This webpage "THE GRIM REAPERS OF LIFE" is still under construction with sectional rewrites, inclusions, repetition deletions and editing going on. Completion expected by the 30th October 2024.


The heart is life; fiction has no life and, therefore, has no heart. To comply with fiction is to go against the heart of life.

Everything of The System, including democracy, government, rule of law and religion is fiction. To ask people to bond with fiction is asking them all to diminish the heart of life and, at worst, to completely give up the heart of life that is nature/earth/MAN. When we give up the heart of life, we no longer have life.

Until we learn how the heart really works, we will continue to waste valuable, waking life on matters where the heart is not really working.

What isn't there, isn't there.

What is not real, is not real.

The heart tells us what to avoid engaging in, but do we really listen to the heart? Nothing that is not of the heart is real and there is nothing to learn from fiction because it has nothing to do with the life that we are and it is all fantasy, illusion and delusion.

We grow from the heart but we never grow from fiction. If we stay in fiction we repeat the same old mistakes again and again and again and again...... and we never learn. The heart tells us to let go and to move on, and when we don't let go, we rot and rot and rot in the fiction of The System. When we engage our life with fiction, our life begins to rot.

Fiction is both the commandment to withdraw life from life and the manifestation of life already withdrawn from life. Fiction is death to life and, when we are engaged with fiction, we are clearly announcing that we don't want to be part of life anymore.

Fiction is anti-life and our immersion in fiction has us fade away from life. The more fiction we entertain in our lives, the more we are withdrawing our life from life and the whole of life from the domain of life, which we do collectively through our partnerships, families, extended families, communities, states, nations and all across earth. The more we withdraw from life, the sicker, unhappier, crueller and more irresponsible we become. The more we withdraw life from our domain of life the more we withdraw life from the whole of life and, if we die like this, there is no life to go on with because we have withdrawn the whole of our lives from life. Fiction is unable to move on with life. Whatever we see of civilisation on the surface of the earth is a symptom of the Grim Reaper Disease of withdrawing life from life. Everything going wrong, all the harm, is a symptom and the evidence of fiction withdrawing life from life.

In The System, we are taught to be weak and helpless so we forget our power. We harm because we have been harmed, broken down and taught to be dependent on The System while life itself is being destroyed before us. The brutal act of invasion and the decisions behind it is still being played out today as a time and space rift that we have all become caught up with as it sucks life out of life. The rift is full of men, women and children labouring for the rift from the top, down the sides to the bottom, because they are dreaming (thinking/feeling) all the concepts and constructs of the time and space rift that they are taught as they grow up in The System.

We have forgotten that we are creating everything because we are the only ones here in the eternal here and now and everything we are experiencing is our creation, including the atmosphere, the weather, the environmental disasters and all the chaos happening all across earth. They are all the result of the intentions behind our dreaming.

We spend most of our lives being the labourers for the Grim Reaper Dream and the creation of a Kindom Village is to undo our participation in fiction. We build the infrastructure of the village and make it a paradise. We take the land that has been damaged and we regenerate it and, in doing so, we regenerate our lives and the whole of the dream of life, going back to the tribes and villages living as MAN on the land before the invasions began. We walk away from the fiction that is destroying life.

It is the belief in and worship of fiction that creates the Grim Reaper in all of us, and the power of this dark entity comes only from inside the time and space rift we have created in the eternal here and now of our real lives. All the feelings of the Grim Reaper are fiction; they can never be encountered or experienced amongst any natural life-forms of nature/earth/reality/life. Being imaginary, made out of nothing real, fiction requires education (suggestion, explanation, instruction, inculcation, brainwashing, indoctrination) for us to memorise the concepts and constructs of fiction so we can recall the scripts of fiction derived from the fiction of alphabets, again, again and again...... and communicate this AI in the eternal here and now.

