- 2003-2007 An unsuccessful attempt by the Australian Taxation Office and government agents to bankrupt the name "Arthur Cristian" in the Federal Magistrates Court, claiming that $250,000 was owing.

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- 2005-2007 Macquarie Bank approved a line of credit for renovations to the downstairs of the beach house (the family home) but then supplied us with a principal and interest mortgage with far higher repayments than we could afford. They acknowledged the switching of the contracts, that we had nothing to do with, but refused to fix it and the matter ended up in the Supreme Court of NSW where we lost the house, including almost everything Arthur saved from working hard for 20 years, and we also lost two strong cash flow businesses, an overall amount that would be $6 million in today's values. Our family ended up close to destitution and poverty, despite being a hard working, clean living, non-violent family that does not break the peace, commit crimes, injure anyone, lie or steal.

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- 2005-2012 Arthur experienced four assassination attempts, Fiona was kidnapped (arrested), there was intense surveillance, phone tapping, being followed by many cars, late night knocking on windows and doors, honey pots sent our way, intelligence operatives who came close to us acting as if they are "one of us", hundreds of death threats and threats to take our children away from us by internet-email trolls.

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- 2009 Amongst other articles posted in the Love For Life website, the CEO of the NSW Jewish Board Of Deputies, Mr Vic Alhadeff, rang Arthur about a mainstream public domain article we reposted regarding 6 media companies controlling 96% of the world media are owned by Jews. Vic threatened to shut down our website. In a recorded telephone interview by journalist Steve Johnson from South East Asia News, who followed up on these threats made by Vic Alhadeff, Vic made it clear to Steve that "Australians do not have freedom of speech".

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- 2009-2018 A debt collection agency representative turned up looking for $300k. Arthur got rid of him within a few minutes as he had no binding contract with us. What service, labour or product did this 3rd party agency provide us? Did they give us a box of apples, work in the garden for a few days or paint the house and we did not pay them? They provided no evidence of anything. Behind the scam of Macquarie Bank that created escalating, unpaid interest from the time they switched contracts in 2005, providing us with a contract where there was no meeting of the minds, making the contract fraudulent and we refused to validate it. The debt collection agency probably bought this lie for 10% of the debt, seeking the other 90% from us. We never heard from them again.

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Whether over the telephone, in the mail or a knock on the door, a range of other debt collection agencies came searching for $50k to $150k, all off the back of them buying unpaid interest components from Macquarie Bank. They all came and left very quickly, never to be heard from again.

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Between 2015 and 2018, various debt collection agencies wrote to Arthur seeking payment + penalties for unpaid mobile phone bills with Vodafone, Optus, Virgin & Telstra. Arthur has been completely out of The System since 2005, no drivers license, passport, registrations, tax file numbers, employment records, bank accounts, credit cards, etc, and is unable to get the 100 points required to gain a mobile phone contract. Arthur wrote a song about these events and put it up on Youtube 2nd September 2018 with two other Love For Life songs, "Big Man Giant" & "Save Our Lives"

"How Did They Get The 100 Points?
Song Rough Demo Arthur Cristian"

Arthur also received a phone call from a Sergeant at the Goulburn Police Station handling Cyber Crime, who knew about Arthur's "name" stance, but he had to ask if Arthur had a mobile phone contract under his name as there was a woman detained in the Redfern Police Station in Sydney using a mobile phone under Arthur's name.

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- 2005-2023 Numerous on-line campaigns and local rumour mongering to smear our names and destroy our reputations, both locally and internationally, with the website being attacked repeatedly on many fronts. At various times, we were accused of promoting hate-speech/crimes by Scribid, Facebook and YouTube.

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Within 2 days, a 2017 video we posted on YouTube went quickly to 850+ views, before it froze for 3 days and then reset to around 130 views and then the click counter moved slower than snails pace. When our videos were first put up on YouTube, there were no technical issues but then all our Youtube videos started to freeze, or the audio and video went out of synch, there were weird noises in the background, they went blank, black or white, or would stop and start, or become hazy or distorted, all click counters were altered and mostly stopped registering, and our youtube channel would not open for many browsing the net.

