Fiona And Arthur Cristian

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Since 2006, we have used this 2006 family photo
as a non-government-registered trademark for all the
Love For Life insights and the Kindom project
work we do. Arthur & Fiona Cristian 30/10/18

If you find it difficult to read this homepage, here is a link where you can download a Copy Of The Temporary Love For Life Website Home Page 24th August 2020 as a PDF document.

We are currently putting together a free, Love For Life, downloadable e-book full of illustrations. Some of the information currently found on this home page will be integrated into the e-book. When the first edition of this e-book is completed over the coming few months, it will become the beginning of the Love For Life website home page. The release of the e-book concludes our intense Love For Life insight work into "The System" we've been doing since March 2005, and the Kindom remedy to it. Arthur & Fiona Cristian 27th December 2020.

This is our latest series of YouTube Videos:

Video: There Is No Freedom While Land Is Not Free
There Is No Freedom While Land Is Not Free - February 2022 - 35 Minutes
Video: The Achilles Heel Of Law
The Achilles Heel Of Law - March 2022 - 33 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part A
The Domain Of Life Part A - March 2022 - 57 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part B
The Domain Of Life Part B - March 2022 - 30 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part C
The Domain Of Life Part C - March 2022 - 31 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part D
The Domain Of Life Part D - March 2022 - 39 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part E
The Domain Of Life Part E - March 2022 - 54 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part F
The Domain Of Life Part F - March 2022 - 36 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part G
The Domain Of Life Part G - March 2022 - 26 Minutes
Video: The Domain Of Life Part H
The Domain Of Life Part H - April 2022 - 18 Minutes

Video Series: Duality - The Cult Of Hoops
Part One - 1st June 2020 - 69 Minutes
Part Two - 15th June 2020 - 73 Minutes
Part Three - 22nd June 2020 - 58 Minutes
The Pain Of Not Remembering Who We Really Are - 8th June 2020 - 74 Minutes
Part Four - Kindom Co-Creation Part A - 29th June 2020 - 58 Minutes
Part Five - Kindom Co-Creation Part B - 13th July 2020 - 74 Minutes
Part Six - Nurturing Part A - 20th July 2020 - 67 Minutes
Until the remaining videos of this series are uploaded to our Youtube channel, links to the remaining 8 videos can be found in the about section of Part One listed above.

Scroll Down Our Main Facebook Wall To Find All Our Latest Articles Arthur Cristian Facebook Wall

A List Containing Many Of Our Facebook Articles And Videos Up Until 1st April 2021 Can Be Found Here Arthur Cristian Facebook link

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Supporting The Ironbark Farm Kindom Village Dream

It is going to take a team effort to gradually extricate our lives from all the middle men and women of The System and there are many ways to support this effort; those that have the time can contribute labour, those who have skills in trades, designs, permaculture, food forests, planning, business, crafts, food preparation, etc, can bring them to the table, those who have spare resources can add them to the tools and equipment we already have, those who have financial resources can donate. Ironbark Farm Kindom Village will be the sum of everything put into it by men, women and children who dream for lives apart from The System of harm doing and destruction. It is up to each of us to do what we can to make it happen.

The Big Picture of the Ironbark Farm Aust Kindom Village Dream can only continue with your support so, if you like what we are up for and doing and would like to help get the Village up and running faster, you are welcome to make a gift/donation by clicking on the Stripe blue button below Pay with Card. And wherever possible please mention gift with every donation, as this is not not a commercial-business arrangement/contract, etc. Fiona is not selling or buying anything.


Send A Gift Through Stripe


PayPal Has Blocked Fiona Cristian From Receiving Donations To Support The Kindom Village Dream Or Anything Else We Do - Read this: Fiona's 2005 Paypal account was closed by Paypal in 2018 for no reason, "The Fascism Of PayPal" - Fiona is blocked from opening another PayPal account".


or via a Postal Note
such as Western Union
at a Local Post Office. Go to a local post office to send a gift to Fiona Caroline Cristian in Willawarrin 2440 NSW Australia, and you will receive a code that you need to email to action@loveforlife.com.au, or Facebook Private Message on Fiona's Facebook Wall, so she can go to the post office to collect.

Note: Arthur's 2007-2008 FB Wall was hijacked July 2023 & he now uses Fiona's FB Wall. All Arthur's posts going back to 2008, still appear to be intact - the 1st bitcoin post on the top of the FB wall is from the hijackers/fraudsters.

or via


If you are in Australia, you can make a donation using Osko or PayID from any of the major banks using the email address: action@loveforlife.com.au



Account Name: Fiona Caroline Cristian
BSB (Branch Number): 012547
Account Number: 557681376
and please write Gift because this is not a business/commercial arrangement. Fiona is not selling or buying anything.

All the Love For Life work we have done since 2005 is for free without a fee, so any support is greatly appreciated.

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The design of nature is a domain where the will of life forms the earth of its natural domain. It does not matter how life came to be or for how long but what does matter is not interfering with the earth of all natural domains. When we interfere with the domains of life, the freedom in every domain is corrupted because the natural will of life has been thwarted and unnaturally diverted, causing distortion. Until we remove our corrupted intentions from all domains of life, the extinction of earth, the domains, will continue. The scale of chaos of this earth-wide corruption is the alphabets in everyone's head and until alphabets no longer appear in our dreaming (lives), extinction spreads unabated and is fatal to all involved. Arthur Cristian 27th December 2020.

We are still focused on making what we dream for happen in the Southern Highlands, establishing a strong community growing as part of the massive food forest the community is co-creating while demonstrating how to live deeply fulfilled lives without "The System". Below is what we wrote today, 19th October 2019, to some elderly women still connected with SCEGGS Moss Vale Old Girls Union since the late 50's, early 1960's. The school grounds were abandoned in 1974 and up to today, the bones of the buildings are mostly still in very good shape, however vandals have broken all the glass windows, busted doors, cupboards, wrecked carpet, etc. The old school can easily be recovered and be used for establishing the living demonstration of a community living in a massive food forest.

A Brief History Of SCEGGS Moss Vale 1906-1974

Just wanting to talk to someone about the land and the Moss Vale school. Our commitment is to create massive food forests for the benefit of the wider community with those who create them living amongst them, and to create a living example of a do no harm sanctuary from the stresses and pressures of system life that are crippling so many people, particularly families.

The truth behind "Let Your Light Shine" from the Great MAN was never about "The System" - it was from the magnificence of the soul in the big picture of life where there was a living true freedom and no MAN was master of another MAN.

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There are just too many people and families becoming refugees on the land where they were born and live, discriminated against despite the fact that they have not committed a crime, injured anyone or broken the peace. In our research, we have discovered that there are over 200,000 homes empty in Australia every night and yet there are people and families who are under immense pressure with limited options, where scarcity and mediocrity have become the norm in every area of daily life, many of them with no where to go because they are locked within the fences of bureaucracy.

Photos SCEGGS Moss Vale 1885-1962

Greed and selfishness, particularly where it is aligned to bureaucracy and the etiquette of a good citizen upholding the political arena, is running rampant resulting in this displacement from land that should be the natural motherland of every MAN where the true do no harm light of every soul is allowed to shine.

What concerns us the most is how the massive wave of our collective destruction is peaking to the heights of Everest and, when it reaches breaking point shortly, it will explode creating a nuclear mushroom vanishing effect that is no different to all the ancient civilisations where there were no survivors and all that is left are the empty remains of a soulless world where the people who lived there had completely lost their way, and collectively, they all dreamt this through the power of their free will.

We were all meant to be creating a legacy of magnificence and abundance of life, of nature and earth, for the generations to come but now the follow through of our collective fruits of labour for the generations to come is that of scarcity and mediocrity and the massive destruction of everything that we need to live naturally and let our light shine.

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Fiona and Arthur Cristian
A: 0418 203204

From here......... https://www.redlands.nsw.edu.au/about/let-your-light-shine

"The School Motto is Luceat Lux Vestra – Let your light shine. This phrase is taken from The Sermon on the Mount – 'Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.' Matthew 5:16 NIV."

Note: We are not religious - we are not practicing Christians, however we are strongly aligned with the good hearted Christian virtues/sentimentalities of "Do No Harm" through everything we think, feel and do. Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life

1st December 2017 photo 39_zpsya9qtyrb.jpg

Updated 8th March 2021

As we are very passionate about freedom, we have been learning what freedom really is and sharing these insights on the internet since 2006, demonstrating how to walk away from "The System" by using "The System" to get out of "The System" in this life. Part of this process has been creating an intense garden of organic abundance on top of a barren clay belt that made up 1/16th of an acre on a rental property from 2011-2019. The garden produced over 1.5 tonne of living food all year round with very little set up costs, all-the-while providing numerous insights into what it will take for many of us to come together to reform a natural tribe, relearning how to live in the paradise of a massive food forest we are creating together with the intention to set us all free from being underneath each other. During this process, the following occurred.....

Between June 2018 and August 2018, not only was the 2006 Love For Life website taken down in early July due to persistent and sophisticated algorithm bot attacks compromising the security of the Love For Life website and crippling the server, but also

Fiona's 2005 Paypal account was closed by Paypal for no reason "The Fascism Of PayPal" https://docdro.id/M2CE1eN,

2008 Scribd account was closed "Scribd Fascism" https://docdro.id/qYPZnTV,

Facebook "The Dictatorship Of Facebook" https://docdro.id/8qsr1WV,

YouTube accounts, YouTube Fascism - January 2019 And Going Back To February 2015 https://docdro.id/6GoYAsG - Youtube Blocking Historical Facts Claiming Hate Speech & Abuse YouTube Flagging 6th June 2019, have been consistently blocking our material and

Fiona, seen as a perfect tenant by the property managers, received a Termination Notice (not eviction) to vacate the rental property our family had been living in for 13 years and after we completely dismantled and relocated the garden to temporary storage, they re-rented the property. Jump To Full Correspondence With Highlands Property + 90 Day Termination Notice

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Bar the two photos just below, the next 16 images found on the internet show how we dream to re-create food forests with communities/tribes thriving amongst them without any need for "The System" once they are set up. These Kindoms can be created out of deserts, destroyed farmland and barren areas lacking in rainfall. No one owns anything, we all have everything we need, including space, freedom, peace and abundance and there is no one above or below us. This is what we live for. For inspiration of what just one man, or a few men and women can achieve in re-creating massive food forests, see this link: What One MAN Can Do To Restore Forests - the document is also embedded further down.

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The closing down of the website and PayPal also closed off what have been our main avenues for receiving gifts from supporters to keep us going with the free Love For Life work since 2005 and we are currently being blocked (7 times between June & July 2019 using 5 different Facebook accounts, two not involving us) from becoming part of a local Facebook community group where we just want to put in a notice about looking for land to create food forests. See: Just Ask - The Southern Highlands & Surroundings NSW Australia (19,743 members as of the 8th July 2019). The Admins for this Facebook group being Benjamin Ling a former Ray White Real Estate License in both Canberra & Bowral and Martina Drysdale (Juranova), who is possibly connected to the Drysdale Property Real Estate Agency in Moss Vale. Could there be any connection with the licensee of Highlands Property Bowral Licensee, Geoff O'Riley? Other local community facebook groups including Robertson Commons, two Wollondilly Community groups, Moss Vale community group and a few smaller ones, have all accepted our notice without any problems as it does not break any guidelines, including those on Just Ask. We have been living in the region since April 2005 so we do qualify as locals!

Arthur & Fiona Recording The Introduction To Kindom Video March 2015
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Since July 2018 we have been saving the money to upgrade the old Drupal 5 database to Drupal 8.1.6 but we have had to spend a lot of money upgrading the camper trailer we are currently living in since we became homeless, with 3 of our 4 daughters currently staying with friends. We are making sure that the camper trailer is set up for off grid living as we don't know where we will be living somewhere between the 25th and 31st October 2019.

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The 2005 Drupal 5 database contained almost 12,000 Love For Life webpages (Drupal nodes) filled with 30,000 or so individual items: pdfs, docs, research papers, articles, media clippings, embedded videos and images, podcasts, e-books, debates, discussions, other website/webpage facsimiles, etc, covering a vast variety of themes to do with everything wrong about "The System" and the remedy to it.

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Between 2005 and 2006, Love For Life was started as a response to having our family home stolen from us and two businesses destroyed by an organised crime syndicate operating inside Macquarie Bank under the management of Bill Moss after Arthur spent 20 years as a self-made business man. Despite neither of us having committed a crime, injured anyone or broken the peace, this fraud (organised crime) was supported by the law and left us, a family of 5 with another child on the way, close to destitution and poverty. Realising that there was no community immunity where we all stand up for each other against the big corporations and other threats to our communities, we began to unravel why this was and the remedy to the situation which is also the remedy that gets us out of "The System" and back to lives of true freedom, peace, joy and abundance for all living amongst nature.

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For more on all this and the horrors of what we went through Jump Here To Continue.

It is important to remember that our ancestors were living lives in magnificent nature with incredible beauty and serenity but, somehow, they gave it up and we are all the descendants living the effects of their actions. Generation after generation longs to get back to that paradise but we never succeed because the way we are thinking, feeling and acting has all been predetermined and this prevents us from doing so. In the shadows of "The System", there is a network of men and women whose agenda is to make sure we never succeed in breaking the shackles of our brainwashing so that we peacefully walk away from "The System" and back to lives of freedom, joy, peace and abundance. "The System" has always been about power and control through either overt or covert slavery and it has been our intention to illustrate how "The System" really works.

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We wanted to show how a hard working family in "The System", taking full responsibility for everything we think, feel and do, growing a vast abundance of fresh organic food all year round while giving away for free all the excess healthy produce to the community, is discriminated against and censored resulting in immense harm being directed at our family. It became very clear that we do not have freedom; we only have choices and if we reject those choices and don't fit in, we soon feel the heat of the lackeys of those in whose interest it is to have us content with the choices they offer. What became clear is that we live in a covert system of slavery with a controlling influence higher up the ladders of the establishment because anyone who doesn't want to fit in is attacked, usually through the bureaucracies of the establishment so everything is seen as impersonal, even though the bureaucratic departments are being controlled and manipulated from higher up.

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As a clean living family who sees life is a gift on a do no harm path while passionately respecting uniqueness and originality for all of life, always, not into following the one in front or being followed, we willingly became guinea pigs using our family as a thermometer being dipped into "The System" to experience the heat we would encounter as we challenged the authorities in so many different ways without ever breaking the peace, committing a crime or doing harm to anyone, anywhere at anytime.

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We continued working with the many virtues of the good heart and always going where truth takes us, providing full disclosure of our intentions and speaking out because we refuse to support lies or commit fraud or be seen to be willingly taking advantage of another MAN to use, abuse, rape, pillage, plunder and profit from them and treat them as door mats. Arthur completely pulled out of "The System" back in 2006, no longer accepting government handouts or Medicare and dropping all credit cards, bank accounts, drivers license, registrations, certificates, passport, tax file number and contracts with any corporation/institution for services, benefits, privileges, etc, and having no black market involvements or cash money jobs on the side, etc, instead concentrating on what is going so wrong in the lives of everyone under "The System" and, in 2011, creating an organic food forest on 1/16th of an acre.