Fiction is not part of reality. What is real exists only in the eternal here and now, so the memory of fiction is given an imaginary past that needs to be projected into an imaginary future to keep us recalling this AI in the eternal here and now. From this state of fantasy, illusion and delusion, we are able to communicate the scripts of AI through unnatural sounds, images, tastes, textures, smells and feelings (that we call e-motions). We also communicate AI through all the unnatural physical and material forms we conceive and construct from the concepts and constructs of AI to live, work, play, entertain, survive and dream in an AI world, The System, that we have created only through make-believe.

Having been trained to create a growing, imaginary, memory of AI and hold it in focus, we have used the past and the future of time and space constructs and concepts to split open an imaginary rift in the eternal here and now of our real lives, giving fiction an illusory location within our body/life as our "personality" so it can appear to exist amongst reality that is nature, earth, life, the living. The more we focus on and worship the AI, the more we fall into the distorted feelings of this unnatural personality to expand the memory of this fake life of fiction, and the more power we also give to the fantasy life of this Grim Reaper - all the destructive e-motions being its unnatural feelings, the substance of its unnatural life in an unnatural world.

We must perform everything for fiction as it has no real life to perform for itself, so we labour for its ghostly existence, performing all of its movements, feelings, needs, experiences, dreams, stories, adventures, creativity, etc, through the alphabet scripts of fiction we recall again, again, and again from the stored memory we house in our body as its host, and we constantly do this, even though the AI, and the "name/NAME/Name" given to it, is dead.

As we have all been educated, we have collectively created the matrix of an AI world, a beast of apocalyptic proportions where, all together, we are labouring to withdraw life from life to feed and expand the time and space rift where the fictions of AI only appear to exist. With nothing of life in fiction, its growth, nurtured by everyone possessed and driven by the instructions of The Grim Reaper (slaves, robots, drones, machines, cyborgs, clones, androids, zombies of AI), is turning nature/earth/reality/MAN into a dead wasteland where there is nothing real anymore.

We are committing earth-wide, spiritual suicide to who we all really are and what we are all really part of in a collective genocide.

The System with its government/politics, religion, commerce, banking, media, entertainment, psychology, sport, fashion, real estate, shopping, etc, and particularly its rule of law, is all AI that is designed to keep us constantly busy under the influence of its fiction, so we remain distracted and sedated by fiction, and therefore deeply withdrawn from the real life of the power of the good heart and all its virtues that naturally exists amongst nature/earth/MAN. As long as we are under the effects of the e-motions of fiction, it does not matter what state of e-motion we are experiencing, be it resignation, upset, victim mentality, anger, rage, complaint, defensive, argumentative, righteousness, withdrawn, powerlessness, desperation or manipulation, we are not coming from the non-fiction good heart with its real peace, calm, tranquility and clarity that allows us to hold big pictures of reality while zooming into tiny details using a speed of thought that is much faster than that of others caught up with fiction, so we can anticipate their intentions and counter them before they arrive into our lives.

When we are bogged down with e-motions, everything in our head becomes sluggish, one way or another, which diminishes the power of our true life (heart) capacities, and therefore our options to respond quickly decrease. The judges and barristers of the legal system with its rule of law are trained to keep their targets under the influence of e-motion because then they are easy to control, which keeps everyone inside the court of fiction. No matter what rackets of fiction are being used to play the game, as long as the judges and barristers keep the players inside the rules of the court, the Imperialists' power and control over everyone trapped in The System is maintained and never undermined, allowing them to control all outcomes.

The judges are trained to stay calm, free of e-motional influences, so they believe, because they do not want to disturb the e-motional trance states of trauma (fiction), sedating and controlling the fictional directions of the combatants. If any player steps outside the game, outside the court (trauma), and persistently challenges the judge's authority as the umpire, the judge will eventually walk out of the courtroom (match) quietly. The game of fiction can only be played inside its rules and never outside it; such a precedence in law would cause The System of the Imperialists' power and control over others to collapse. The intentions behind all the fiction of government, religion, rule of law, etc, are to keep us withdrawing from the good heart and all its virtues, so our lives can be constantly swamped by destructive e-motions and therefore be dominated and controlled by them.