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Many times we were accused of being a cult. In response we'd say.....

So all our ancestors, pre imperial invasions, who lived in villages or tribes, nomadic or not, were all part of cults? Is living for freedom a cult? Is living lives of do no harm to life a cult? Is living for the greater good of everyone around us a cult? Is a clean living, non violent lifestyle a cult? Is living for happiness, joy, peace and calm part of a cult? Is living debt free a cult? That walking away from living for fiction is a cult? Is breaking away from The System that supports haves and have nots, rich and poor, and causes immense suffering, starvation, malnutrition, poverty, homelessness, destitution, chaos, injustice, cruelty, invasion of private lives, war, fascism, etc, etc, a cult? Is not being answerable to anyone unless we have done harm, injured someone, committed a crime or broken the peace a cult?

We looked amongst our children, under our beds, in the wardrobes, bathrooms, kitchen, pantry, living areas, in the garage, in and under the cars, all around the yard, down the street, under the trees, etc, etc, to find this so-called cult. Where are all the loose men and women and all the orgies? Where are all the loaded bank accounts? Where is this cult?

We get silence and no evidence is brought forward.

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- 2009-2019 We have had over 35,000 followers removed from Arthur's Facebook wall, multi-thousands of Facebook friends removed and we had people asking us why we had removed them when we didn't.

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Using different computers and locations, a group of 10 contacted us after each of them clicked on a few of our Youtube videos saying that only 1 or 2 clicks appeared on the counter of each video they were testing over a week.

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Heaps of people came onto the 7 Facebook walls/groups we used and tried to stir up controversy and hostility to keep others away, to destroy connections and make it not a good place to be. Well-known "freedom-truthers" contacted us but refused to do live interviews as they did not want to take us on in debate.

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There are ongoing problems still occurring with our website, people telling us that when they try to go to our website they get a blank page or "not available" or does not exist (something like that) usually with a sketch of someone using a fishing rod.

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- 2014-2017 A defamatory comment was posted in our unmoderated website by Michael Borusiewicz, an Australian, leading to an ACT (Australian Capital Territories) defamation case with a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), David Bottrill, a Canberra resident in the ACT. The same comment posted by the same poster was also posted in many other Australian websites and Facebook groups which quickly started other defamation cases by David Bottrill and possibly other members of the Aleister Crowley OTO. As Arthur could not be pulled into their courts, having given up the commercial name/person, Fiona was ordered to pay the plaintiff $10,150.00.

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- 2018 Between June and September 2018,

Paypal closed Fiona's 2009 account saying she had done nothing wrong. They did it for "security purposes" which stopped all gifts coming in from supporters across Earth caring for the Love For Life Campaign and the Cristian Family.

Scribd closed Fiona's 2009 account, claiming that we were promoting hate-speech/crimes. They provided no evidence to back these claims causing multi-hundreds of embedded documents, pdf's, text files, research papers, e-books, etc, to be removed from our website. Photobucket issues came aplenty causing many hundreds of embedded photos from appearing in our website (its since been resolved).

Facebook ghosting, blocking, interruptions, and we were regularly told by others that many of our Love For Life links (videos, articles, comments, etc) were not working, but they all worked for us.

Fiona was given a Termination Notice (no fault) on the rental property we had been living in since Nov 2005*** (used as our bunker while in battles with Macquarie Bank, etc), with the real estate agents saying that the owners desperately needed to sell the house, along with the house they owned next door, both investment properties. This turned out to be a lie because they ended up renting both houses out again. We had built a massive garden growing organic food and needed far more time than the three months given to return the property. We offered to pay more rent but were rejected. We finally had to vacate in February 2019, with a huge job to take down the garden and pack everything up which sucked up all our money and left us homeless, living in a camper trailer for the next three years and Arthur and Fiona living in the car for 10 months until we finally moved to Ironbark Farm Aust in October 2022.