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If you are here reading this webpage, most likely you have woken up to the fact that the way we are all living is not working and you are searching for answers and solutions. Here you will find plenty of those BUT, in order to get past the brain washing you have been subjected to from very young, you need to set aside your belief systems and read slowly and carefully, contemplating on what is being shared and using scrutiny. We share the Love For Life insights through a lot of analogies and metaphors to create pictures that look at "The System" and how we live and treat each other through a different window than the one you are probably used to looking through. If you are not prepared to put aside what you have been trained to think and feel using the language that you are reading, you will not be able to grasp what is being shared and it will seem complicated when it is actually very simple.

Kin Domain 1 photo Kin_Domain.jpg

We provide a lot of information in each sentence and it is generally grammatically correct so, if you are not getting what we are sharing, you need to look at all the voices and distractions in your head that are stopping you grasping the simplicity of the remedy to all our problems. We don't write to have people just following along, grasping a vague drift but not sensing the detail, feeling it is all too much and too uncomfortable because your brain has been trained to reject anything that goes against your system conditioning come belief systems but, if you are not prepared to challenge your system conditioning and belief systems you will not find the answers you are looking for because it is your belief systems and the fake comfort of always snuggling in tight with your system conditioning that have got you to where you are now.

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We have discovered that the men and women operating in the shadows are ocCULTists and, to us, the high levels of Freemasonry are all about this international design of power and control over all of MAN. Those initiated well above the show pony, benevolent levels are all under oaths of secrecy, absolute loyalty and subservience to their orders, societies, fraternities, brotherhoods, sisterhoods, etc, even above their own families, loved ones and friends. They are all about this international design of power and control over all of MAN. Those at the top are like the playwrights and directors of a predetermined, staged play where everyone has their roles from actors to producers to costume designers to the tea lady but the roles all go back to the authors, producers and directors controlling the outcomes of the production and the financial power (control over all of MAN'S fruits of labour) behind that.

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The war against all of MAN is a war of stealth carried out mainly through their vast networks of bureaucracy so all that we are ever up against is someone just DOING THEIR JOB in one arm of the bureaucracy and then another man or woman just DOING THEIR JOB in another arm so everything is seemingly unconnected and we can never get to the shadowy figures, the directors, behind the bureaucracy and come face to face with our enemy. We are like blind knights swinging our swords with no idea whose head to chop off.

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Those behind "The System" have made everything appear to be "all good" but, when people like us stop falling into line, we show that all is NOT good and it is not just that we have fallen through the cracks or been "unlucky" but that everyone is discriminated against and censored and good people are smashed for no reason at all on a daily basis. The figures go into the millions every year and this has been happening throughout the history of "The System".  photo Kindom8_zpskpp1qkxm.jpg


We feel that it is more important to keep the Love For Life insights we have been unravelling since March 2005 and the Kindom remedy we have been sharing since 2006 up on the net for now, in the public domain, rather than the collection of information about everything that is wrong with "The System".

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By scrolling down this temporary webpage, you will now only find links to our latest Love For Life insight articles, copies of old Love For Life webpages and comment sections, Love For Life videos and numerous old and new Facebook posts, discussions and debates going into the insights we share about freedom, truth, consciousness, unconsciousness, the law, the courts, government, history (his-story/her-story), psyops, freeman, sovereignty, the birth certificate, "NAME" (person/strawman/agent in commerce), banking, debt, credit, commerce, trauma, self obsession, e-motion, e-go, fantasy, reality, sense, non-sense, health, the New World Order, "The System", the OcCULTS and Freemasonry, etc, and most importantly, how the crafts and practices of the ocCULTS (Satanism) are used to create "Definitions Forming Fantasies Of Perceived Realities", out of which comes both covert and overt forms of slavery.

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Over the years, we have had many people contacting us for help with the law, banks, debt, mortgages, health, etc, over a vast range of situations but we feel that comprehending the bigger picture is more important because the bigger picture IS the remedy to all the problems being experienced under "The System". However, most men and women are so obsessed with the fine detail of their problems that they cannot step back and see how their problems are just a small part of what keeps "The System" going. It is only by walking away from "The System" that we solve the problems of "The System".

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Above jpeg taken from here https://kinsdomainblog.wordpress.com

Reading this home page, as it is developed, will give you an explanation of the bigger picture that all our ancestors fell from and that all their descendants, including us, have never been able to return to since.

Send A Gift To Keep Love For Life On The Net

Send A Gift Through PayPal To Support The Kindom Dream With Its Massive Food Forest

Innocence Lost - Song - Rough Demo
Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life - Feb 2019

Love For Life and LoveForLife.com.au are non-government sanctioned and are a non-government registered not for profit campaign. Love For Life and LoveForLife.com.au are Australian based and are owned by Fiona Cristian. Fiona's partner, Arthur Cristian, works as an unpaid Love For Life volunteer

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Love For Life garden photos and videos, music and insight videos and Love For Life insight articles
are regularly being uploaded to the internet and you can find them here:

Jump To Love For Life Articles

Jump To Love For Life Videos

Jump To Love For Life Music Videos

Jump To Love For Life Garden Photo Library

Jump To Love For Life Garden Videos

Jump To Introduction To Kindom Video

Jump To Full Correspondence With Highlands Property + 90 Day Termination Notice

Jump To Send A Gift With Credit Card, PayPal, EFT, OSKO, Pay ID or Postal Note

Jump To Links To Arthur's Social Media Networks Facebook YouTube Scribd Photobucket

Jump To Our Contact Details And Join The Love For Life Mailing List

Jump To Love For Life Pledges Declarations Disclaimers Disclosures

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Defining Magnificence Into Mediocrity
And Calling It Magnificence

Destroying Paradise Again
Why Something Useful And Productive
Is A Threat To The Abject Dependence
On The Corporate System

10th February 2019

Updated 8th March 2021

The two gold coloured Australian Silky Oak photos above and the following 33 garden photos were taken on Sunday, 10th February 2019, 4 days before the 6 sheriffs arrived to instigate the destruction of this free food forest garden of abundance.

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Since March 2019 and as Gypsies of Vagabond we have been homeless living in a camper trailer at the Moss Vale Showground and we have to be out of there by the 1st July 2019 and we don't yet have anywhere to go to.

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We have since moved to the Moss Vale Village Caravan Park and we are allowed to stay there until the last week of October 2019 - photos here: Dismantling Garden 14th Feb to 25th July 2019

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From late October 2019, we have been staying with a woman in a house at Moss Vale surrounded by an organic garden. The arrangement is for us to move on late January, early February 2020. The camper trailer is currently in storage. All the upgrades to our 2010 Mazda CX9 and camper trailer will be finished by mid-late February 2020 and these improvements will provide 100% off grid services.

Most of our belongings are now in three shipping containers and four crates and our family has been broken apart with our three eldest daughters spread out across the Southern Highlands staying with friends. The new Black Patron Camper Trailer, the three shipping containers and four crates and their storage are made up of a mixture of gifts and interest free loans provided by friends, supporters and Fiona's bosses (two brothers).

The home Fiona rented for 13 years and the second investment (rental) property next door have now been re-rented despite Fiona being told that she had to move out because the owners needed to sell the two investment properties for urgent financial reasons. The Love For Life food forest garden has been completely destroyed and is currently in storage for free at a local community garden.

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You can see all the photos of these events here: Late Summer February 2019 and here Dismantling The Love For Life Garden 14th Feb to 2nd April 2019 and the whole story here: All Correspondence With Highlands Property Real Estate Bowral Between November 2017 and April 2019 or Read The Events From April 2019 Back To November 2017.

Our commitment is to re-create massive food forests where we can live amongst them again in communities, no longer having to rely on "The System" to spoon feed us with everything. This is how we create true freedom in our lives and the lives of those around us because we are no longer reliant on those who control "The System" and we are bringing back the abundance of nature that feeds us all for free and provides us with clean water and clean air and the space to build shelter for our families and tribes so that we have the freedom to contemplate and enjoy life without the everyday struggles and pressures just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.

In late February 2020, we moved back for almost two weeks to the Moss Vale caravan park. We then moved onto the backyard of an 1/2 acre property in the Southern Highlands to help a woman, who was told by doctors she could die at any moment, to build a food garden for her and her family. We are still here, 22nd June 2020.

Under this temporary arrangement, and in lieu of building a garden, there is no rent to pay and the woman covers all material costs for the garden. We cover for any 240v electricity usage and water. As we use our 12v solar system, there is not much 240v electricity being used. We supply LPG for our 80L oven, 2 x 4 cook top burners and hot water for the camper trailer. All lighting is 12v and our 6000w 6kw pure sine wave inverter supplies 240v for some of our 240v requirements..... pc, monitor, audio devices, modem/router, blender, toaster, hot water via a Tiger PDU-A50A 5L Electric Water Heater/Boiler, and provides 240v/12v ignition charge for our Dux 21ECB6L 21L 60 Degrees Condensing Continuous Hot Water System and for our Dual Ducting Webasto Air-Top 2000 STC 2kw Diesel Heater.

Fiona, Arthur & Xanthe live in the camper trailer, Hannah sleeps in a caravan and Emma & Frances are sleeping in a aluminium garden shed, both provided by the woman. We have private use of a new, fully equipped bathroom, kitchenette with pantry shelves, etc, and some extra storage space located close by. Jasmin is at Sydney Uni and comes and goes. See this Facebook photo album of this garden, start to finish, we built for this woman, and see the comments section of this Home Sweet Home Photo on Facebook where we are posting all the gear we're buying and the work we're doing in putting together the 100% off grid rig and thoroughly testing everything before we move on to unencumbered land, with or without infrastructure, to create a massive food forest for everyone involved to live amongst Home Sweet Home - 100% Off Grid Rig - Firewood, 12v Solar, LPG, Diesel & Petrol. Most of the money we save is directed into all types of winter clothing and completing the off grid rig. See Facebook article above "Home Sweet Home" for more on all this.

7th February 2021 - we finished the garden project and we moved back to the Moss Vale Showground where we can stay no later than 10.30am Thursday 11th March 2021. As of the 8th March 2021 we still do not know where we are moving to, we have no place to go to......yet. Live As We Breathe - Live As The Sun Shines - Live As Nature Produces Abundance - Live Truly Free. See these Facebook photos showing how we make our 18 Day (Berkley) Hot Composts.

5th April 2021, we are now living rent free on a large farm, still in the great dividing range 1200 feet up, not far from Camden and Picton. There are horses, chickens, ducks, alpaca, dogs, cats and a vast abundance of wildlife. While still living in the camper trailer, we have everything else we need to be comfortable, secure and safe. We were told a few times by the owners that we can stay as long as we need to, until we find the next step, there is no pressure to move on and we don't have to do anything, even though that is impossible for us to do. Off our own backs, we have already started doing farm, gardening and maintenance chores.



Update: 17th March 2022

As we refused to be jabbed, we were given a deadline to vacate the 65 Acre horse property by the 15th December 2021 which we did. Since the 8th January 2022 we have been sleeping in our Mazda CX9, Arthur on the front passenger seat and Fiona on the middle backseat and our 3 dogs in the boot. Our three eldest daughters are at university and our youngest, Xanthe, 15, still goes to Bowral High staying with the families of a few of her school friends. Our camper trailer is in storage with all our belongings because we have nowhere to go. Even setting up the camper trailer in the Southern Highlands has been unsuccsful so far. Watch our February 2022 video "There Is No Freedom While Land Is Not Free" - 35 Minutes made in the car at the park where we have been sleeping and hanging since 8th January 2022. Where to from here? Creating Kindom is all we dream for,

Amazing Man-Made Forests And Food Forests
What One MAN Can Do

Look at this PDF collection of embedded videos and stories below What One MAN Can Do To Restore Forests about amazing land regeneration projects happening all across earth, most of them involving just one MAN who was determined not to give up and just planted one day at a time. Imagine what we could achieve if many of us got together to start re-greening the deserts and restoring destroyed land as we learn to unplug from "The System" and drastically cut down all the harm we support in so many ways.

Being co-creators (labourers) of life passing on the legacy of the real freedom of life amongst the vast magnificence of abundant nature we've created as a gift for our descendants, and having our bodies naturally buried there with a tree planted over us, is a great joy that fulfils us for the rest of our lives. Compare this to the regimental life of living amongst constant, foreboding shadows of fear and terror, and having to wake up to the clock to meet all "The System" demands, while avoiding and or paying a pitfall of fines, penalties and charges, just so you can have deeply compromised shelter, food, water and community, all-the-while getting the kids through school so they can repeat the same vicious cycle for their kids to follow. Working as slaves to maintain slavery or working as free men and women for everyones freedom - we prefer the latter... ALWAYS.

What you are going to see in this website is that there is an agenda to make sure that true freedom doesn't happen for everyone.

The ancient ways of life where no one owned anything and lived for the greater good of the tribe and nature and the self-obsession of surviving in "The System" do not mix and never will, It's oil to water. For those of us whose forebears have been enmeshed in system life for centuries, we only have to look at what is happening to indigenous MAN across earth to see the damage that has been done to all of us which is no different to the disturbances the white MAN of the Western World has caused to the sensitive, fragile, eco systems of rain forests, reefs, mountains, valleys, oceans, forests, soil, air, water, etc, etc. There is NOTHING in or of "The System" that will fix this massive problem. We were never meant to interfere with nature, MANS true nature, and alter the pure, sincere life of MAN on the land.

The deep disconnection from the good heart behind the force of nature of the indigenous tribes is the alcohol and drugs that they have turned to. We are telling them that they have to fit into a world that is alien to them and the stories of their ancestors. What we are seeing with indigenous people all across earth is how our ancestors would have responded to the invasion of their natural ways of life many, many generations ago. We have just been assimilated for a lot longer, so have adapted to this alien world.

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"The System" is a Pax Romanus, a fake peace treaty where all of MAN, all of whom came from invaded, decimated tribes of MAN on land in nature all across earth, have had to survive life apart from their true nature and there will never be a happy ending for everyone trapped in "The System" of fantasy, illusion and delusion. All the governments, laws, statutes, rules, regulations, etc, ARE the Pax Romanus - the dictates of the conquerors over the conquered. The Pax Romanus is actually a continuation of a current war state where all the natural "rights" and the true autonomy of life for every MAN have been abolished.

We are now living with middle men between MAN and land, MAN and Food, MAN and water, MAN and family, MAN and tribe/community, and between MAN and MANS consciousness, freedom, truth, peace, joy, abundance and the whole of MANS life.

Under this extremely oppressive Pax Romanus, we have to constantly use our fruits of labour inside this middle mens "System" of power and control to earn their fictitious tokens of commercial values, and then trade our fruits of labour (SLAVERY), always under their corporate governance, in every area of our lives, so we can all have ongoing access to land, shelter, food, water, children, family, etc, which are ALWAYS FREE.

We can't "own" (don't let go of) our last breath, drink or meal without dying. Death (extinction) also spreads when we claim and fight over land, food, water, shelter, air, sunshine, nature, race, culture, creed, title, commercial standing, ethnicity, etc.