With the strong values of the good heart of life being withdrawn through the misuse of freewill, and with no real community immunity in place at the local level to counter malevolence, we have allowed the gates of hell to remain open, permitting those who invented the Grim Reaper disease to continue procuring more and more fiction as they rape, pillage, plunder, use and abuse the fruits of our labour to accrue more fictional values, feathering their nests with even more fiction as they gain more power and control over everyone still subservient to fiction. This can only happen while we still worship at the feet of the false idols of fiction, governed by the Imperialists.

The purpose of a Kindom village is to stop withdrawing from life, the good heart, to slow the withdrawal down and eventually stop altogether when we have learnt to be fully responsible for our lives and to live do no harm lifestyles. The more we succumb to the Grim Reaper Disease that we are creating and spreading, the more we are swept up by it and the more we are forgetting who we really are and what we are really part of. Through amnesia, we are fading, fading, fading...... as we lose more and more connection with life so we destroy the very thing that we are part of that reminds us who and what we really are.

We have become so desensitized to fiction that we have accepted it as part of our lives and we don't even notice the horror of watching death spreading, played out all through The System, causing all the chaos that gives those at the top power and control because we are all too distracted, fragmented and deep asleep to notice or care. Raised in The System, we have practiced giving our real lives over to the Imperialists who design our spoon fed lives for us for the whole of our lives. Through alphabets, and all the ways alphabets are used to promote and receive their intentions (programs) to us, the Imperialists are always telling us how we should think, feel and act.

Regardless of all the horrors, sufferings and mishaps we encounter, and regardless of our willing participation in creating their dreams for them as spoon fed slaves operating without full-disclosure, it is the Imperialists creating the malnutrition, disease, sickness, wars, invasion, chaos, social unrest, homelessness, poverty, weakness, powerlessness, injustice, cruelty, murder, genocide, rape, pillage, plunder, incarcerations, death penalties, organised crimes, lies, committing fraud and slander, deceptions, etc, etc.

If they can get us to dream/think/feel what they want us to dream and remain focused on their dreams, they will make us create their dreams for them. Slaves willingly create a world of outcomes in their masters' image (intentions) without realising. To keep The System running the way it is, the Imperialists have to make sure they stop their drones from ever waking up, and they achieve this by continuing to design scripts of chaos to be performed as dampeners of distraction. The saturation of being absorbed in fiction reinvigorates traumas which desensitises and weakens focus on the power of the good heart, and this stops the masses rising up together; the few who raise their heads above the fog can easily be dealt with, one way or another. The boat of the status quo has only been rocked a little, and power and control is maintained over everyone.

The lengths those at the top are going to in order to maintain their power and control shows just how little they care for us but they don't realise that they are also being destroyed because they are connected to life, just as we are. To be able to destroy life, your life has already been partly destroyed. Your conscience, your alignment to the good heart has been severed. To become part of the network of the elite, you have to be able to turn off your conscience and follow orders without question, no matter how devastating to life your actions may be. In The System, crossing the line of the moral compass is normal and, to be groomed and invited to be an important lackey of the elite, you have to be prepared to regularly cross the line.

Fiction can't receive, hold and pass on life, so all the time we spend with fiction, the life energy we give to fiction is not coming back at us, or to anyone or anything of life. We get nothing of life in return to expand life with. Only nature/earth/life can do that for us, and this is why co-creating a living (live in the dream of a) Kindom paradise in the here and now is so essential for each of us to be able to fully climb out of the time and space rift where the dark, anti-life, Grim Reaper death to life operates. With each of us labouring for fiction and being entertained by fiction, we remain bound within the prisons of the time and space rift where we willingly suck life out of life, out of your life, out of our life, and out of all of life all around us, without ever being able to hold and give life back to life freely. With no nurturing, regenerative life energy going back to life, the depletion of life expands and expands, and immense harm, sickness, disease, death and extinction to life continues spreading unabated.

