And lets not forget about the past thirteen hundred years or so of mostly European Imperial invasions across earth, who came with intentions to conquer all tribes and villagers, regardless of what it took to make it happen, and with their network of educated lackeys in tow, oversee 99.99% of the remaining populations as their spoon fed slaves. Looking across the generations since the Imperial invasions began, if we peel back this Imperial/Freemasonic onion ring of brainwashing and deception, what we find at the core of this Imperial onion, is an international network of Freemasonic orders (New World Order - A One World Order of many orders joining hand by hand to form a round table across earth headed by the Anti-Christ/Life [your life - everyones life] - The Lord Is A Land Lord - A Manorial Grand Master), almost completely in power and control over everyone (all refugees) today, so they believe - they have not pulled this off yet, that's unless we let/support them.

To completely withdraw from The System, you either have to live very, very remotely, living off the land 100%, hoping that the slave masters can't be bothered to search you out, or you have to create a community of refugees, large enough to become fully sustainable, a 100% off-grid village as a sanctuary for all refugees, where the generous, non-narcissistic/self-obsessed villagers (refugees) take care of the village (refugees) and the combined skills of the villagers (refugees) are sufficient to create everything the village (refugee in a sanctuary) needs to exist completely independently from The System.

Just as ants are to the nest, bees to the hive, birds to the flock, wolves to the pack, and creatures and trees to the forest, to create such an empowered, successful, happy, peaceful, joyful community, requires kindom-villagers using The System to build all village infrastructure while also fully supporting a community of non-loners/in-divide-u-all-s involved in the creation of the village. Therefore, a lot of money is needed to make things happen fast until the inspired, hard working community of refugees can completely withdraw. This requires everyone involved to be the outward sun shinning of selflessness over the Kindom Village Dream of life, this includes the immense commercial sacrifice of fiction required to aid in making all this happen; everyone selling the intellectual property of their properties, unrequired assets, businesses, investments, etc, etc = The People (Refugees) Live For The Village (Sanctuary) And The Kindom Village Takes Care Of Everyone - As Refugees We Use The System To Get Out Of The System In/As This Life.

Currently, we have been offered both a non-contract, no time restraint, 6 to 10 million aussie dollar gift towards the creation of the Ironbark Farm Kindom village (sanctuary), and between a 20 to 25 million aussie dollar gift to create an unencumbered, debt free, delivery of food business opportunity for refugees as part of the sanctuary, a business that can repay the benefactor down-the-line for the most generous commercial support of aiding refugees on their earthly motherland, while also creating an income for the villagers/refugees of Kindom, and for the funding of other village/sanctuary projects. The repayment to the benefactor is through the refugees funding future healing and health projects for refugees, yet alone aiding the growth of other Kindom villages/sanctuaries located elsewhere, be they in Australia or overseas.

For us, after traversing the hell of The System since at least 2003, the idea of setting up a business delivering food seemed to go against everything we have been dreaming for but, the more we thought about the follow through opportunities it creates, the more we became interested. However, we do not want to create a business in The System just for the sake of having a business, particularly a business that is not directly benefiting both the Kindom community and the wider community, be they near or afar.

Not excluding a bakery with its own mill, creating other food products including running commercial kitchens all on one site, the primary business is a large scale, latest hi-tech, hydroponic, deeply mineralised, organic, fresh food production operation, producing very high quality produce to start with, and our vision is to be able to sell delivery of this healthy food at low cost so that even lower income families can easily afford to buy the delivery of high quality food and thus start to improve their health, strength, moods and attitudes. Starting with two hydroponic systems, each one taking up 4.5 acres in size, our plan is to eventually run 4 of them.

With the business not carrying any debt, leases, rents, mortgages, dividends to private investors, etc, we have reduced the overheads, and by also having a low cost labour force coming from the Kindom village of refugees, with everything essential to the villagers (land, food, water, shelter, community skill set-services, healing, recreational facilities, other services, etc) being taken care of by the village, we are now greatly reducing the business overheads, which allows us to supply constant, vast quantities of high quality food at prices cheaper than the current crap food provided by multi-nationals.

With the whole Kindom Village of refugees and its humanitarian business operation being overseen by a few incorruptible wisdom keepers, the business will be an off-shoot of the Kindom community in that, those refugees who wish to be full-on involved in the Kindom village, will be able to work in the business, full or part time, alongside setting up the community infrastructure but, because all their needs will be taken care of by the community as it grows, they will be able to be paid at a lower rate, thus keeping profits in the business to go towards repaying the gift (no expectation of time to repay) and to create further community refugee projects that benefit everyone.

One of our goals has always been to supply top quality food to the wider community and it has always been our intention that surplus food grown in the community will be given away for free. This will still happen but we will also be able to supply far wider networks with low cost, high quality food via the business. Another possibility is having shops in areas of higher population density to avoid going through the middle men and the big supermarket chains. Just as we had planned to give food away through a building in Kempsey that is also a hub for workshops, healing, connection and building networks of people who want to grow food and lessen the grip of The System on their lives, so the shops can be hubs of support, learning, networking and healing provided for free alongside the great produce at low prices. Profits of the refugee driven business will also go to creating other Kindom village sanctuaries, local town hubs, workshops, etc.

The business run by refugees will be as self sufficient as possible, with our own energy, transport trucks, mechanics, biofuel manufacturing, in house accounting, management, etc, and it will all be protected under a watertight trust overseen by incorruptible men and women. The business to aid refugees will keep operating as long as The System is in place or until it is deemed no longer necessary, in which case it will be re-purposed for community needs.

To be edited, improved and expanded on...........

Arthur & Fiona Cristian