Being raised by nature where the true force of nature brings forth the good heart of every MAN, there is no need for a Pax Romanus to live under. Expecting indigenous people to fit seamlessly into system life and accept the Pax Romanus that we have all accepted is like asking them to be beamed up to another planet, just as it was to the tribes of MAN on land who are the ancestors of the so-called "non-indigenous" people. The progress of civilisation that we are all caught up in today are the dying stages of the Pax Romanus that will lead only to the annihilation of everyone trapped in "The System" underneath this Pax Romanus, this alien world.

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Extracts from "The Circle", an article and video coming shortly:

"We can watch all the best documentaries and current affairs, study under all the great minds covering all fields of endeavour, sit by the side of all the great intellectuals, pore over all the great books of literature and divine inspirations, follow messiahs and saviours and yet, with all the brilliant collective minds that have brought forth the progress of civilization with all its inventions, JUST LOOK AT THE MESS WE ARE ALL IN RIGHT NOW ALL ACROSS EARTH. Very few are willing to see the obvious common denominator that is glaring at all of us in plain sight, always, everywhere, which is how each of us is thinking, feeling and living, instant by instant by instant, that is causing this destruction. Everything of nature/reality/earth has a purpose and we are all now paying the price for messing with the natural purpose of all of life, both minuscule and giant, generation after generation after generation. We were never meant to interfere with ANYTHING, including each other, and corrupt, distort and confuse its natural purpose. The whole of "The System" is the result of interference with the natural purpose of life.

Interfere with the innocence of a child and that child can grow to harm millions of men, women and children. Harm the air and many breathing the air will be deeply affected. Harm the water and uncountable lifeforms will suffer. Tamper with a forest and vast arrays of species will die in that forest, many becoming extinct. Damage the earth and the whole of earth will eventually be destroyed. What we do wherever we are that supports and causes harm to life is affecting men, women and children all across earth no matter where they may be. We are all intrinsically connected but we have all been so severely interfered with for so long since childhood that we have lost connection with the big picture of reality and the full responsibility that comes with doing no harm to what we are all naturally part of. All children from the womb should be raised by the force of nature without anyone inside their heads defining them and therefore disconnecting them from the force of nature. In "The System", children are being defined before they are even conceived and in the womb and then they are bombarded with system knowledge from the womb to the grave. We now live in the end times of this massive fall from reality and in the coming few years we will witness the escalation of children dying before the age of 6, 2/10 then 4/10 then 6/10 then 8/10 and then earth wide extinction to civilisation, again."

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The homelessness that we are currently experiencing is not our problem; it is the problem of everyone who supports "The System" that teaches us all to live with homelessness, poverty, suffering, injustice, sickness, greed and selfishness because our system lifestyles are the cause of all these problems.

We live in an area where there is a lot of wealth but, generally, the wealthy don't want to know because they are used to donating to charities and institutions and expecting them to solve the problems. They don't see that the fabric of their Pax Romanus system is fraying and coming apart at the seams and that even the lives of the very wealthy will also start collapsing.

What our homelessness shows is how good people who aren't lazy, who haven't broken the law or the peace, stolen, cheated, killed, or abused anyone can end up in our situation and there is no community immunity to stop it.

In doing this Love For Life work, the extent of the suffering that we have come across is mind boggling. So many hard working men and women who have lost everything they worked for despite having obeyed the rules and paid their dues, so many outwardly happy men and women with the nice house, cars and lifestyle that is all built upon crumbling foundations and could collapse at any minute, so many hiding their anxiety and depression, their feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, in a cocktail of prescription drugs, so many living on the bottom rungs of the Western World ladder, supposedly benefiting from government pensions and payments but, in reality, kept below the poverty line because all they can do is subsist from one payment to the next, so many elderly living out their days among cheerful strangers, tended to like herds of cattle, removed from their roles as elders and wisdom keepers, so many children falling through the cracks, born of lust, boredom, convenience or coercion to enter a life where they have no future.

What has happened to us unsettles people because we are a reminder that it is not a perfect world and that not everyone enjoys the comforts that many in this area do. The fact is, the comforts of the Western World are available for only a very few who don't have to worry about the mountainous mortgage, the ever climbing rent, the endless bills, the increasing cost of living, the threat of sickness and disease creeping closer and the toll of caring for family members who are mentally ill, autistic, disabled, senile or dying.

The horrors are all around us and, when they encompass every area of our lives, they will appear around the sides of the blinkers and seep under the rose-coloured glasses. Are we really going until that happens before we wake up and do something? How bad do things have to get? Do we sit up and take notice when the monster has reached the edge of town or does it have to appear in front of the flat screen TV with children's legs hanging out of its mouth before we turn the TV off and realise that something has to change?

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As a tenant for 13 years, November 2005 to February 2019, Fiona lived at 11 Roycroft Street, East Bowral, 2576, NSW, Australia, a 3 bedroom house where Arthur created the food forest garden. Fiona's rent was always paid in advance, 3 to 4 days before due date, and the Bowral, Highland's Property Managers still see Fiona as an excellent tenant. To us, both we and the property managers were lied to because we were told the owners were under serious financial pressures and needed to urgently sell the two investment properties (9 Roycroft St is also their property). In August 2018, then paying $460.00 per week, Fiona received a 90 day termination (not eviction) notice to move. Fiona offered $500.00 per week to stay but the offer was rejected. The 13 year tenant of 9 Roycroft St, a 4 bedroom house, then paying $500.00 per week, vacated in August 2018 but instead of selling this house, they repainted, re-carpeted and did some minor repair work and put this investment property back on the rental market for $600.00 per week during September 2018. At the time, Fiona did not have the money to move and this issue dragged out until February 2019 when 6 Sheriffs came to evict Fiona and family from this house.

With the family broken up with each child staying at different homes across the Southern Highlands, Arthur and Fiona staying around the corner and then crashing in the garage with no toilet or shower, still taking care of the 2 dogs and 1 cat, went about removing the whole garden and performing essential repair work with the help of many friends and supporters until we finally vacated this rental property in March 2019. Between August 2018 and February 2019 the stories behind why our family had to move kept changing. During late April 2019, this house was also put back on the rental market for $580.00 per week.

To us, the owners were got at and the principle behind Highlands Property is complicit (with others) in this scam, because we were demonstrating how to grow vast amounts of free, high-quality organic food on a rental property. To those who sold out through initiation into the higher levels of Freemasonry, our stance is not acceptable and our simple demonstration of taking FULL-RESPONSIBILITY for our lives must not influence others out there stuck in "The System", rental market and all. This clearly shows we are living in a covert, spoon-fed slave system controlled by Freemasons.

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Growing Food @ Home Is Illegal
Compilation of old articles found on the net
showing how this agenda is connected to the
UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 30 and how it's
being orchestrated by high level Freemasons through
stealth, using their bureaucracies and their brainwashed
educated slaves to gradually carry out this agenda of theirs.
They want all of MAN across Earth to be spoon fed for the whole
of their lives, and in every way imaginable = SLAVERY.
There is a massive difference between freedom and choice.
Compiled by Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st May 2019
Growing Food @ Home Is Illegal

This temporary, Love For Life website home page, was mostly still being created part time between January and February 2019 while we were in the midst of the turmoil of packing up the house and destroying the garden. As wandering Gypsies of Vagabond, we had nowhere permanent to go until the 27th March 2019 when we had a supporter help us by buying a new Black Patron Camper Trailer and started living in the camper trailer at the Moss Vale Showground temporarily with our youngest of 4 daughters and animals while our three eldest daughters are still staying with various friends in the Southern Highlands. Read: All Correspondence With Highlands Property Real Estate Bowral Between November 2017 and April 2019 or Read The Events From April 2019 Back To November 2017.

For the serious researchers keen on learning about the real practice and craft of the ocCULTS of Freemasonry, do read the many insights we share amongst these two voluminous documents which are two lengthy webpages copied over from the Love For Life website. They include their enormous comments section used by us as part of our blog.

The Selfie of Freakenstein
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
17th March 2017 to August 2018
Copied 16th October 2018
The Selfie Of Freakenstein

The Satanic Craft of Inculcation in Practise
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
4th March 2014 To Mid-End 2017
Copied 16th October 2018
The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise

As you read on, there will be some repetition which we will sort out when we have a bit more stability.

The following explains the current situation as we see it.

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What it all comes down to is that we all come from ancestors who were displaced from land all across earth and this unnatural displacement is the legacy and inheritance our parents have passed on to all of us raised in "The System" of a Pax Romanus, a misleading peace treaty under the flags of the nations and countries of the conquered tribes. All our ancestors came from tribes all across earth whose lands were first visited, generally speaking, by missionaries, linguists, historians, educators, botanists, surveyors, scientists, and the military. They were all led by high level Freemasons/OcCULTists acting under the guise of race, culture, creed, occupation, status, etc, as they still do today. Read Making A Living Out Of The Misery Of Others.

The invaders came and went for up to 100 years documenting and mapping out the customs, topography, regions, etc, of tribal/village life and when they finished recording everything, they sent in their navies and armies to destroy the tribes or used their malevolently inspired alchemy to create plagues of genocide (these OcCULTists/Freemasons still do this today). What remained of the tribes, mostly the children, were brainwashed (educated) into the ocCULTist's twisted recorded history (his-story-her-story) and through three generations (60 years or so), the descendants would lose true connection with the tongues (dreams, intentions) of their ancestors and be ruled forevermore by the govern-men-t(e) (govern the mind of MAN) of high level Freemasons.

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Up to 1780AD, 99.99% of all of MAN on land across Earth could not read and write any alphabet language to record his-story/her-story because the tribes of MAN on land had their unique and original songs, customs, arts, crafts, body gestures and "village talk", which had nothing to do with alphabets and hieroglyphics. Even up to 1930AD still more than 90% of all of MAN on land across earth were illiterate to any alphabet language.

The only ones who could read and write alphabets to record alphabet history were the owners of the castles, the high priesthoods, royal families, land lords, land barons, aristocrats, high level military personnel and OcCULTists involved with education and alchemy, including all the sciences, documentation and education that came out of alchemy, and a small bunch of scribes and lackeys, and collectively they represented roughly 20 per one million of the population of MAN.

The winners always wrote the history and their his-story/her-story was always twisted to suit the power and control of their short and long term glory. When you read any version of ancient history you are looking through the eyes of these people who want you to "see" what and how they want you to "see". Bar the tiny few privileged ones, your ancestors had NOTHING to do with any recorded alphabet history.

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With the anointment of exclusivity, the privileged took the better part of 20 years to master the craft of alphabets which included mathematics and geometry, sacred or not, and some of the privileged learnt the secret meanings of letters originally derived from Hieroglyphics and Hebrew and these chosen ones could communicate between each other while everyone else was oblivious to the Orwellian Double Speak and Triple Speak going on - it was all going right over their heads. The communication of these secret illuminations (other tongues) included pictography, etymology and phonetics and it was all encoded in their architecture, myths, lores, fairytales and all other forms of their "storytelling", arts and crafts, education and handshakes. All this secret illumined communication still goes on today through politics, law, religion, media, publishing, Hollywood, TV, videos, shows, advertising, etc.

Back in the tenth century, it was Judeo-Judaic draftsmen of Law (barristers) involved in the deeper, secret mysteries of the ocCULTS who invented the old and new English Alphabet Language. Back then they called it the "New World Language", an "end times tongue" planned from 1000 years ago and engineered to be the tongue everyone communicates across earth during the end times which we now all live in today.

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British Peers Peerage Genealogy documents a one blood line family streaming out of Ancient Greece (and Ancient Egypt), through Alexander the Great and up through the Norman Conquest to Charlemagne (King Charles III) and onwards to Diana Spencer, a cousin of George Bush Junior and Bill Clinton. It documents a privileged ancestry where 97% of all American presidents came from the same bloodline that directly ties into European royal families, particularly British, and this one bloodline family, with all its well known actors, artists, singers, musicians, politicians, big business representatives, members of the bar, weavers of consciousness and disclosures, authors, clergy, etc, etc, are weaving their "One Earth/One World" Govern-men-te, New World Language magic in every country all across Earth today.

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This ancient one bloodline family is behind all the invasions and decimations of tribes of MAN on land, our ancestors, and is exclusively in control of the highest levels of Freemasonry/OcCULTS, orchestrating the One World Government, Language, Military, Law, Cashless Economy, Religion, etc, its propaganda now spreading everywhere. Since at least the early 1960's, this ancient one bloodline family is behind the murder/removal of everyone who has influence over public thinking, who speaks out from their conscience (theres none anywhere today, just their puppets are here now) and who engineered the devastation of the middle class to remove all economic opposition resisting the push of their glorious one world remedy, their 1000 years golden reign, dreamt and planned by their founding father, the Grand Architect, the God of their Holy Book, The Bible that was used to secretly encode the 1000 year blueprint of their master plan (victory).

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At the black heart core of the ocCULTS is the OcCULTists/Freemasons determination to get inside the heads of every man, woman and child and remain inside their heads, fully in control, for the whole of their lifetime. This malevolently inspired, predetermined attack starts the moment life appears in the womb. Thoughts are dreams and dreams are thoughts and the OcCULTists know that, if they can get their victims to think (dream) what they want them to dream, and get their victims to live for these dreams by using their will power to direct life energy into these dreams so that the ocCULTists dreams can be set into motion, the victims will create the dreams the ocCULTists hold and live for. This is covert slavery, controlling MAN between the ears so that, as slaves, they willingly create a dream-world (the matrix) in their masters' image without realising.

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Children brought up by nature without another MAN inside their heads defining reality to them will create their unique, original dreams that is their undefined soul. Constant interaction with nature will inspire a natural, big picture dream of reality they can hold and live for and this big picture is the undefined consciousness of their soul, a unique and original living (live in the) dream of MAN'S life they hold. The intention of the OcCULTists is to subvert this natural dreaming by creating delineated boxes of definitions of fantasy, dreams that they have not created from direct, sensory experience, that form the whole of "The System" so that everything of "The System is defined and every thought in the heads of men, women and children living in "The System" has been created for them.

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This Truman Show life of predetermined thought alienates MAN from creating a living soul and so they are unconscious of the true purpose of everything of reality because they can no longer sense information directly from the sensory life forms of reality, inanimate or not. Instead they have a shattered reality of predetermined boxes of definitions that define everything of reality for them. They have never created (dreamt) this shattered reality that has been spoon fed to them all their lives. All the libraries, museums, etc, of "The System" are the records of defined reality that is the dream of the OcCULTists, all of them the pixellations of the giant monitor of the Matrix that we are trapped inside, seemingly with no way out. They are lost in imagining the definitions of fantasy which leads them to create the whole of "The System" of fantasy that has nothing to do with undefined life as MAN on the land.

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Being displaced from land denies us our naturally inherent built in qualities to fully experience the basic tenets of the good heart of life that are land to live on, grow food and create shelter, and access to clean air and water so that we have everything we need and can always live in peace and tranquillity with the stability and security of knowing that we already have the freedom that is taking full responsibility for our lives and our families without the threat of the land being taken away and our peace disturbed.

Nature is our true consciousness, and with that, our language (not alphabets), access through our senses (touch, taste, feel, smell, hear, see) to all the information of the truth of reality, direction, and everything that makes up the undefined life of a MAN with a living, undefined soul, our true consciousness, our senses.

