then carved up the lands into parish lands, crown lands, parks, acres, hectares, rural, territories, states, lots, plots, industrial, etc, all of this carving up being fiction. Everyone living on these conquered motherlands gradually needed the fiction of commerce to gain ongoing access to food, water, building materials, services, etc, because the true freedom with nature was being removed from almost everyone, and most have forgotten what it is to be a free MAN living amongst the abundance and magnificence of free nature.

The System & everything of The System is fiction, & all motions performed by MAN raised in The System are in various states of CHAOS (both on the land they stand on & psychologically) in pursuit of what they believe they don't have, -----> food, water, shelter, etc, the ORDER to the CHAOS -------> driven by the CHAOS of doubt, uncertainty, distrust, fear, apathy, denial, complacency, misery, emptiness, loneliness, unhappiness, weakness directionlessness, jealousy, greed, selfishness, covetous, envy, pity, pride, arrogance, ignorance, righteousness, indifference, enmity, anger, rage, frustration, stress, slave-labour, ridicule, abuse, condemnation, power and control trips, etc, etc, etc, to achieve ORDER, all being the symptoms of what they really believe they don't have, -----> food, water, shelter, security, etc, etc, thus spending whole lifetimes being manipulated in every way possible going from CHAOS to ORDER to CHAOS to ORDER to CHAOS to ORDER...... all the while being answerable to and under the power & control of the high level OcCULTists/Freemasons and their administrators, re-presentatives, authorities, agents, officials, experts, etc.

Behind mortgages, leases, rents, money, land title deeds, contracts, commerce, etc, is the doubt, uncertainty, distrust, fear, etc, of a tomorrow without the security and certainty of not having a roof over their heads, food on the table, being seen as good law abiding citizens who vote, pay taxes and get the kids through school. It is this dark side, all of it fiction, that everyone raised in The System is nurturing and giving power to its CHAOS, hell-bent on achieving ORDER without ever having it.

If you are in The System you have already been got at.

Back around 2016, an ACT Supreme Court Judge, Richard Christopher Refshauge, replied on the record to Fiona after being asked the question, "Who is the highest power, MAN or the Law?", saying, "MAN is the highest power, but MAN subjugates himself under the law to have order."

The law is fiction, & fiction is chaos when it's believed to be part of reality.

Subjugation is a voluntary act, thus providing order (fiction) to the chaos (fiction).

Everything defined to MAN is fiction, & The System with all its e-motion is fiction, & the whole of The System is fiction, because all of it was defined to MAN through the fictions of education, inculcation, suggestion, indication, instruction, etc, all of it derived from ritual sacrifice, blood letting and blood libel***, all of which is the subjugation Richard referred to, whether he is aware of it or not. It is here amongst all the trauma of e-motions that all forms of lying, deceit, non-full disclosure, use, abuse, rape, pillage, plunder, coercion, intimidation, threats, incarceration, ridicule, abuse, committing fraud & slander, manipulation, seduction, temptation, statute fines/Roman civil law/admiralty law, bills, etc, are derived from, the order (fiction) out of chaos (fiction) Richard addresses.

[*** This is an article Darkness Visible Part One B - Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 14th December 2014 of many Arthur put together during a defamation case that started in 2014 and went on till 2017. In this particular Darkness Visible document, are many photos and explanations about ritual sacrifice, blood letting and blood libel. Fiona had nothing to do with the defamatory content but she was dragged into ACAT because she owned the unmoderated website that Arthur was posting material into between 2006 and 2019. None of the Love For Life links found in this document will work but there are many Darkness Visible links to be found in Docdroid where the series of Darkness Visible material is stored. Arthur Cristian.]

No judge, magistrate, barrister, lawyer, solicitor, politician, bureaucrat, public servant, govt agent, private corporation, administrator, historian, re-presentative, official, executive, authority, etc (all of these titles are fiction), can prove before this non-fiction-MAN (MAN), that the law is not fiction, & that they representing fiction have a higher power, authority & standing over this MAN, & therefore be a subject to them, and be answerable to them, through their many forms of subjugation, all of it being fiction.

If you comprehend what has been shared here, you will see that the whole of The System is run by administrators, authorities & representatives, all of them acting as 3rd party intermeddlers, interceders & interlopers between you & land, you & water, you & food, you & shelter, you and health, you & family, children, grandparents, friends, associates, neighbours, you & community, tribe or village, & between you & nature & earth, & between you & the whole of your life & all of life.

No one in fiction can prove to this MAN that they ever provided idiot friendly full disclosure to the ever growing child of this MAN, that the life of this MAN will forever be a subject (fiction) to them, & to always be under their subjugation. acting as this MANS authority, re-presentative & administrator, over this MANS life.

This non-fiction-MAN is now of a much higher standing than anyone re-presenting fiction & are already as nothing to this MAN, they have no power, & all the lands this MAN cares for, nurtures & works on & or lives on, is now this MANS Motherland & all of it has already been completely removed from being under the fictional authorities, re-presentatives and administrators overseeing FICTION / THE SYSTEM OF ANTI LIFE, & all of the land, the sky, the water & what is under & above the earth, including everything that naturally moves, that is part of life/nature, is now under the full-responsibility of this non-fiction-MANS life, & this full responsibility will be shared with others who can also handle the full responsibility that comes with being caretakers, custodians & stewards of non-fiction-MAN, determined to learn & practice how to cut down & stop doing harm to life, forevermore.

As for the transition back to the Kindom Village in this life, without starting up the distractions of putting out more small fires when there already is a big one we are all dealing with, it's best to use The System to get out of The System while we all lean how to not pass the baton of The System on to the generations to come.

Arthur Cristian
A Living MAN not contracted to the ocCULTists to perform in their commerce (be subjugated to them) since the recorded ages of their fiction, 2005/2006.
Ironbark Farm Aust