*** We wrote to the agents and owners a year prior receiving the termination notice, asking for at least 6 to 12 months notice for us to vacate, remove the garden and clean up and have us move to a larger piece of land suitable for our dreams - rent was always paid well in advance and the property was well looked after. Property managers considered Fiona an excellent, valuable tenant.

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- 11th Sept 2022 - This is a copy of a post we put up 13th Sept 2022 on Arthur's, Fiona's, and 5 other Facebook Group walls we used back then, a Cristian family news article that has since been blocked, ghosted or we get the message "This page isn't available - The link may be broken, or the page may have been removed. Check to see if the link you're trying to open is correct.". With Arthur's and 5 other FB group walls being hijacked, one compromised, all in July 2023, the remaining links, if they work are: and - On the 29th January 2024 we reposted it in Fiona's and Love For Life Kindoms FB group wall

We wrote.....

Early Sunday morning 11th September 2022, around 4.40, we had 3 hrs sleep before a real James Bond scene unfolded before us when a large helicopter hovered near and above us for up to 10 minutes.

Coming from the Helicopter were powerful intense white spot lights moving all across Eridge Park in Burradoo, near Bowral, Southern Highlands, NSW, where we were sleeping in our car on Wirreanda Rd inside Eridge Park. We had been sleeping in the car there with our 3 dogs in the boot, for most of the past 10 months since late Dec 2021. The car was parked very close to the Eridge Park Road entrance gates, facing north towards Elizabeth St, with the open athletics sports field to our left and the many volley ball courts to our right a little further ahead, with public toilets, canteen and change room building north behind the Net Ball courts, and the Velodrome behind this building. A scene unfolded straight out of a Hollywood jailbreak movie with heaps of police and government agents hunting for the escapees.

On top of sleepy suburbia, this LOUD helicopter finally took up to 5 minutes to slowly come down and land in between the 12 goal posts of 6 netball courts right near our car that was parked less than 80m away, at around 4.50am. There are multi-hundreds of homes near us and all around Eridge Park.

As this event was unfolding and we are still waking up snuggled under our Coleman -6 sleeping bags, unzipped and used as cosy blankets, heads startled as we peeped out through the windscreen looking at many intense vehicle headlights turning off Elizabeth Street and heading directly towards on Wirreanda Rd. There were probably 8 to 10 large vans and other military (contractors) like vehicles, all in a row, one after the other, with high beam lights on inside Eridge Park upon Wirreanda's bitumen road.

Were we about to be arrested or shot dead???

What are they all doing here on a very early Sunday morning amongst suburbia???


Our heads were spinning overtime but we were not frightened.

We then saw many, many men (and possibly women) coming out from all these vehicles, and from the helicopter, some were wearing huge back packs and what looked like military uniforms or Swat gear.


The windscreen was intensely lit up for ages but no one came next to our car. A large van did come close to us, probably 6 meters away, stopped, then reversed back and turned around, and I did see a faded male face that looked startled as well.

The helicopter turned its engine off while various vehicles were driving on to grass areas in many different directions where vehicles don't drive, and many men were walking this way and that way behind trees, along the roads inside the park, across the sport fields, and around the velodrome, and around the netball building with its 24/7 public toilet block we use.

We were still deeply startled and busting to go to the toilets, but we did not want to get out of the car. We were not sure what was going on. There were no stretchers coming out of or heading towards the helicopter. No one being carried or assisted due to injuries. Inside the helicopter looked very busy with heaps of electronic lighting indicating banks of electronic equipment. .

There were too many of them.

As dawn was breaking around 6am and the day started getting lighter with the sky breaking into orange, faded blue and grey colours, we both then took a few shots from our mobile phones as the vehicles started to leave while the helicopter started up its engine, lights came on and started taking off.

Neither of us thought to take photos earlier when this James Bond scene started to unfold. We were both very, very tired.

Since that Sunday morning, many times we searched the net even until today, but nothing was reported of this event.