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As undefined MAN on the undefined land sustained and inspired by direct, sensory experience with nature (touch, taste, feel, smell, hear, see), we create the real consciousness of our undefined soul. No one can create a soul for us - our parents can create the vessel (body), but they cannot create the soul and we cannot create a soul from the definitions of "The System" that we are spoon fed from when we appear in the womb.

Every dream has a creator; all dreams are thoughts and all thoughts are dreams and there, in the present sense of the undefined, eternal life, is living creator, God, holding the dream of life with everything that makes up the dream of life that living creator holds, but it is still just an idea. There is nothing living (real) there. In being present to the dream of life, the presence of living creator is present and is breathing the life of living creator into the dream of life, already setting into motion everything of the dream of life, God's consciousness, so that everything of creation is present with the presence of life of living creator, the consciousness of God bearing all the intentions and purpose for every sensory life-form, inanimate or not.

God entered the paradise dream of God's life as the original MAN, standing on the land, and this is who we really are.

There is always a predetermined intelligence with the force of will behind every dream being set into motion and this consciousness holds the architecture of the dream in creation. The intelligence of the creator of any dream is encoded throughout the dream and the presence of the creator is always present

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Throughout the wholeness of the undefined dream of life, the presence of God is present everywhere and, present amongst this magnificent paradise of God's consciousness is the presence of MAN, standing on the land AS living creator fully experiencing the dream of life that living creator dreamt and created. This is the original MAN on land holding the whole of the dream of life in eternal present sense. We all come from the original MAN and we are all gifted with everything God dreamt for in creating MAN on the land, and all of MAN has been given the freedom to fully experience the dream of life without restriction. This is our free will that is freedom and is the undefined consciousness of God standing on the land as MAN, the living creator

God came as MAN and it is only MAN to all the experience of the dream of life MAN experiences. Every experience MAN has, be it dreams/thoughts, ideas, stories, physical interactions and creations is always to MAN. We are the only ones here. No one can bring forward an experience without MAN being party to the experience because God, the original MAN, created the dream of life to experience it fully as MAN. This clearly shows that everything to MAN'S experience is MAN made and that we are all at the affect of each other, lies and all, truth and all.

Every thought is to MAN because MAN is the ONLY intelligence holding and sharing the architecture of every dream addressed by MAN. No matter the story, the belief and the encounter, the experience is always with MAN and no matter how the events play out, it is ONLY MAN playing out the experience of the events of the story, be it in 3rd party or 1st party, directly or indirectly.

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On the land, living creator stands in paradise but living creator has no counsellor, no teacher, no adviser, no instructor, no day care, preschools, no schools, universities, college, libraries, video shops, no alphabets, mathematics or geometry, no corporations, no court houses, no government, no Hollywood, TV, internet, police, bailiffs, jails, sheriffs, military, no books for God to reference about what God is, nothing being channelled from higher or lower beings, no hell, no heavens, no archangels, no suburbs, no street maps, no cities, no countries, no nations, race, cultures or creed, no titles, standings, rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, contracts, no land title deeds, no real estate.

No banking, stock markets, no fashion, shopping centres, no Kmart, Walmart, no street lights, nothing to buy and sell because there is nothing to own. No motorised transport, technology, engineering, telecommunications, arenas, theatres, auditoriums, clubs, pubs, nightclubs, booze, social and big pharma drugs, rock and film stars, politicians, priests, judges, lawyers, teachers, academics, professors, scientists, journalists, directors, ceo's, stockholders, investors, accountants and bank managers. No defined, alphabet history, carbon dating, aliens, ETs, Planet X, astrology, numerology, ocCULTS, esoterics, societies, think tanks, fraternities, brotherhoods, illuminati, hidden mysteries and secrets, no warrants, subpoenas, orders, precedences, affidavits, torts, statements, bills, credit, debt, interest, insurance, superannuation, workers compensation, taxes, etc, because the living truth of God's consciousness is already present with the presence of life before the senses of the original MAN present to the whole dream of life.

But there is nothing of God's living consciousness present to anything of "The System".

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In the paradise of the original MAN's consciousness, there are no destructive e-motions; no doubt, uncertainty, complacency, apathy, denial, fear, confusion, pride, loneliness, emptiness, despair, rage, greed, envy, arrogance, righteousness, indifference. There is no self-obsession and no "name" because there is nothing defined to form a self for the original MAN because the whole of the dream of life is MAN'S undefined consciousness that is far far far beyond time or space fantasies. There are no calendars, minutes, years, AD, BC, no big bang, no Darwinism, science, evolution, quantum physics, Fibonacci codes, prophecies, galaxies, universes, planets, solar systems, etc, etc, because God's consciousness is undefined and nothing is pigeon holed into predetermined boxes through definitions because everything of this undefined creation, no matter how big or how small, is unique and original and never to be repeated. It is all undefined.

Just MAN on the land with everything built in naturally to live a full life of abundance, peace, tranquillity, joy and MAN doesn't need to own anything, including thoughts, dreams, ideas, etc, because everything that MAN needs is already freely available. We are all on land and we already have it all and this is who we were all meant to be, Original MAN. All else is pure fantasy. Read Santa Claus - 10th February 2019 and The Follow Through for more on this.

To us, God means authority and MAN is the only authority as sons of God, the original MAN. Only MAN can come forward to act as the authority of God but this God is defined which means the authority defaults by proxy to the MAN acting as the authority of God. This clearly shows that we are all meant to be the authority over our lives. The truth is the authority, the higher standing above all lies but "The System" deceives us into giving up this authority and passing it over to another MAN to be that authority over us. But no one can ever bring forward the truth of their authority over another MAN.

We share the full authority of the truth of the living dream of MAN'S life, we all have free will and we all share what we create from our free will without owning anything. We are always the highest power (so to speak) with nothing above or below us because there is nothing of truth to be subjected to - only lies (fantasies) can do that. Through uniqueness and originality, we are all on equal standing. This authority means that we are each fully responsible for everything we think, feel and do for the whole of our lives.

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Everything of fantasy makes up "The System" and the reason for "The System" is to distract us from ever remembering that we are the descendants of ancestors, all of whom were of original MAN, who were displaced from land through invasion and war. The assumed authority of some of MAN over others displaced the natural, undefined authority of every MAN over every MAN'S life.

God appeared in the tranquillity of God's nature, MAN'S true nature, and there was nothing to distract God from observing the dream of life in its pure, original form as intended. There were no ghetto blasters, whipper snippers, lawn mowers, cars, trains, aeroplanes, helicopters, rock concerts, jack hammers, no bright lights, pulses, frequencies, micro and radio waves, ultrasounds, nothing artificial anywhere.

Everything of "The System" is designed to distract us from this quiet, peaceful contemplation so that we never bring forth our natural, undefined, full potential to focus on the dream of life and hold it as our undefined soul, to be fully conscious. Trapped and enslaved in "The System", we are subjected to unnatural interferences as we appear in the womb because our mothers, fathers, siblings, etc, have all been exposed to everything artificial and unnatural and everything of their system lives. With our concentration constantly being disrupted, our will to concentrate, scrutinise and contemplate is broken and we cannot hold the big picture of the undefined dream of life as original MAN held the big picture of the dream of life that God created.

The more we fall away from this tranquillity, peace and calm, the more we become confused and fall into the confusion and mediocrity of system thoughts that create mediocre lives. We can no longer tell the difference between fantasy and reality because we are getting lost in the detail of definitions and everything in "The System" is fantasy leading to fantasy, just as all roads lead to Rome. When we only focus on fantasy, we are unconscious (deep asleep) and everything we do is fake.

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As system drones subjected to the fantasy of fake consciousness, fake lives, fake truth, fake peace and fake tranquillity, we are already the noise of death spreading as the deep sleep of that fatal cancer to disturb the true conscious, tranquillity of nature. When we are brought up by nature, the undefined consciousness of our radars are full of the conscious blimps of reality communicating the truth of their lives with us and we can sense everything because we are not imagining fantasies about them and pretending that the definitions are our perceptions of reality, our truth. However, under "The System" of unconsciousness, the non-sense of our deep sleep, lies have become truth and truth has become lies and the blimps on our radars are pure fantasies of predetermination artificially, socially and genetically engineered and gendered so that we can never remember who we really are.

If we can't remember who we really are, others can get into our heads to tell us (define) who we are, including our consciousness, freedom, truth, etc, and we can be used and abused as slaves all our lives because every alphabet (system) thought is an unnatural blimp of pure fantasy that has been predetermined for us to action. In this state of no responsibility, falling deeply into fantasy, we are capable of doing immense harm to each other and to all of life (reality) around us.

We are all supposed to be brought up in the tranquillity of nature so that we fully embody the living (live in the dream of the) consciousness of God, and therefore, we always remember who we really are (so to speak) and don't realise our displacement from land and the vessels displacement from creating a soul that comes as a result of being invaded by those whose ancestors displaced our ancestors from the land. We are still under constant invasion by the information of "The System" coming at us from every direction and telling us how to think, feel and act and this has been happening ever since the first invasion of our ancestors, the beginning of "The System", which is what they have been doing to us ever since. "The System" has become our fake consciousness and the CHAOS of "The System" with all its gadgets, technologies, constructions and artificial intelligence, the garbage, has become the shut-eye drones, artificially induced, rank and file ORDER of a fake tranquillity, peace and calm living amongst the unconsciousness of an unnatural nature of immense noise, cruelty, harshness, injustice, harm, invasion, war, torture, suffering, persecution, domination, rape, pillage and plunder.

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The Virus Of Fake Consciousness

When children are brought up by nature, they are directly experiencing the sensory lives of their ancestors through the undefined creations of their ancestors that they experience all around them as the nature of the living dream of MAN'S life. The ancestors are calling out to them through the lineage of the generations but, because there is no time and space, all the living ancestors of God's consciousness, are always present in present sense calling out to us as the magnificence of nature as the bird, the wind, the rain, the trees, insects, etc.

They are the co-creators of the consciousness of the original MAN forever calling out to us as nature here and now, singing the songs of their intentions for the dream of life and all children brought up in nature, always in present-sense, are naturally communing with them through their senses, their taste, touch, feel, sight, hearing and smell. Life is calling out to life just like a mother calls out to her children to come home. The purpose of life is what creation is calling out to and God is calling out to all of God's creation to remember home and never forget the purpose of MAN'S creation.

The living presence of all MAN'S ancestors, the families, tribes and all, still holding the purpose of God's consciousness for MAN'S dream of life, are all the celestial bodies of God's consciousness, the lights of their souls, radiating the presence of their eternal life over all God's children to show and remind them of their purpose for MAN'S dream of life. It is a living creation with a living creator and there is no fantasy (fiction - words) involved. Living creator and living creation is undefined and life is the consciousness of God always communing through the senses of MAN'S consciousness.

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Imagining definitions of life has NOTHING to do with any of this as it is pure fantasy, nothing more and nothing less.

God's consciousness is the dream of life that God passed onto us as God's children for us to hold and our purpose is to hold that dream of magnificence and pass it on to the generations to come. The light of the celestial bodies is the life of every life form being held by MAN giving purpose to everything of existence. It all goes wrong when we become confused about the dream we are supposed to be holding and hold system dreams of pure fantasy instead of the dream of reality of MAN'S true nature.

Nature is MAN'S true nature and is the natural library of all of MAN'S life that ever was and ever will be and everything of their creation is stored in the senses of nature as MAN'S true nature (consciousness).

This land we all stand on was once full of the children of original MAN playing in the nature of original MAN with joy and laughter, wandering peacefully with their parents through nature. But we have desecrated all this because we have destroyed the mountains, forests, plains and waterways where they rested and ran with their bare feet and we have created such displacement that the living song of their real lives can barely be heard (sensed) and their pure innocence has been stolen from them and all children to come.

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Now these lands are lands of misery occupied by men and women living in the carnage of civilisation with little connection to nature, deaf to the songs of the children still singing through nature. We have forgotten who we really are as those children and accepted our lives of drudgery and mediocrity as the norm as we desecrate the living creations of our ancestors that we are no longer conscious of.

As God held the living (live in the) dream of life in present sense, God was already breathing its consciousness of life and the intention of God's life into everything of the dream of life so that all of life was called out by God to sense the intentions embodied in God's consciousness, embodied in all of life. God was evoking God's consciousness in everything so that every life form would know it's true purpose in the big picture of the dream of life. What the cow does, what the horse does, bears the intentions of God but the cow and the horse each have free will to create its purpose uniquely and originally in co-creation with the whole of the dream of life.

Thus the trees create fruit and nuts for us to eat but they have no master telling them how, where and when to do so. They are just responding to the calling out of their purpose.

When you have a dream of a family, you are calling out to your children with your intentions for the family so that your children come to the intentions of the dream of life you created as your children so that they remember who they are and why they were created and what they are naturally part of. Through the water of your breath and their breath you are all calling out to each other to remember the intention for the family. Your consciousness is in your children and, in your interaction with them, you are calling out the consciousness that you have gifted to them which is your intentions for the creation of your family and the intentions of the ancestors for the family, for the tribe, for the earth, the living dream of MAN'S life. The good heart, the essence of God's consciousness is embodied in everything the original MAN has created. When we are calling out, it is the good heart we are calling out, not the fantasy.

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But raised in "The System", the dreams we are calling out have been desecrated by confusion caused by lies that are the fantasies of definitions, and now we call out divorce, broken families, self-obsession, righteousness, arrogance, ignorance, sickness, disease, poverty, homelessness, despair, ownership, suffering, hardship, etc, and because this is what we are calling out, this is what we are creating for our lives, for our families, just as when we lock up the animals and dominate them, we are calling out the suffering of their enslavement and causing them to break the natural will that is the spark of God's consciousness as the true nature of their living (live in the dream of their) purpose.

The good heart has been forgotten and we are calling out from the definitions of fantasy that we are smothered in. We are calling out the fantasy amongst the living and this is why we are destroying everything of the living to create the physical/material forms of the fantasy. As there is no soul of the good heart there, everything being called out are all empty, soulless and dead, and nothing that we are creating out of fantasy has the good heart and has no natural will to live and multiply that benefits the magnificent dream of life.

They don't have conscious living ancestors or descendants and they are unable to call out the purpose of the dream of life; all that can be called out is all of MAN lost in fantasy calling out for the advancement of civilisation, of technology, progress, manufacturing, machines, Artificial Intelligence, science, which is all destruction to the dream of life. Defaulting to the calling out of fantasy that they have been subjected to all their lives, they believe that fantasy is normal and part of reality. They are calling out doubt, uncertainty, fear confusion and all other destructive e-motions because they doubt the virtues of the good heart

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Everything of "The System" is designed to push away the good heart and, because we doubt the good heart, we have to follow the laws of pure fantasy that put us all into predetermined boxes that we unnaturally don't fit into, so we can never experience the souls freedom living with true true peace and tranquillity. Now, we have many alphabet voices in our heads of men and women telling us how to think, feel and act all our lives.