The collective secrecy Imperialists/Freemasons/ocCULTists hold is also fiction, and with all of them trapped inside the time and space rift, the unknown of their collective darkness of secrecy is also the making of their group's eternal death. They will not suspect the Grim Reaper when it is removing the last of life from all of their vessels because they have already dreamt their eternal death that way by setting this outcome into motion. In this light, we are not answerable to those who consider themselves our masters. When will we stop being lemmings following the one in front over the cliff of the rift? When will we stop being the rats to the pied pipers of The System who lead everyone and everything, including the rebellion, from within the rift to keep everyone trapped in the rift? They don't want us to leave their rift and, if we want to stop participating in the dream of the Grim Reaper, we have to learn how to stop being spoon fed while we practice standing on our own two feet again in a Kindom Paradise of our co-creation, taking full responsibility for everything we are thinking, feeling and doing, which means we create real lives outside the time and space rift of fiction worship.

System life is designed to make us forget who we really are so we don't notice the stealth of the intentions of the imperialists creeping up on our brains and our bodies. When we are all caught up in our e-gos, we are set aside, out of the way, because we are caught up in the fiction of being busy, etc, and we are not a threat. When we stop being influenced by fiction, we take back our power. We stop being puppets of fiction and we can no longer be controlled because we are no longer listening to the scripts of fiction and the e-motions we play out in the scripts of fiction. When we are no longer acquiescent to fiction, we can focus on dreams that have no fiction in them and this is how we walk away from The System. When twenty or thirty of us do it together, we share the responsibility of land, food, water and shelter so we each have more time for creative dreaming, and the strong bonds we form provide protection for the community. Living with nature providing us with everything naturally, we are not co-dependent on fiction and we have true, living freedom.

Having a good heart or promoting good hearted sentiments is just not enough. We need to use our senses to work out the intentions of those who come into our lives, whether close to us or through the information channels of The System. We are so used to allowing others, with whom we place our good hearts, to design our lives of fiction for us and correct our external issues that, when we are not working with the senses, trained intelligence operatives will be allowed to continue entering into our lives to socially engineer us without us having an inkling of what is going on. We will be rats to the Pied Pipers following them as they play their flutes of deception. Those who have lost the connection with the good heart are capable of doing the most horrific things.

The greatest lies and liars are the ones closest to the truth; they cause the greatest damage of all because the duped learn to trust them. If the liars can get you to dream/think/feel what they want you to dream/think/feel, and can get you to stay focused on their dreams, you are willingly creating a dream-world in the image of your imperial masters without realising. The greatest method used by the imperialists to maintain our devotion is through the trauma that creates the time and space rift in the eternal here and now where all your life-energy is being directed into their dream world and not into the natural domain of your dream of life. Read The Fiction Of Destructive E-Motions = The Dark Side.

The imperialists who are still running The System need power and control at all times so The System is designed for them to control all outcomes, no matter what. There is nothing thriving in the public domain of The System that is not allowed to thrive. Everything written about ancient history, about science, religion, Hollywood, documentaries, politics, the law, education, philosophies, spirituality, etc, is there because it suits the agenda of power and control and because it is all set to the backdrop of The System, thus validating The System and making us think that it is normal, reality. The freeman/sovereignty movement, environmental protest groups, consciousness/spirituality groups, self-sufficient, off-grid, homesteading, community groups are allowed to thrive because they suit the agenda of "back to nature", living locally, eco-friendly environments that have been planned for us while we still remain under the power and control of our imperial brother and sister hood. Our "awakening" has been designed and manifested for us and we are swallowing the bait, hook, line and sinker.

The intention for a Kindom village is to undo the power and control of our imperialist programming by walking away from The System so that the choice of those behind The System is to leave us alone or bring them out into the open to murder us because we no longer acquiesce to their demands, which we can only do when we have overcome the fear of death and the fear of loss. It is up to each of us to observe, recognise and undo the control they have over our feelings that is our thinking so that we no longer act out their wishes and we get back to taking full responsibility for our real lives as part of the natural dream of life, living locally where we all know each other intimately, providing immense, good-hearted benefits to the village.