This webpage "Kindom And Not Kingdom" is still under construction with sectional rewrites, inclusions, repetition deletions and editing going on. Completion expected by the 30th October 2024.

In caring for all of life, the big-picture intelligence of the magnificent sun shines over nature that also shines its intelligence outwards to all of life through its unique purpose for life. This is the example of how we work with the good heart and all its virtues by allowing nature to raise our children under the sun. This is Kindom. Through constant exposure to the big picture intelligence of the good heart of life, and through senses (touch, taste, feel, smell, hear, see), our children naturally form the eternal life substance of their unique, big-picture consciousness as they also direct their life-focus outwards for the benefit of all of life around them. Otherwise, raised in The System of monotheism (sameness cults) with their same defined perceptions of reality, they turn their life-focus inwards to the stored fiction memories (the definitions) of an educated "self" (the cult follower) they have constructed from the definitions. The sameness programming of the educated "self" becomes the AI of an arisen God of fiction, the egregore of the cult, where the "self" is part of a defined God cult of fiction (religion, politics, law, commerce, science, philosophy, occults, esoterics, etc), they worship as its cult followers. This is where the narcissism of self-centeredness, self-importance and self-obsession blooms without the developed big-picture consciousness of the good heart of DO NO HARM to care for all of life all around them, in perpetuity.

Where the sun once was is now a black-hole of the Dark Ages, the e-go of disconnection from reality that lacks the big-picture intelligence of the good heart and is unable to directly sense the intelligence of life-forms communing with them. In The System, we are taught a fake, man-made perception of reality through the definitions we learn from the education system and from those around us who were also educated. The definitions are the voice of another MAN inside our heads telling us how to think, feel and act, and these instructions shut us down because they have nothing to do with the consciousness of another unique life form that we can now no longer directly sense. This is why we are trained from so young to have the AI e-gos (fictions) of unconsciousness (no big-picture intelligence of reality) in the image of the Imperialists to live for the Kingdom intentions of their Dark Ages. It is the dark ages because they are not our dreams; we never created any of them. Kingdom only operates as an hierarchical, compartmentalised pyramid of AI, a Kingdom of darkness and secrecy, of privileges and exclusivity, of haves and have nots, a Kingdom that is without the good heart and all its virtues. If truth is kept secret, then we won't know who we really are and what we are really part of, and therefore, we become mushrooms growing in the darkness of bullshit, where we are easily manipulated and controlled in the Dark Ages of Kingdom (pope, president, king, judge, etc), a CULT, unable to return to Kindom.


Through senses, undefined children raised by nature create their unique dreams of life that naturally form the substance of their eternal life, the soul, embodying the BIG PICTURE intelligence of the good-god heart as their vessel. No one can create the soul for a child, only the child can do that. The true freedom a child has with undisturbed nature (kindom), without exposure to the unnatural distractions and distortions of fiction (sound, image, form, flavour, scent, texture, ambience, destructive e-motions, AI), of a kingdom to break their concentration, examination, contemplation and observation of nature/earth/creation/life, this freedom from fiction allows children to clearly bond and align with the immense depths and heights of the intelligence of life, and this forges a powerful embrace with the good heart and all its virtues. The desire for power and control behind the intentions of the imperialists is to deeply corrupt the soul of MAN so that we do not remember who we really are.


If a group of us is observing a life-form, we are each having a unique experience. If one of us tries to explain the experience, the rest of us can never experience what the explainer is experiencing. We can only imagine the AI (fiction) of the experience explained to us, which will NEVER be the real experience the explainer had. Through senses, the direct experience of touch, taste, feel, smell, hear and see will always be unique for each of us. Through the centuries of their recorded ages and conquests (the victors always write the history to suit their agendas) and through explanation, instruction, education, suggestion, inculcation, indoctrination and brainwashing, the imperialists have gone to great effort all across earth to define all the direct, sensory experiences of their captives with the intention to cause disconnection with life from very young so we are lost for whole lifetimes in the kingdom (fiction) of their imaginary dream world, The System.

Our true consciousness is all around us. As we directly sense the information coming from the intelligence of a life-form, inanimate or not, our consciousness is there, and as we observe other life-forms, our consciousness is there, and there, and there, and there, and there........ expanding, expanding, expanding..... The natural intelligence of life we encounter through undefined senses, expands our consciousness. This is Kindom. Our true consciousness is NOT CENTRALISED and never will be. Only fiction is centralised as the e-go of AI which causes all believers of whatever religion, deity, concept or construct they have raised as their false idol God to shut down the natural intelligence of life that creates their undefined consciousness through their worship of these false idols of life. They are now lost in the darkness of imagining fiction being reality, the dark ages. This is Kingdom where a MAN'S intention to dominate and have power and control over the life of another MAN goes on.


The imperialists are pirates with skull and bone flags on their mast. These high level, initiated ocCULTists/Freemasons sail on the defined alphabet seas of fantasy, illusion and delusion, attacking and boarding all vessels, that being our parents, families and tribes, to weaken their defences and steal their cargo, us. These psychopaths do not want the intelligence of the good heart to inspire children to control the helms of their growing vessels. They do everything possible to get at us in the womb and, after birth, take control of the helm through education, using definitions to blindfold us. They then use planks to send us overboard into the alphabet seas where we fashion the system persons while the potential of a soul is hog tied and sent us to the deepest, remotest part of the hull, never to be heard from again. Today, the vessel of almost every child is sailing on the fictional seas of the Dark Ages, always under the power and control of the imperialists. This is Kingdom.

The imperialists created the DARK AGES for each of us to dream for and labour in. Raising defined children who lose the ability to directly sense reality and are not allowed to naturally create their unique dreams of life turns them into deep asleep, spoon fed slaves in a covert system of slavery, The System. The greatest lie and liar is the one closest to the truth. They cause the greatest damage of all because the duped learnt to trust them. The deceived allow the darkness of the liars, the establishment of the imperialists who control all aspects of The System operating behind the shadows, to come close to us as if they are our best, trusted friends. This is how they influence and condition us, and they have done this to our mums, dads, siblings, wider families, friends, associates, basically, EVERYONE.


A defined MAN can be turned into a slave who labours for a dream world in their masters image for a whole lifetime, without realising they are doing so; they teach us to spell to put us under their spell. In the middle of the word belief is the word lie, and in the middle of lie is "i", the AI of the e-go (i), the all seeing eye (i) of fiction, designed by the imperialists to make us go against the non-fiction intelligence of the good heart and all its virtues, thus stopping us creating and expanding our true consciousness of Kindom, the undefined soul/MAN of eternal life in co-creation with all of life.

The Mud Room of Kindom is where we master making decisions only from the good heart and all its virtues rather than under the influence of FICTION, including the e-motions of doubt, uncertainty, distrust, suspicion, fear, fantasy, narcissism with its ownership attachments, and numerous other destructive e-motions being performed in the Dark Ages that keep us from living by the virtues of the good heart. The System we were all raised in is a cult of many cults, derived from the imperialist, high-level ocCULTic practices that completely ends in the Mudroom of Kindom. Some Australian farm houses have a mudroom with a basic shower, basin and toilet, where all the dirty clothes and boots are taken off before entering clean into the main home. For the greater good of the long term life of the village, the Kindom Mud Room can be 5 to 30 acres of a massive piece of land, where all community infrastructure is built and where all villagers heal their trauma and let go of the influence of the destructive e-motions so that none of it carries on to be played out in Kindom.

Arthur & Fiona Cristian