To us, "The System" is a man-made dream of unconsciousness, a deep sleep, where MAN is trained to follow system thoughts/dreams (alphabets) that make MAN unconscious of the purpose of nature, and in following system thoughts, MAN is doing immense harm and destruction to MAN by confusing and destroying MAN'S consciousness that is nature. This causes MAN to fall into a deep sleep of pure fantasy where MAN forgets what MAN really is and what MAN is part of. MAN is now a deeply programmed robot-drone-slave pushing unconsciousness onto others and this unconsciousness is the predetermined boxes of definitions that forms the careers, job descriptions, identity politics, social and sexual engineering and the e-motional make-up of characterised slaves.

Raised in "The System", we were all taught to spell alphabets so that we can be under the spells of alphabets weaved by ocCULTists.

Now we go to nature and confuse and destroy it to make effigies of pure fantasy to continue expanding the destruction of MAN'S nature until MAN'S consciousness no longer remains. The evidence of this are the ancient remains of destroyed civilisations where fantasy was worshipped as reality, as MAN'S fake consciousness. Have we learnt our lesson or are we about to repeat the same mistake on an even grander scale?

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Through our senses, and the senses of all the life forms of nature, all of nature communes through the collective water of MAN'S breath, the breath of the original MAN, God. Not only are we drawing in the original breath of God's consciousness with every breath in, but we are also adding water to the original breath with every breath that we breathe out full of the dreams of our intelligence to expand God's consciousness. All the intelligence of everything that God intended for the dream of life that is the expansion of God's consciousness is in that breath and we add to it through the intelligence of our dreams, thoughts, intentions and ideas and there is always room for everyone because we are expanding the creation of our living nature through our breath, just as a seed expands into a tree and thousands of seeds.

This is where the good heart of all our senses work and this is our natural medium of communication, our true tongue, all of it undefined, and how we naturally develop the big picture of MAN'S true nature that is MAN'S undefined consciousness and the intention of the good heart of God's undefined consciousness encoded in everything we sense, stored in everything of nature. This is how and why we do not desecrate uniqueness and originality because there are no predetermined, defined boxes for everyone to fit into and because the more we destroy nature, the more we are forgetting who we really are. We need to hear (sense) the songs of our ancestors so that we know who we are and so we pass those songs onto our children. This is why the greatest abomination is the desecration of nature because it is the desecration of who we really are. Nature holds the whole song of the big picture of the dream of life.

When children are brought up in nature, the full power of God's undefined consciousness is communicated to the children uniquely and they are the natural embodiment of that full power because they are the original living truth of God's consciousness. This full power is all the virtues of the good heart embodying all the power of life embodied in nature, MAN's consciousness. There is no fantasy there, no confusion, destructive e-motions, etc, because the natural, undefined tranquillity, peace and calm, etc, is always there in the eternal present sense with the MAN with the full power.

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The whole of the dream of life is sacred but when we get inside the heads of children, telling them how to think, feel and act, we are desecrating their potential to be unique, original MAN and the good heart of God's consciousness is not available to them, which is why they get caught up in the destructive e-motions that are not of the good heart and are a fake consciousness, a virus that is an aberration of distortion and confusion leading to children growing up believing that the aberrations are of the good heart, when they are not.

When we desecrate nature, we are desecrating our children and when a child has been desecrated, they no longer have the big picture of the full power of original MAN'S consciousness and they are calling out the e-motions of the definitions of fantasy rather than the good heart and now they are locked into subservience to fantasy and they are only calling out the dead (nothing real and living there) which means that they are dying and everyone around them calling out the dead are dying too. When we corrupt nature and we call this distortion food, liquid and shelter, there is nothing real there and sickness, disease and death continues to spread, even while we love the taste, pleasures, safety, security and nourishment we believe they provide us and our children.

Nothing of "The System" holds the song of our consciousness and there are no ancestors of "The System" singing songs of nature through concrete, plastic, steel, telecommunications, bitumen, etc. All there are are the libraries of the dreams of the OcCULTists branching off into 1001 directions of pure fantasy to keep us mesmerised and fascinated with fantasy all the while we destroy nature and who we are and everything we are part of because we no longer remember who we really are and what we are really part of. There is nothing of original MAN'S consciousness to be found in the alphabet libraries.

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When children are brought up by definitions they take on the full power of the intentions and motives of the men and women who crafted the words that are the destructive e-motions of fantasy because it is not the true consciousness of the good heart. It is the fake consciousness that is without the good heart, which is why the e-motions contained in the words we are calling out are destructive; they have no good heart and the power of that lack of the good heart is the doubt, uncertainty, complacency, confusion, apathy, denial and fear that we experience when the words "sheriff", "Police", "bills", "mortgage", "warrant" come into our lives as a threat to the fake peace and security that we have carved out in "The System". But all of this trauma is only the e-motional power of pure fantasy being played out in our vessels (bodies).

The good heart is always all around us, as far and as wide as we can sense (hold the big picture) of reality. The good heart does not end at the surface of our skin. When we observe a flower our consciousness is there with the good heart of the flower. When we watch an eagle or our children playing, our consciousness is there with the good heart of the eagle and with the good heart of our innocent children. Only the definitions of fantasy will have us believe that we end at the surface of our skin. All the virtues of the good heart are undefined and are being experienced far beyond the surface of our skin, always, while the destructive e-motions of fantasy are contained only within our vessel and always end at the surface of our skin.

Words do not exist as part of reality all around us because we are only imagining they are existing all around us but they are not there, all around us. While we can smell the flower over there and there and there all around us, we can't sense words anywhere all around us. A "wild" child brought up by wolves and brought back to civilisation will not sense the words plastered all over the city because there is nothing there to sense. The only place that we can imagine that words exist is between the ears, in our heads, and the only place that everything to do with words plays out is between the ears, in the head. There is nowhere of reality that we can experience the words because everything that we sense of reality is out there, not in here. All our sensory experiences are out there and consciousness is out there - it is not under the surface of our skin.

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Words aren't anywhere; it is just you imagining where words are because you have been trained to imagine that the words are there. There is nothing of the good heart in the words because the words appear to exist only in "The System". If you believe that the image of a word exists, then you have accepted the word as being in and of you but it doesn't exist and never will. Can a word come before you? Can a word tell you of its life and ancestors? All that can come forward is a man or woman who imagines that they are the word and, even if 1000 people stand looking at a word, this does not mean that the word exists.

You Can Directly Sense Reality But You Can Never Sense A Word.

How many children have their name chosen for them? None of us should be defined by a word and have others think that is who we are and that the whole of our system lives should be defined by it. When you are summoned before a judge, only the word of the MAN, the "NAME" is being called out by the judge because only the "NAME" exists in the fantasy of "The System". The living MAN cannot exist there because there is nothing living in "The System", only the words of the destructive e-motions of chaos being acted out by men and women who imagine that the words are who they are. The judge can only enforce the order through the words that we are imagining being applied to the "NAME" that we are imagining, all of it happening only between the ears.

The OcCULTists crafted words to execute the full power of their intention to create dreams of domination and power over every MAN who adopts these words but, as all they have to work with is fantasy, their dreams of power and domination cause destruction to MAN'S true nature, which is why their fake dream worlds can never be sustained amongst MAN'S true nature.

"In The Beginning Was The Word And The Word Was With God And The Word Was God". The God they are referring to is the God of "The System" of definitions of pure fantasy made up of words. Wherever the Bible of the OcCULTists goes, the extreme chaos of hell is being called out too.

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The OcCULTists cannot work with the absolute truth because there is no power and domination in dreams of truth. All there is are the virtues of the good heart. So when we hear the words subpoena, courts, bills, etc, they come with the fake power of e-motion that is the will without the good heart of God's consciousness calling out to those possessed by fantasy. While we accept their power over us, we are at the affect of the power of fantasy over reality because we don't know who we really are anymore. When we know who we really are, we don't let the servants of fantasy affect us and we don't entertain the power of the words of fantasy over us. Their calling out does nothing to the living.

It is only in the fake consciousness of other men and women that has been defined for us that the words act as e-motional triggers. If we don't know who we really are, we will never be able to maintain the peace and calm that has the full power of God's consciousness because our broken wills still allow the calling out of their dreams of domination to have power over us so we respond to the summons, the writ, the warrant, the Taxes, the laws, etc. When we know who we really are, we have no unconscious reactions pulling our vessels because we don't entertain the e-motions of a fake consciousness to become the fear of reaction, loss, death, suffering, etc, because the e-motion is not housed in the vessel and has no hold over us. This is how we destroy their world of pure fantasy.

It is as if the original dream of life is a software program of the true consciousness of MAN'S nature but it has been infected by a virus that is not our true consciousness but, being unaware of this, we allow the information of the virus to spread through our dreaming without restriction to run our lives constantly in "The System", rather than creating our unique, original dreams through interaction with MAN'S true nature.

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The fact is, more than 99% of people today have good intentions but, somewhere along the way, there was an aberration that caused a MAN to invent the dreamscape virus of definition, self-obsession, ill intent and domination and release it into the Godly software program of MAN'S true consciousness to possess every MAN, thus infecting all of us through the water of our breath where we sense all of life/reality.

The remedy to the virus is the creation of Kindoms, do no harm communities where we learn to withdraw from the fantasy so that we are no longer calling it out in our lives. We create a Mud Room, an area of around 5 to 50 acres that is a small section of a much larger piece of land, depending on the size of the tribe dreamt for, where we live temporarily while creating community infrastructures and a food forest while we wean the fantasy out of our lives, replacing it with the virtues of the good heart and building a metaphorical wall, the Mud Room, to keep out the fantasy as we spread the good heart of Kindom out through the wider communities and beyond until all of fantasy has been consumed.

Kindom is a sanctuary from the virus; we can go out into the wider communities to do what we have to do with the good heart while the infrastructure of Kindom is being created but we don't bring the virus back with us. We are all community immunity turning away the virus, confronting, reasoning and inspiring the infected to release the virus from their focus and return to focusing on the creativity of dreams imbued with the good heart - dreams of MAN'S life that do no harm. Once healed and with all the best spots for everyone to enjoy, Kindomers create their kin domain of around 2.5 acres, with or without the help of other Kindomers, and these Kin Domains are passed on to their descendants never to be bought or sold because there is no ownership over land, just custodianship.

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We use "The System" to get out of "The System" in this life but we don't pass on the baton of "The System" in a relay for the next generations to come. "The System" completely ends in our life, well at least within 30 years.

While the wider Kindom land full of kin domains is not contracted to "The System", the Mud Room is and all commercial activities with the outside world (so to speak) end at the fictitious borders of the mud room and must never spread out from there, past the metaphorical wall and into Kindom. As Kindom spread, the whole of Earth is Kindom with tribes of Kindom adjoined to tribes of Kindom everywhere and all the tribes who dream to live as nomads are completely free to travel through all the adjoining food forests and through all the good spots for everyone to enjoy without passports or customs.

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And as MAN'S consciousness fully heals over time (so to speak), all the waters of the collapsed firmament arise into the celestial space where the living souls of all the celestial bodies of our ancestors look over us (the real cemetery - so to speak) and are restored, no oceans or large seas will appear anywhere across Earth and all the recovered lands will again be part of MAN'S living paradise where ancestors once traversed freely long ago, with great lakes, rivers and waterways, still full of the magnificent creatures of the ocean, replacing the oceans.

Guided by the virtues of the good heart, lives in Kindom are filled with creativity gifted for others to enjoy as we share the abundance of the good heart and all have the space to dream without the burdens of "The System" stifling and compromising us. We don't lead lives of misery arguing over money and fake security. Everything is undefined so we are not boxing people into definitions and boxing the land into lots and plots and then claiming the higher ground over land through Land Titles. Our children are free because we are not calling out for them to be stereotyped into boxes because the good heart has been forgotten.

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We are no longer waking up and going to work endlessly just to afford a roof over our heads and food on the table because there are enough of us to share the dream of the co-creation of the food forests and we have everything that we truly need to live fruitful, abundant lives.

In the Mud Room, we give up the fantasy and surrender to the dream of carrying the full responsibility as custodians of living creator's consciousness, dreaming for our children to expand the dream even further, jut as living creator dreamed for us to expand the legacy of living creator's dream.

When we live from the good heart, there is nothing of "The System" that we need. As we live from our abundant food forests, our sicknesses and disease heal and we restore the true genetic blueprint of Original MAN, God.

Regardless of the fact that all the land of Earth has been stolen over and over again, we all have to establish undefined roots on the land again and start restoring the abundant food forests, stop the destructive practices that are killing earth, and nature will take care of the rest. This is how we bring real peace and freedom into our real lives and how we become independent from the high level, freemasonic controlled corporations controlling all the natural resources all across earth. When we no longer need them, they will disappear.

This natural way of life is the ONLY one that brings true peace, freedom and tranquillity where we can create our undefined, living soul because the wholeness of the dream of life is being restored and there is no more of the discordance of the predetermined shattered reality that is "The System". This means no more sickness, disease, poverty, hunger, depression, psychosis, greed, selfishness, anymore and, above all, no more of the self-obsession that keeps us trapped in "The System" because it is only in "The System" that the fantasy of our self-obsession is fed.

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The system boxes that we are supposed to fit into only support harm, crime and injustice because people are suppressed, censored and discriminated against before they even appear in the womb and they spend the whole of their system lives unconscious of the outcomes of their lives because they are constantly being told how to think, feel and act. We are drone-robot-slaves fitting into the predetermined narratives we have been fed that form the strings of definitions that we are artificially bonded to through fantasy, allowing the master puppeteers of "The System" to direct our lives according to their agendas leading to the Grand Plan of an end times One World Government controlling the whole of earth, which is what we are living in now. These master puppeteers, high level OcCULTists/Freemasons, have no care for you, couldn't care less what happens to you and see you as scum to be used and abused as useless food eaters. They just want you as their slave.

Our brains are so addled with socially engineered boxes that we are programmed to make absurd choices at every turn so we create lawns and flower gardens and admire the large expanse of trees, lakes and flowers at the local botanical gardens and then hop into our cars and drive to the shops to buy sprayed fruit and vegetables and processed rubbish to feed our families, along with the workers at the botanical gardens. A slight tweak to "The System" and there will be many hungry people looking at their lawns. This absurdity is played out throughout "The System" as we refuse to look at the contradictions we support and the ever tightening controls over our lives with China being an example as facial recognition systems and 600 million cameras are being installed all across the country while, in Sweden, people are rushing to have a microchip implanted between the thumb and forefinger to replace identification cards and bank cards, etc.

As we go to work, pay the mortgage, rent and bills, consume all the trinkets and baubles of "The System" and get dazzled by the entertainment, whether sport, fashion, Hollywood, etc, we are supporting this death to all of life that is the displacement of MAN from land and the expansion of the slave system of unconsciousness where we are all forced to fit into predetermined boxes, always. "The System" is made from the links of the chains of definitions of unconsciousness that are the boxes that keep us from remembering who we really are and to prevent us from having the will power to do something to resist the brainwashing. The menu for the whole of our lives has already been predetermined which means there is no free will. We are sold the lie that we are conscious and that we have freedom, when in fact we are oblivious to our state of unconsciousness and our lack of freedom.