In hindsight, it probably was a warning shot directed at us, a demonstration of what these high level ocCULTists/Freemasons can do, sending in an assault team built, trained and used to attack dissenters like us determined to create Kindom/village life apart from The System, and no longer under their authority, power and control.

This is what we are all about and have been making it very clear, always through full disclosure, what our intentions are/were about us creating Kindom, in the public domain since 2005, through the internet, social media, email networks, talking, writing, making videos, podcasts, etc, and particularly through our 2006 love for life website.

They can throw whatever they want at us, as often as they want, and they already have done this, many, many, many times over the years, but we have nothing else to live for, we refuse to be their willing slaves, fear porned and all.

We will always choose to die living free rather than be deeply broken down slaves in fear of our lives and our children's lives.












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July 2023 - Arthur Cristian's 2007-2008 Facebook Wall was hijacked 9th July 2023 and is no longer found. The 1st post at the top of Arthur's FB wall/time-line, a Bitcoin post using our Cristian family trademark and Arthur's "Name" is from the hijackers/fraudsters - we have nothing to do with it. Much of the Love For Life work and insights going back to 2005, multi-hundreds of posts, have been altered or deleted.

Arthur's Facebook wall is now listed as "Ik Ogbonna", and all Arthur's posts, comments, etc, wherever posted on Facebook are now showing up as "Ik Ogbonna" posts, comments, etc. Many original posts have been completely altered with photos and text replaced or deleted, and the url's have been altered too. Various original comments remain with some now looking out of place because there is no original post existing which the comments are referring to. All post shares and emoji likes, hearts, laughs, etc, coming from Arthur's FB friends remain, examples: Example 1 and Example 2 and Example 3. There are other original posts between 2013 and 2017 where the photos and text Arthur posted are in tact. Just the name of the poster has been changed to "Ik Ogbonna", see: Example 4 and Example 5 and Example 6.

Arthur being the only FB administrator, 4 old Love For Life Facebook Groups, and 1 not so old, were lost as well, There Is No Freedom While Land Is Not Free and Love For Life Kindoms - The Co-Creation Of Do No Harm Communities and Love For Life Discussions - Why Aren't We Free? How Can We Be Free? and Love For Life Music and Amour pour la Vie Kindoms

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Since 2019 - Numerous comments posted by Arthur in the comments section of various Youtube Videos created and uploaded by others on different YouTube Channels were removed within 5 to 10 minutes of being posted and with no notifications of doing so. When Arthur goes back to check if they are still there, they have already been removed within 10 minutes of being posted. Of the hundreds of comments posted over these years, the last two occurred here

Fight the System with Transformational Speaker, Chris Edward - Episode 44 - on the Youtube channel Off Script by Ty Temel - 23 minutes 40 seconds into this video, Arthur posted a comment in reply to Chris explaining a court room scene about a man in America standing up to a judge and causing the judge to leave the court room, and the man then said "I Am Now The Highest Ranking Member In This Court And This Case Is Dismissed".

Arthur, already having this video embedded in the Love For Life (LFL) website way back around 2012/2013 and circulating it over the net, posted a comment in the comments section of this video saying "The man in the court causing a judge to flee happened in Canada, not America, and back then, the man, "Wilfred Keith Thompson", quickly transformed himself into the transvestite, "Kate Of Gaia" (also known as "JANE DOE-755", "Dohm Teewatt", "D-ohm T-Wat", and "Kate Renee Thompson"), who is an Intelligence Operative we routed out during the whiteanting and whitewashing Facebook attacks (and elsewhere) directed at us by Kate Of Gaia within 2 years of that video being posted on the net, see A Disassociation From The Work of Kate of Gaia - Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - 17th May 2014.

Things are not what they seem.

Since 2005, after all our intense years of LFL research, scrutiny, contemplation and testing the waters of The System, we have come to see that none of us should ever have given up full responsibility for land, food, water and shelter, and that this is all that matters because it's also how we give up who we really are too, see: for more on all this.