Through pure fantasy, the whole of "The System" and everything of "The System" appears only in our lives to keep us all displaced from land, which is all about making sure we never remember who we really are and all this has to do with why all our original ancestors across earth were displaced from land. We have all been bamboozled and brainwashed by definitions forming the fantasies of our perceived realities... careers, interests, lifestyles, science, history, education, religions, gods, saviours, prophets, messiahs, aliens, ocCULTS, esoterics, etc, etc... so we can't create the real consciousness of a MAN'S soul and, if we don't, we are unconscious and deep asleep.

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Everyone who has been defined is being pulled by the strings of fantasy fed to us by the master puppeteers of "The System" who pull the strings of the definitions that we believe in, so that as marionettes with completely broken wills, we follow the narratives of those strings of definitions throughout our system lives. We can follow the strings of religion, the strings of politics, finance, academia, health, entertainment, etc, but we are all still trapped in "The System" as slaves from birth to death. The strings are made up of the boxes that are the definitions that we are all trained to fit into with severe consequences if we don't. The boxes are mapped out in alphabet languages and are designed to persuade us to give the majority of the fruits of our labour to our slave masters for the whole of our lives.

The strings are tied to our heads through the bonds of our beliefs and our broken wills allow our master puppeteers to pull us in whatever direction they choose. The birth certificate is the bond to the "name" of the vessel, the marionette, that is who we think we are. None of these definitions are dreams we uniquely created and by accepting them as our own, through consent, we allow the master puppeteers to come into our heads as those voices of definitions.

While we are trapped in and supporting "The System", we are all responsible for the continuation of the displacement of MAN from the land and all the ensuing horror that we can all see before us. Unless we all take on the full responsibility to change the way we are living and support the transition back to living lives of freedom, peace, joy and tranquillity as MAN on the land, we are all complicit in the continued destruction of the whole of the dream of life and the manufacture of soulless drones to keep on destroying everything.

Those who say they are doing their jobs because they need money to support their families are living in fantasy because money doesn't exist; you cannot talk to money, it has no life and cannot do anything. All you have is the belief in money and the actions of all the definitions we carry out. Money is death to life, unconsciousness, and, while we work with money, we are supporting the displacement of MAN from land and this unconsciousness is a curse that we are processing. We are destroying reality in every way imaginable.

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If you have any commercial contracts in "The System", cashless or not, you are supporting the destruction and worshipping the definitions that keep you distracted and give you false hopes, false ideals and false dreams. Those of you who think you own something are hanging onto the strings of belief and this unconsciousness and the curse you are processing is all you have.

As conscious MAN, we already have everything we need to live abundant lives but our doubt, uncertainty, complacency, confusion, greed, selfishness, anger and self-obsession keep us hanging on to what we think we own like those below deck hanging onto the furniture of the Titanic as it sank beneath the waves, lacking the courage to break away.

This is why Arthur completely pulled out of "The System" back in 2006; he no longer wanted to be part of the continued destruction and he wanted to work out why there was so much harm across every aspect of system life. All we need is to work together to create Kindoms, restoring the food forests and creating Kin Domains for each family, a hectare that each family can take care of and restore, restoring true peace and tranquillity as we do so and raising children in this paradise of our authority.

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In the beginning, there will need to be some men and women still working in "The System" to bring in the fictional dollars while others are creating the infrastructure until the food forests are established enough for all of us to walk away from "The System". A large group of us getting just one true Kindom up and running will be enough to break the back of "The System" as others see that there is an alternative to "The System" and that we do not need to continue being commercial slaves for the whole of our lives. Kindoms will spread all across earth with plenty of free land between for MAN to wander freely through paradise. Sickness and disease will be gone because we have given up the definitions and all the traumatic e-motions that come from them and we are eating fresh, unprocessed, living food.

All the so-called power and might of "The System" is just a bluff; as more and more of us stand up as the authority to their "authority", all they will be left with is the might of their military but it is very difficult to get the armed forces to turn against their countrymen.

Kindom will only flourish if we can get past the self-obsession and the conflicts of personality that cause us to shy away from working with others. The judgement, jealousy, power and control trips, etc, will come between us, if we do not let go and work for the bigger dream of life that is who we really are.

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This garden was started as propaganda to show that you don't need lots of money, space or skills to grow food and feed the family with fresh, living sustenance rather than the predetermined processed rubbish from the shops that has been wrapped, packaged, stickered and transported before it makes it to our mouths, days, weeks, and months later, yet alone all the predetermined, corporate controlled water, energy, etc.

Now, with Fiona having been given a 90 day Termination Notice despite us having been here for 13 years and despite the fact that we told the Title Deed holders in December 2017 that we would need 9 months or so to move out of here, they have persisted with their determination to get us out of here and the sheriffs are coming on Thursday, 14th February at 12.30pm to evict Fiona and the children from the land.

Isn't it interesting that all the tribes of MAN on land were displaced and MAN is still being displaced from land, even in a country such as Australia which is supposed to be an advanced, civilised nation of progress, one of the "best" in the world?

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The fact that we have created a beautiful, productive garden that sustains a family and is shared with friends and neighbours is not important, the fact that it is cleaning the air, improving the biodiversity of the soil and providing eco-systems for hundreds of thousands of insects and many birds, lizards and other creatures is not important, the fact that it is bringing rain to the area is not important, the fact that it is helping us to start moving away from system drone lives is not important. The fact that we are showing children and others how to take full responsibility for their lives, including maintaining optimum health is unacceptable. The money that comes from filling in the boxes of their job description is more important than all of this and more important than the lives and well-being of our family.

What is important is that creating sustainability like this is a threat to the corporate (slave) system and a threat to those at the top of the corporate system, the slave masters, where MONEY and how we MUST FIT INTO PREDETERMINED BOXES is the god that we must all bow down to. Busy taking care of our lives here, we are not a strain on the resources of the local community and we are not out creating misdemeanours in the local community. We have also inspired many others across earth to start taking steps towards sustainability and to restoring the vast abundance that we have lost through our poor land practices and greedy and selfish life styles which ALL stem from the displacement of MAN from the land. What we have done here is unusual in that we have created this garden in a rental property but we wanted to show that it is possible to create abundance wherever you are and whatever your financial situation.

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Arthur has decided to stay here on Thursday when the sheriffs arrive because, if he can't live a free life on the land, he doesn't have a real life of true freedom because there is a world of drones constantly squeezing in on Arthur determined to push him and his family into their boxes of predetermination, and this is the same for all of us. Arthur is committed to pushing them back out of this MAN'S life on this domain. This is happening everywhere, whether on rental properties or "owned" properties and we have to start somewhere, here and now, because, if we don't, we will soon all be so squeezed in that we will only just have room to breathe.

The living MAN Arthur is the living soul of this land and the evidence of this is the more than 4,700 sunsets and sunrises of Arthur living on this land co-creating and expanding life to sustain his family. This is the highest authority on the land. The whole of the commercial world has nothing to do with the land. It is about the intellectual property of the definition of the land that is being rented, but this is not the land. If you are renting the intellectual property of Harry Potter, there is no Harry Potter there because there is nothing living there present amongst the living. Harry Potter is a fantasy and so is all the intellectual property of Harry Potter. No matter what is claimed, nothing of intellectual property has anything to do with the land, including Land Title deeds, mortgages, leases, contracts, services, utilities, etc. Arthur is the only one here as the living MAN and there is nothing else here. The sheriffs are not here and those who claim the Title Deeds are not here because they are lost in the commercial world amongst the lies and liars. They are not the land.

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Fiona was renting the intellectual property and the agents were re-presenting the intellectual property and the Tittle Deed holders were claiming the intellectual property and the whole of the administration of the rule of law and the commercial Crown was only administering the intellectual property and they are all benefiting from the commercial stream of this intellectual property but none of this has to do with the land because none of them are here living on the land creating food forests to benefit the living and there has never been anyone of the living here. Arthur is the only one living here because Arthur is not of the commercial world. He is not dead.

If there is anyone out there who would like to come and support Arthur in telling the sheriffs that they have no authority over him or the land, please let us know and make your plans. We are happy for people to camp here, either in the house or outside. We are existing on a skeleton household because we are packing up and storing most of our furniture, etc, so bring mats and sleeping bags and a willingness to rough it. Come to 11 Roycroft Street, East Bowral, NSW 2576, Australia.

Our four daughters will be staying at friends for a couple of weeks until all this is behind us. Arthur is not concerned if he stands alone to face the sheriffs and possibly a posse of police, or if Arthur gets kidnapped, jailed, bashed and drugged, although they will not be able to charge him because he is a "MAN of straw" in their commercial world and, without a "name" performing in commerce, Arthur does not exist in their fake dream world. Fiona does not yet know where she will be staying, and then there are the two dogs and the cat that need to be taken care of.

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
10th February 2019

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1st December 2018

Our main focus is the Love For Life insight work that we have been sharing for free without a fee since 2005, as well as the Kindom remedy that we offer as the antidote to "The System", by co-creating and expanding a vast abundance of magnificent food forests, so that we can all heal all the damage MAN has done to the land and to the MAN on the land as we walk away from being underneath each other back to free access to uncorrupted and uncompromised land, food, water, air and shelter in this life. We show what "The System" really is, how it works, who is behind it and the fatal consequences of continuing down this system path.

In this webpage you will find details of the Termination (not eviction) Notice Fiona has received to move from this house and garden by the 6th November 2018, now extended to the 31st January 2019 (starting from the oldest correspondence at the top and the latest at the bottom https://docdro.id/SqkeczB - starting from the latest correspondence at the top and the oldest at the bottom https://docdro.id/GjwUSe0). There is also the big picture of why we created the food forest garden on this rental property as a result of what we experienced and learnt about "The System" we all live under and how it operates from various situations we have encountered since we moved into this house in November 2005 (13 years as of November 2018).

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Despite neither of us ever having broken the peace, committed a crime or injured anybody,

a) between 2003 and 2007 the crime syndicate operating a tax fraud behind the Australian Government Taxation Department, seeking payment of $250,000.00 failed, and they were unable to bankrupt Arthur in the Federal Magistrates court
Email To Tibor Karolyi 19th March 2006 Regarding Bankruptcy Order Of The Federal Magistrates Court Of Australia (SYG 37 33 2005),

b) between 2005 and 2007 Fiona had the family home stolen from her through fraud (organised crime) caused by Macquarie Bank representatives switching contracts and stealing $2.5mil*** https://docdro.id/gyKPHAC & https://docdro.id/GSxohRK,

c) between 2014 and 2018 Fiona was sued for $10,130.00 by David Bottrill, a member of Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis in Canberra for defamation for a comment that she did not write or post (they also tried to sue Arthur but gave up) https://docdro.id/b4Kv3jQ and https://docdro.id/oc0UPyp and https://docdro.id/vBuXShX and https://docdro.id/yWi4rsi and https://docdro.id/JhaUhxW,

d) Fiona's 2005 PayPal account used primarily to receive gifts from supporters to keep the Love For Life website, Love For Life projects and Kindom remedy up on the net and moving along, including the food forest garden built on a rental property in East Bowral, was suddenly banned with no reason given "The Fascism Of PayPal" https://docdro.id/M2CE1eN,

e) in 2009 the NSW Jewish Board Of Deputies tried to shut down the Love For Life website because they claim Australian's do not have freedom of speech while making up lies that we (Fiona & Arthur) support hatred against Jews https://docdro.id/KOZWcx0 & https://youtu.be/EO_zv9IaPdw & https://youtu.be/IGaCR4N_BH4,

f) and between 2007 and 2010 the NSW State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) spent around half a million dollars in an attempt to get back $115.00 after we didn't pay two $25.00 fines for not voting and a $65.00 fine for not changing the address of a dog's registration https://docdro.id/RecpZZq.

***The Macquarie bank fraud led to the destruction of Arthur's 19 year old office automation service and sales business, a 4 year old holiday rental business and the theft of the family home.

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With everything happening within a few months, from August 2018 to now, we have also been experiencing extreme tampering with Facebook "The Dictatorship Of Facebook" https://docdro.id/8qsr1WV and Scribd "Scribd Fascism" https://docdro.id/qYPZnTV, with many examples of us being able to see what we have posted, both in the Love For Life website and Facebook, but others writing to us saying that the documents have been taken down when they are still up. We don't know if this is coming from the NBN - the new digital National Broadcasting Network - or within Scribd and Photobucket. The issues we had with Photobucket of pictures disappearing only lasted for around a month and everything is now stable again so there could have been technical problems within Photobucket.

Scribd will no longer let others access the documents we have on the site because they apparently don't fit their ABUSE guidelines, despite the fact that many of these documents have been on Scribd since 2009/2010! See Scribd Fascism. As of the 28th January 2019, we have started using DocDroid for providing links to documents and embedding documents. We know that there is a lot of intense intelligence activity on Facebook as it is a known tool of the CIA. We have had many issues with embedding documents and photos in the website, but this is now working again (as of 20th January 2019).

While we are treating the Termination Notice (not eviction) as coincidental, the actions of the Title Deed holders in refusing to meet with us and work out a win-win solution to the situation and the shifting sands of why they want us out are very odd, particularly as they have the Title Deeds to the house next door and could have sold it when it became vacant last year and got more money for it then as the market is dropping. Instead, they rented it out again.

We warned them in a letter in December 2017 that we would need at least 6 - 9 months (we actually need a year) to vacate this property and invited them to come and see what we were doing but they have never taken any interest and then demanded that we leave in 90 days. Fiona asked for more time and offered to pay more rent but the owners of at least three properties will not budge, despite the fact that Fiona has been a very good tenant for 13 years and paid off a substantial part of the mortgage on the house.

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Considering all the heat we have been getting, from July 2018 to November 2018, all the attacks to cripple the messengers of the truth of the Love For Life insights, and attempts to destablise us and displace us from the security of land so we are unable to continue the Love For Life work for some time, we cannot dismiss the possibility that there have been whispers in the ears of the Title Deed holders. Refer to the Real Estate documents linked above or embedded below.

Then there were the intense, sophisticated bot attacks that shut down the database of the Love For Life website in July 2018. There is a war against the truth going on which is a war against everyone because those at the top hiding in the shadows don't want everyday MAN all across earth to wake up to the truth as to what is really going on and, with their vast intelligence networks, they keep tabs on those who show signs of waking up. The full website database is actually still up on the internet but it has been moved to a sub-domain and you need a password to view it.

In the 1990s, Arthur used to go to the Australian League of Rights and buy many books, most of which are not available in mainstream because they are censored. He also used to talk to a lot of people and ask a lot of questions and groups like this are often infiltrated by intelligence agents whose job it is to make note of who goes there and what their interests are. When we got together in 1996, Fiona also started going to these meetings.

We also had David Icke, David Icke YouTube Channel, stay in our family home for a week in 1996 and two strange women, one in particular, who also turned up and stayed while he was there. In 2005, when we realised that David Icke is Intel and that at least one of his books And the Truth Shall Set You Free is full of the Orwellian doublespeak and tripplespeak of the codes of the letters of the English language that are taught only to the highly initiated in the ocCULTS of Freemasonry (it takes up to 20 years to master the practise of this secret craft), we realised the intelligence gathering that was being built up on us. We also had friends who were well known for being "anti-establishment" and for fighting in the public domain to wake people up.

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Intelligence networks exist to counter anything that could be a threat to those in power and they have been in existence ever since "The System" started. They operate in the shadows and make it look as though there are no connections so that others think we are psychotic for suggesting that there is a coordinated attack on all of us all across earth but the realism of the questions we ask and the intense scrutiny we apply to everything that we have been told shows that the psychosis is not ours.

When we started Love For Life in March 2005 (the website went up in December 2006) and people started writing to us, it became obvious to us that the problems we were experiencing were also being experienced by many, many men and women across earth in the hundreds of thousands. What was happening to us was only the tip of the iceberg!

If you think that the idea of intelligence networks infiltrating all areas of "The System" is far fetched, have a look at this article about the emergence of the Hippie Flower Power movement in the 1960s and how the main movers and shakers were all connected to the military industrial complex in Laurel Canyon, Los Angeles:

Inside The LC
The Strange But Mostly True Story
Of Laurel Canyon & The Birth Of The Hippie Generation

By Dave McGowan
8th May 2008

The Dream Of Life Part 5D
Images Of Deception
The Intelligence Agents Amongst Us

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
23rd May 2012

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There have been many death threats to the family, threats to take the children away and we have encountered hundreds of smear campaigns. Arthur has had four assassination attempts, with the last one involving our then 2 year old daughter, Xanthe. In 2006, after Arthur and three supporters, John Wilson, Joe Bryant and Paul Chermak, went down to the family home and changed the locks on the doors to take it back from the banksters. Joe stayed there for three or four days and, after he went home, his house was broken into at around 4am and Joe and his wife, both in their 70s, were gagged, hog tied, hooded, Joe was shot in the hip and both were severely tortured for two hours or so. The two men in balaclavas responsible took nothing but a small, cheap Grandfather clock and an old PC.

In hospital recovering from the operation to remove the bullet from his hip and the trauma of the incident, Joe Bryant had a large posse of national television, current affairs, radio and newspaper journalists around him while a strike force of police and detectives were assembled to find the two men responsible for this crime. On the same day, after police interviewed Arthur who gave them the big picture shenanigans behind Macquarie Bank and the launching of the Love For Life website into mainstream containing all the evidence of the fraud and the perpetrators, all national media outlets were stopped from going to air and the Police task force was dismantled. More on Joe Bryant can be found below in this document:

"Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Macquarie Bank
In The Reign Of Bill Moss
"NSW Supreme Court Case
Macquarie Bank/Perpetual Limited vs
Fiona Cristian
Victims Of Bank Fraud Condoned By Judges
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
7th December 2006 & 20th June 2016

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The crime syndicate stole Fiona's family home. In today's values, both the theft of the home and the destruction of two cash flow businesses, including ongoing investments, equity accumulation and capital gains, totals a theft of somewhere between $2.5 and $5 million.

We just see life as a gift on a do no harm path and that the greatest sin of all is to covet another MAN, which is what "The System" is all about, leading to the desecration of magnificence as we all accept the mediocrity of system life that is both the coveting and domination of MAN so that MAN can be used and abused by those who seek all this power and its fake glory. Under the mediocrity, we produce men and women who die without a soul, an eternal death of unconsciousness. This is all to be covered in the Love For Life insight work shared in its entirety on this temporary webpage. It should all be up by the 30th November 2019.

For three recent examples read this:

The Follow Through
Arthur Cristian, Adon Bender, Fiona Cristian & Adrian Laughery
Love For Life
23rd February 2019
The Follow Through

"MAN'S Fake Regulation"
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
15th January 2019

Santa Claus + Other Facebook Posts Early-Mid February 2019
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
10th February 2019
Santa Claus + Other Facebook Posts Early-Mid February 2019

The "name" Arthur Cristian has also been used to fraudulently create mobile phone accounts with Virgin, Vodafone, Telstra and Optus despite the fact that Arthur has been completely out of "The System" since 2006 and has no bank accounts, credit cards, drivers licence, passport, tax file number, government handouts, medicare, no commercial contracts, no cash or black market income so does not have the 100 points needed to set up these accounts. We have received numerous letters from debt collectors regarding these fake accounts.

How Did They Get The 100 Points?
Song Rough Demo Arthur Cristian

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st September 2018
16 Minutes 30 Seconds
Includes Three Songs
Save Our Lives - Big MAN Giant - How Did They Get The 100 Points?
How privatisation rides roughshod over all.
Even though Arthur has no drivers licence, credit card, bank account,
tax file number, utility bills, etc, since 2006, somehow Arthur managed
to pull off multiple mobile phone contracts and now debt collectors are after him!

Go here to see other Love For Life Music Videos
Jump To Love For Life Music Videos

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We have experienced huge amounts of censorship on social media and elsewhere and we seem to be on a blacklist when it comes to mainstream media and the alternative networks that talk about truth, freedom, consciousness, do no harm and remedy to "The System". All this to a non violent family that will never carry weapons, don't drink, don't smoke or take drugs (social or big pharma), don't commit crimes, break the peace or injure anybody, are not part of a cult or sect, not part of any movement, religion, political party, not part of any societies, secret or not and do not eat flesh and blood creatures or any other animal products, apart from honey.

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We have spent thirteen years learning to recognise the fog of the brainwashing that we have been subjected to and sticking our heads above the fog to see what is really happening and who the perpetrators are, using intense scrutiny and going where the logic of truth (sense) takes us, through thousands of debates to examine everything we had been taught. The heart of the Love For Life insights that we have been sharing since 2005 cannot be found in books anywhere and you will not hear it from the tongues of most men and women because it has all been kept secret. At the heart of "The System" is the fact that Definitions Form The Fantasies Of Perceived Realities and what has been defined is an illusion because we can only imagine definitions because they are fantasy so we can never be and live the definitions, which is what "The System" is made up of. All beliefs, faiths and associated opinions are definitions of pure fantasy being imagined as reality (truth).

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Children are supposed to be brought up in the magnificence of uncorrupted nature and by uncompromised nature without anyone inside their heads defining anything of reality to them because this is how you dominate another MAN so that they can be used and abused all their lives as broken cattle and horses with identification tags, branding, rings in their noses, bits in their mouths and harnesses around their bodies. Educated children are groomed to be registered rank and file vessels of intellectual property that are only scribbles and marks of nothing real (alphabets) on pieces of paper moving from filing cabinet to filing cabinet to hard drives to digital cyber space and back again to filing cabinets, going around and around and around the growing documentation of a his-story/her-story (history) of Add-DULT*** (adult) psychopaths completely lost in the fantasy of a mental asylum that is "The System".

Generally speaking, these severely damaged grown up children who always had access to the good heart all their lives, are committed and determined to destroy reality all around them as robot zombies of destruction all-the-while believing they are doing the "right" thing by their "good hearts". You find these add-dults in every city, suburb, town, state, territory, principality, country and nation of "The System".

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*** Phonetics of Dult is Dolt ***Dolt. "Dolt refers to a person who isn't very smart. You might be called a dolt if you do something dumb, like stand outside your car complaining that you locked your keys inside - even though the window is wide open. Let's be honest - you never want to be called a dolt. And if you're a kind person, you'll never call anyone else a dolt - unless they do something so frustratingly stupid that you can't take it anymore. Dolt probably came from the Middle English word dullen, meaning "to dull, make or become dazed or stupid." To help remember what dolt means, say it out loud, with gusto. With its guttural sound, the word itself sounds not very bright."

To Add----->Dult is what education seeks to achieve with our children. Adults love the mountains but they drive their cars to the very mountains they say they love using motorised transport manufactured out of destroying mountains. Adults love the oceans but they fill it with toxins, poisons and immense garbage. Adults love life, friends, partners, marriages, families, children, nature, etc, etc, etc, etc, but they destroy what they say they love. Adults love freedom, truth, peace, joy and abundance but they love "The System" which enshrines slavery and deprives everyone from having truth and everlasting freedom, peace, joy and abundance.

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Children raised on definitions become soulless, rank and file drones that operate out of the alphabet programming of the definitions that they have been inculcated into and have learnt to live in the fake peace of a Pax Romanus ("The System") with horror and destruction. No conscious MAN can live in peace with horror and destruction going on around them all the time and not immediately do something from the outset about it which shows that all of us peacefully accepting the horror and destruction have broken wills and will die as soulless robots who did nothing to stop the waves of trauma and despicable crimes all around them.

All men are equal and MAN is always the higher power, including over the rule of law. As an ACT Supreme Court Judge said to Fiona in 2016, "MAN Is The Higher Power But MAN Chooses To Subjugate Himself Under The Law So That We Can Have Order". But when we look at what is happening all across earth under the "order" of the rule of law, we can only witness add-dults in peace with chaos all-the-while being the chaos that is causing immense destruction, death, fraud, theft, poverty, homelessness, sickness, disease, hopelessness, environmental disaster, rape, pillage and plunder, etc, etc, in an "orderly" rank and file manner.

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It is clearly obvious that the education system is just a production line manufacturing rank and file add-dults who spend their whole lives destroying reality, believing its the right thing to do and they will celebrate a history of their careers in union with chaos (murder) as being the pinnacle of their greatest achievements, the very best they can be under an "orderly" manner. The order of discrimination, censorship, psychological attacks and constant, petty system dross that takes the attention and life energy of those who are determined to turn the tide of harm.

As broken men and women with ongoing access to the good heart, we are like a good hearted immune system that welcomes in a fatal disease to share the body in peace, standing back and letting the disease take over rather than rushing to defend the body from initial invasion and harm.

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What we have encountered over the last thirteen years of exposing things as they really are has led to all of the above. It comes with the territory because the tiny few at the top of "The System" who we let have all the power, control and wealth of "The System" are not going to give it up easily.

There is no remedy to "The System" to be found in "The System".

What you read in the Love For Life insight work cannot be faulted, despite the fact that it will go against the belief systems of many but, if you are honest and willing to put your belief system to the test, you will find that it does not stand up to scrutiny because the truth does not need belief, faith or associated opinion to be evident because it already is, that's if you can get past the fog of the brainwashing that has mesmerised and discombobulated everyone who has been brought up in "The System".

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When you can get past the doubt, fear and uncertainty that comes with system trauma and brainwashing, you will come to see/sense why we have persisted with what we are doing and why we will not back off, regardless of whatever is thrown at us.

To us, nature is MAN'S pure, undefined consciousness where every instant of life and every blade of grass, leaf, tree and creature and every air, water and sand particle is unique and original, never to be repeated. When children are brought up by nature with no one inside their heads defining reality to them, they each create unique and original dreams of MAN'S undefined life that will never be repeated and this undisturbed nature is the pure and sincere consciousness of MAN'S eternal soul.

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"The System" and EVERYTHING of "The System" is MAN'S disturbed nature because everyone trapped in "The System" has been defined and this disturbed nature is the chaos, war, destruction and immense harm being played out between the disturbed nature of every MAN who was defined (education, instruction, explanation, suggestion, indoctrination, brainwashing and inculcation) by another defined MAN.

We were all meant to be undefined and NEVER defined.

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
1st December 2018

Creating Constant Abundance In Spite Of Having Very Little Money
And Giving Away All The Excess For Free And There Is Always Plenty

The many garden photos displayed in this webpage are of the Love For Life food forest garden we have created on a suburban, rental property in East Bowral, Southern Highlands, NSW, Australia, 80 minutes south-west by car from Sydney International Airport. We have lived here since November 2005 after Fiona had the family home stolen by bank fraud 2005-2007, orchestrated by those who switched contracts inside Macquarie Bank and its Perpetual Limited, a crime condoned and supported by those involved in the legal fraternity and judiciary, leading us to examine everything going wrong in "The System" with so much harm and destruction happening on a daily basis all across earth. Our determination to unravel "The System" has led us to do things that most wouldn't, to take risks with what others might see as disastrous consequences but they were vital learning tools for us. Details of some of these situations will be found in this temporary webpage.

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The garden that we have created here in suburbia, surrounded by vast open spaces of rural land full of affluence, is central to the Kindom remedy we offer to get out of "The System" in this life and completely change the way we are all living so that the constant harm and suffering stops. Having gone from the so-called system security of working hard and buying a home, setting our lives up to have stability, we went back to almost nothing, just our furniture, two old cars and a very basic income that often barely paid the rent and kept food on the table. We went from a $4000.00 per week average income (today's values would be $8k to $10k) to fighting off destitution and poverty raising 4 young daughters. The garden was created out of the determination to show that we could not be broken by our circumstances and that we don't need much to create abundance even on a small piece of land such as the one we are living on, which is between 1/10th and 1/16th of an acre. All it takes is the willingness to work hard.

We live from the proviso that life is a gift on a do no harm path and that we each carry the full responsibility to maintain and expand the magnificence of the living dream of MAN'S life that is Nature/Earth/Creation and not diminish it which we do under "The System". The hell we are passing on to our children was never meant to be. Doing this Love For Life work, we came to see the horror of the mediocrity that played out throughout "The System" and that we are each equally responsible for this horror. Zooming in on the fine detail of how we live in "The System", we saw the harm of mediocrity destroying the magnificence of nature, the living dream of MAN'S life, in every area of our system lives. We are playing out this destruction in every instant of our "system" lives.

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Love For Life Food Forest Garden Photos

How The Front Yard Looked Back In 2005 When We Moved In

November 2005 We Moved Into This Rental Property photo 1_zps7mchw38f.jpg

During 2006 photo 2_zpsnpv7whym.jpg

How The Back And Side Yards Looked Between 2005 And 2009

Between 2006 and 2007 photo 4_zpsbnaqheuf.jpg

2006 photo 5_zps3yebvety.jpg

Between 2006 and 2007 photo 3_zpsxmya1fjy.jpg

How The Back And Side Gardens Changed Between September 2011 and January 2018
And How The Front Garden Changed Between September 2015 And January 2018

Links To Facebook And Photobucket Garden Albums
Photobucket is much more organised




Front Yard 2017/2018

9th January 2018 photo 69_zpshb7t2jjy.jpg

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23rd December 2017 photo 23_zps4srcii1p.jpg

1st December 2017 photo 59_zpsgufwrc61.jpg

9th October 2018 photo DSCF2591_zpsg7nr0io6.jpg

Love For Life Garden Videos

From Bare Dirt To Abundance Part One
A Year In The Life Of The Love For Life Food Forest

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
14th February 2013
Covering September 2011 to February 2013
52 Minutes

From Bare Dirt To Abundance Part Three
Love For Life
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
10th March 2016
60 Minutes

From Bare Dirt To Abundance Part Four
Love For Life
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
19th October 2016
29 Minutes

Side Yard West Side

1st December 2017 photo 29_zpssiaiw2bb.jpg

1st December 2017 photo 42_zpsgzwhiwgj.jpg

1st December 2017 photo 43_zpsmxqffrjt.jpg

14th January 2018 photo 62_zpseea7rfqg.jpg

14th January 2018 photo 63_zpsvvzdhwwh.jpg

18th February 2018 photo 65_zpsiu8jomef.jpg

14th January 2018 photo 66_zpsruorbajd.jpg

18th February 2018 photo 67_zpshhufqi0h.jpg

9th October 2018 photo DSCF2619_zpst159wrtt.jpg

9th October 2018 photo DSCF2620_zpshizr6bwb.jpg

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New Free Love For Life eBook

We are currently writing the first draft of the free Love For Life ebook called
"Defining Magnificence Into Mediocrity And Calling It Magnificence"
The first smaller edition will be completed before the end of November 2019

Arthur and Emma 2007
Emma & Arthur 2007 photo 21_zps55prgiaz.jpg

Introduction To Kindom
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

5th March 2015
63 Minutes

Continuation Of The West Side Of The Garden

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Back Yard

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East Side

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Front Yard

To us, this small rental property is the demonstration of the Kindom remedy where we work together to create the food forests that will eventually set us free from living underneath each other, with space for each family to live on and create their dreams and plenty of land, including all the "best" spots, all around for everyone to enjoy. We have had many men and women coming and staying for periods of time and working in the garden with us, each of us learning more and more about why we still cling to "The System" despite the fact that we can all see that harm and suffering being caused by the way we live.