On the whiteanting and whitewashing of our LFL "NAME" work since we started exposing and pushing this information intensely, 2005 to 2019, here is an interesting article demonstrating how the whiteanting and whitewashing really works. It came out in the UK, 14th June 2016 Is It Illegal to Use a Legal Name?

It does not matter if they are all in on it or not, on all sides, the whiteanting and whitewashing still work by placing doubt, uncertainty, distrust, discomfort, fear, humiliation, worries about being written off, being associated, etc, etc. It is also there to make it seem as though this is nothing serious, nothing to see here, a farce. Often these things end up being a part of the language, tossed around by many until they seem normal, nothing to worry about. A few years ago, it was common among high school students to talk about the Illuminati, woo, woo, but then the phase passes and it no longer has any weight.

The "Name" Is The Mark Of The Beast
The Strawman Identifying Your Slave Status
In "The System"
Love For Life
Arthur Cristian - 6th February 2012

The second video was about The Ringing Cedars series of books with a man representing the Anastasia Foundation showing a second English translation of these books with black covers, which he was selling through a post on two Ringing Cedars Facebook groups that he is part of Facebook Group Ringing Cedars North America and Anastasia Foundation - Ringing Cedars in the English-Speaking World, along with a YouTube video that he created and put up on his Youtube Channel Anastasia Foundation, see the video in question here: We Have the Last New Ringing Cedars Books | July 23rd Events Worldwide + Big News. However, we were previously told, many, many, years ago, by Leo, an IT guy working with Vladimir Megre's (author) family office in Canada, that Vladimir was not happy with the English translation in the black books as he felt it misrepresented the original, Russian books he wrote.

The 10 books Vladimir approves of are an English re-translation that can be obtained directly from his Russian website Vladimir Megre, here Buy V Megre Ringing Cedar Books.

We were told not to push the black books so we made sure to warn people about them, circulating this information through our networks. Arthur posted a comment to Gabriel Miguel, 24th/25th July 2024, the guy promoting the black books who said he had been given to them to help fund their foundation project. The whole story contained in Arthur's comment to Gabriel Miguel is more detailed but, instead of writing an explanation to his comment, they quickly removed the post from Facebook and YouTube. We have already experienced attempts to hijack the essence of the books many years ago through other blogs and social media groups, 2007 to 2011.

We don't know whether the individuals behind Facebook and YouTube are removing Arthur's comments or whether there is an intercepting, big brother intelligence effort involved to remove his comments, many of which are not controversial, just sticking to facts. Hundreds of Arthur's comments are being quickly removed. Our voice seems to be silenced no matter where we go. The only place we have is the LFL website but even that is ghosted and blocked. It just seems too consistent to be a series of coincidences.

Free speech is indeed a rare thing in The System.

An historic mass herd psyop was the Hippy Flower Power Movement. Read the following about "Laurel Canyon", and how it was used to whiteant, whitewash and hijack the real freedom-truth movement that started in America in the 1950's, off the back of the Korean war, and then the Vietnam war in the 1960's. Stealing the mantras of this freedom-truth movement, those behind the psyop used the freedom-truth mantras in association with free sex, orgies, drugs, dropping out and spacing out, so that the remaining unknown American people, and other nations, exposed to the hippy flower power movement being played out through the industries of Freemasonic controlled media, music, film, fashion, etc, and by association, would write off anyone pushing the mantras of the real freedom-truth movement, all ending up in the same basket case as the hippies and flower power drop outs.

Inside The LC
The Strange But Mostly True Story
Of Laurel Canyon & The Birth Of The Hippie Generation
By Dave McGowan - 8th May 2008

The Dream Of Life Part 5D
Images Of Deception
The Intelligence Agents Amongst Us
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
24th February 2012

Ever since we have been promoting no man-made system and returning children to being brought up by nature undefined, we have been experiencing serious attacks, and whenever we come across intelligent people promoting alternative living, consciousness, spirituality, or Freeman stuff, but not talking about getting away from The System back to no man-made system, alarm bells ring for us because, if we are not getting away from The System, nothing changes no matter how much we "fight the law" or go off-grid because we are still answerable to third parties between us and MAN, land, food, water and shelter which means we can never be free because we can never take full responsibility for the whole of our lives.

Pre-invasion, we all lived without The System and this is where we need to return to, and those at the top have to make sure that we never remember this or start to sense who we really are under the extreme weight of all the brainwashing of The System. This is why, over the years, we have gone to so much trouble to explain in great detail, repetitively, what is in plain sight. showing exactly HOW we are tricked, through the slight of hand, into remaining loyal to The System despite the fact that it so obviously isn't working as everything of The System destroys the life that we need to live. The psychological manipulation behind The System is so strong that we have been persuaded to destroy who we are and celebrate it.

The Dream Of Life Part 6
Under The Spell Of Intellectual Property
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
19th April 2012

There have been many over the years talking about freedom, truth, peace, back to the land, community, etc, but there are many intelligence agents amongst them, and over the years we have routed many out. We are not saying that Chris and Miguel are but, before they promote a remedy, they need to be sure that it really IS a remedy to the current chaos rather than another rabbit hole for people to get lost in, intentionally or not. What we have experienced is that those who really have their hearts in the right place, is that they are usually kept from large, mainstream exposure, and any genuine, grass movements momentums are hijacked and destroyed from within and from without, because the consequences of a genuine uprising of the people is catastrophic for the High-Level-Freemasons. The Freemasons/ocCULTists have to control all outcomes to make sure that their agenda is the only thing that is allowed to thrive in The System. They have to make sure that they control the thinking of the herd in order to create the next step of the agenda, particularly the massive final one, the One World Government of the NWO.

This does not mean that those promoting alternative living and freeman stuff are all intelligence operatives because some people are just naive or haven't thought things through enough to realise there is no freedom in The System and never can be freedom in The System because The System has been set up with the express purpose of power and control over the people and, if the people promoting alternative living and Freeman stuff aren't talking about this, then they either haven't realised that they are still supporting our collective genocide or they are purposefully keeping away from that subject, providing more smoke and mirrors to keep us distracted and trapped in herd mentalities while we continue to support The System. Talking about a shift in consciousness going on all around us today, and everyone is waking up, whether they realise this or not, as Chris talks about in the 1st video, is not true. The ONLY true shift in consciousness comes from completely moving power and control from between us and MAN, land, food, water, shelter, nature, earth, family, tribe, community, village, celestial space and bodies, etc. Everything else is bullshit. It doesn't matter how "spiritual" we think we are if we are still under power and control in our day to day lives with food, water, shelter, land, etc. Nothing is happening except delusion.

OPPT & Slavery
Through Intellectual Conscription
By Deceit - Part One
Love For Life
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
28th February 2013

Part Two

Part Three

The New World Order with its eco-friendly, one world mantras will still be governed by third parties, meaning NO FREEDOM. The Achilles heel of those at the top is us remembering who we really are as they gradually manipulate us into more environmentally friendly control which teeters close to how we used to live, pre-invasion long ago. This is no different to the psyop that was used when the Knights Templars came in to protect the Christians from the Muslims in Palestine when the Koran was written by elements within the Jesuit world and in the Roman Catholic Church, and Christendom was created by the same High-Level-Freemasonic networks years prior operating behind Orthodox this and that, and the long history (his story / her story) rolling stone evolution of the Church Of England and "Ancient Rome(Greece)". This is no different to terrorism controlled by the same people today; 9/11 and particularly the controlled demolition of building 3, blaming Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden when the work was carried out within the networks of those higher up in power.

The remedy to The System can only be found before invasion first began against villagers and tribal nomads when all our ancestors were living locally. Everything that has happened since invasion, including migration, multi-culturalism and educational modalities, has deeply compromised life post-invasion - and there is no remedy to be found there, along the way.

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Click on this link to scroll through many documents
containing much of the evidence of the events covered in this webpage.
It Opens Another Tab In Your Browser

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Fiona and Arthur Cristian