This small but beautiful, abundant garden represents multi-thousands of hectares of food forests and bush with communities living amongst them without needing anything of "The System". Our ancestors were all MAN on the land before "The System" was forced upon us and it is only when we are back as MAN on the land that we will be able to wind down from all the pressures and stresses of our system obligations and get back to true peace, joy, freedom and abundance. The distance that we have fallen and removed our lives from the land is the extent of the murder and genocide happening all across earth.

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What are we without land? If you remove MAN from the land, you turn that MAN into a slave because that MAN can no longer take full responsibility for the life of that MAN and the lives of the family of that MAN. Removed from the land, we have lost the space to dream and to create a soul of the good heart that is the consciousness of every life form all across earth.

We created this garden as a sanctuary, not to run away but to give us, and others, the space to create a soul by letting go of their attachments to "The System" that keep them stuck in a cycle of self-obsession that needs "The System" to provide them with what their self-obsession tells them they need. We wanted to demonstrate that, if you know who you are and you have created a soul, that can never be taken away from you, no matter what anyone does to you.

If all around us are suffering, we can never be free from exposure to that suffering. If all around us cannot see the importance of MAN living on the land, free from domination, they are all lost. If all around us are slaves, we can never experience true freedom because we will always be looking over the fences at what others have and wanting it in our lives. This is system life; always wanting more. If we don't each create immunity to protect our brothers and sisters so that they can have freedom on the land, then we are each responsible for the continuation of the hostile environment of "The System".

15 centimetre Case Moth Cocoon
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If we don't have land to care for, all we have is the domination of other men and women in our heads, keeping us downtrodden and reliant on "The System" because those behind "The System" control all the land and all the resources of water, food, air and shelter. Since we removed man from land, we have been caught up with all the controversies and conflicts of "The System". If we are on the land, being responsible for our lives and the lives of those around us, we don't have to be concerned with any of it because none of it has any bearing on our real lives. Back on the land, with no TV, no internet, no government, no politics, no war, no famine, no cruelty, no brutality, there is no one to watch or take part in anything of "The System" and, without us, "The System" is just concrete, steel, plastic, etc, none of which exists or can do anything without us.

There is nothing in our heads that comes from living on the land. It has all come from the men and women who think they have the right to invade us and dominate us by removing us from the land and filling our heads with system thoughts, definitions, fake dreams and indifference to cruelty, brutality and suffering.

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We all live locally and we are all attacked locally because we are all still on land now, no matter what we have done to it, but we have no power over what we can do on that land, only a few choices. We have had to create local systems of protection as a result of problems created locally by the invasion of MAN on the land and this has grown to local government, state government, federal government and now, we are heading towards global government, which is why we are constantly distracted by what is happening globally, caught up in the global system with attachments to "The System" that keep us in our heads.

When we are all living locally on land with no one inside our heads, we don't have any problems and have the space to dream and to allow others to dream. Everything of "The System" is to keep us from living on the land so that the problems stop. No one can own anything. No one ever has or ever will, even the dreams that we create that are of the good heart that we can never own because they are for the benefit of all.

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What are we here for? Why do we have this gift of life? Is it only to gain material wealth and possessions and to distract ourselves from our lack of freedom and abundance with system trinkets and entertainment? Or is life about more than this? When you look back on your life as you are ready to leave this body, what do you want to look back on?

Do we have real men and women around us who are willing to stand up and make changes, even though it will take a few years of hard work for no financial or material gain? Do we support each other in maintaining the war between us and against us or do we support each other in walking away from the war and creating peace?

We have been given a Termination (not eviction) Notice to vacate this property and we are supposed to be out of here by the 7th November, 2018, but we have nowhere to go to take this garden with us and keep feeding our family with its abundance. Fiona's income is small and we are not likely to be accepted for any properties that are suitable for us to move 30+ tonnes of soil and all the timber and materials from the garden beds, sheds and hothouse, as well as all the plants that we can rescue in pots.

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Should we be discriminated against because we have no title deeds that say we own a piece of land, even though we know that the title deeds have nothing to do with the land? A piece of paper is not the land. We see life as a gift on a do no harm path and we have each dedicated multi-thousands of hours to sharing what we have learnt with others and helping them in their healing for free without a fee, whether over the phone, by email or face to face, just as those who have come here have helped us for free without a fee, as well as those who have helped by sending donations to keep everything rolling along here.

What are we without land?

What are we without the natural abundance of nature all around us?

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29th October 2018

The 2005 Drupal 5 Database
Used To Build The 2006
Love For Life Website
Was Taken Down Early July 2018

The website was taken down due to constant, sophisticated algorithm bot attacks crippling the pair.com shared server and becoming a major security threat.

The Love For Life.com.au website was launched in December 2006 and, as of the 1st July 2018, had received over 400 million unique ip addresses/browsers hitting the original home page http://loveforlife.com.au. The website had almost 12,000 web pages (Drupal Nodes) containing over 30,000 individual items; articles, pdf's, word.docs, research material, embedded videos, podcasts, discussions, newspaper clippings, photo libraries, etc, and over 3,500 intense Love For Life (Arthur & Fiona Cristian) debates with experts, scientists, researchers, members of the bar, academics, educators, theologians, laymen experts, entrepreneurs, business people, etc, on many, many subjects, all with the intention of going where the truth takes us and uncovering all the misconceptions and lies that are causing all the immense harm being perpetrated all across earth today by all of us. It was a work of unpaid labour on Arthur's part involving mostly 16 hours per day of almost everyday since December 2006 until late 2014/mid 2015.

Images Of The Old LFL Home Page
Click On Thumbnails To Enlarge

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So much of the material archived in the Love For Life website was not in mainstream, with dedicated researchers reaching only small audiences. Between 2007 and 2010, Love For Life helped (we were not the only ones) to push much of their important information into mainstream to the point where it is commonly talked about by those who would not normally have taken the time to dig up the information. Amongst the hundreds of subjects being presented to the public domain included vaccination, chemtrails, HAARP, fluoride, chlorine, aspartame, msg, radio-waves, microwaves, etc, electrical magnetic fields, big pharma drugs, mobile digital towers, Port Arthur Massacre, twisted recorded history, earth wide bankruptcies of all western world nations since the early 1930's, the removal of the peoples gold standards replaced with privately owned money and the fractional reserve banking systems come credit (debt) creation and the ability to create inflation or depression at will, the "NAME" of the person on the birth certificate and the Commonwealth Of Australia being a private corporation.

The aim was to document how so many innocent men, women and children are suffering, despite the fact that most of us do not have any malevolent intentions, do not commit crimes, injure anyone or break the peace. We wanted to unravel why this is happening and what is behind all the suffering all across Earth, showing just how corrupt "The System" is and how everyone living under "The System" is discriminated against and censored and we are all complicit in this censorship and discrimination because we comply with, acquiesce to and support the rule of law of "The System" that has us all do harm to each other, even though we do not have the blatant intention to cause harm and maintain the discrimination and censorship that causes the "haves" and the "have nots" struggling in a contrived world where access to the basic tenets of life, uncompromised, uncorrupted food, water, air, land and shelter and, with them, secure families and communities, is denied to many.

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Most of us shy away from gaining power over others by becoming politicians or judges, or working in organised crime syndicates to gang up on others. Most are not skilled enough at the wider fundamentals of mathematics to become real power players in commerce, so we are discriminated against, even before we arrive in the womb, by the few who take advantage of our unwillingness to control others by using their malevolent intent and/or ambition to rise to places of power and authority in "The System" that is based on the domination of one MAN over another.

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The organised crime syndicates can be institutions, religions, governments, big business and societies, secret or not and we call them organised crime syndicates because they are used to cause harm and to discriminate against people and dominate them, despite the fact that the majority of the men and women working for them have no intention to do harm to others, even though they have access to the good heart.

For example, McDonald's sells mostly lifeless, soulless food that harms its customers who have been discriminated against because they cannot afford freshly grown, uncompromised, organic food and their brains have been addled by constant exposure to advertisements, subliminal or not, that con them into being taken in by the bells and whistles that are iphones, cars, holidays, rock concerts, sporting events, etc, without realising that uncompromised access to the tenets of life is being made harder and harder for them, unless they are of the privileged, tiny few, and that they are becoming sicker and sicker and more and more unhappy as the generations arrive.

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Generally speaking, most of us spend all our system lives working for something we will only maybe get to enjoy in the last few years of our lives before we end up in retirement homes with our bodies and brains failing, full of pharmaceutical drugs until we eventually die, often without family around us. The freedom to truly enjoy the tenets of life is not being experienced in the moment for most of their lives, clearly showing that we are living under the domination of a slave system. It is the joy of experiencing a whole lifetime of true freedom with the basic tenets of life, surrounded by uncompromised family, community and nature, that make life worth living. When we fix this problem, all the other problems of "The System" fade away.

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Those who grab all the power manipulate us into believing that we have freedom when all we have is choice disguised as privatisation with its globalisation of domination under huge corporations of the tiny few who can offer their products, services and resources with a smile only to cut them off at whim with no recourse for those left stranded. All of this money hungry power is centred around the control of those basic tenets of life, and is the underlying pulse of "The System" resulting in the hostile dog eat dog, survival of the fittest, "What's in it for me?" attitude of most in "The System", that forms the soulless cities, suburbs and communities that we live in, full of fake niceties and smiles.

We are fast heading to a globalised, one world, privatised system federation where everything will look rosy, with eco-friendly, all-is-one everything and no debt, but where our access to shops, products, services, land, etc, will be a lock in, lock out system, depending on whether we are fulfilling our quotas (all-is-one debt still under the domination of another MAN) and behaving as dictated by our "communities".

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Everyone arrives in the womb with access to the good heart and it is there for the rest of their lives, if they want to work with it. However, the rule of law allows the organised crime syndicates and their lackeys to get away with the discrimination and censorship by making it impossible for men and women to live in "The System" without denying the good heart in many areas of their lives.

The intent behind the Love For Life website was to show all the harm and immense misconceptions and lies perpetrated by so many who are either doing it for money or because they want to harm people to have power or as a claimed necessity for their survival in the glory of their progress of civilisation that is really the apocalypse of MAN'S downfall all across earth, as can be seen with so many children now dying before their parents and so much man-made sickness and disease, environmental devastation, pollution, cruelty, war, chaos and injustice all around us today no matter where you are across Earth, including 101,000 poisons, toxins and chemicals circulating in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and the shelters we live in.

We are all different, all coming at things in different ways, but, under the rule of law, in obedience to its domination, we are forced into one-size-fits-all boxes in every area of "The System", leading to a lot of the frustration and destructive e-motions experienced by many because nothing ever really works for them because they are being discriminated against and censored because none of us are being seen for who we really are and we are being compromised despite never committing a crime, breaking the peace, injuring anyone or having any malevolent intent. This is the lock in, lock out of "The System" of privatisation.

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It was having Fiona's family home stolen by Bank fraud, 2005-2007, that was the final catalyst that made Arthur determined to find out how and why so much harm is being done to so many men, women and children constantly, all across earth and, not wanting to be part of this constant harm doing any longer, he pulled out of "The System" by dropping all his contracts and obligations with "The Systems", including his bank accounts, passport, birth certificate, drivers licence, etc. More on all this in the "About" section.

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As there have been extensive, ongoing delays in upgrading the website to Drupal 8.1.6, we have set up this temporary webpage for anyone wanting to access the Love For Life Insight work, with the most important Love For Life insight work since 2014 being uploaded to this temporary webpage, including articles, videos and photos. We plan to have all this finished by 30th November 2019.

In the meantime, you can go to

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arthurcristian

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ArthurLoveForLife/videos

DocDroid: https://www.docdroid.net

This Scribd account has been removed by Scribd.
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/user/1161671/Arthur-Cristian/uploads

Photobucket: http://s994.photobucket.com/user/ILoveCasperTheGhost/library/Love%20For%20Life%20Garden

to explore the Love For Life work.

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Termination Notice

Fiona has also recently been given a 3 month Termination (not eviction) Notice to depart this rental property where we have been living for the past 13 years by the 6th November 2018. We are happy to move on and take the magnificent garden we have created with us but we need more than 90 days to get out of here. We have explained this to the Real Estate Agent's Property Manager and, indirectly, the owners but they are currently not budging, despite the fact that Fiona has been a very good tenant and paid off the majority of their mortgage for them! On behalf of the owners, the property manager has threatened to make an application to the NSW Civil And Administrative Tribunal on the 7th November 2018 to have Fiona and the kids thrown out on the street. We have been given no reason for the termination.

To see the correspondence between us and the Property Manager so far, below are two documents, both are linked and embedded. The first one has the latest correspondence at the top and the oldest at the bottom, and the second one is the other way around.

Correspondence going from the latest at the top to the oldest at the bottom:

Correspondence going from the oldest at the top to the latest at the bottom:

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Supporting The Ironbark Farm Kindom Village Dream

It is going to take a team effort to gradually extricate our lives from all the middle men and women of The System and there are many ways to support this effort; those that have the time can contribute labour, those who have skills in trades, designs, permaculture, food forests, planning, business, crafts, food preparation, etc, can bring them to the table, those who have spare resources can add them to the tools and equipment we already have, those who have financial resources can donate. Ironbark Farm Kindom Village will be the sum of everything put into it by men, women and children who dream for lives apart from The System of harm doing and destruction. It is up to each of us to do what we can to make it happen.

The Big Picture of the Ironbark Farm Aust Kindom Village Dream can only continue with your support so, if you like what we are up for and doing and would like to help get the Village up and running faster, you are welcome to make a gift/donation by clicking on the Stripe blue button below Pay with Card. And wherever possible please mention gift with every donation, as this is not not a commercial-business arrangement/contract, etc. Fiona is not selling or buying anything.


Send A Gift Through Stripe


PayPal Has Blocked Fiona Cristian From Receiving Donations To Support The Kindom Village Dream Or Anything Else We Do - Read this: Fiona's 2005 Paypal account was closed by Paypal in 2018 for no reason, "The Fascism Of PayPal" - Fiona is blocked from opening another PayPal account".


or via a Postal Note
such as Western Union
at a Local Post Office. Go to a local post office to send a gift to Fiona Caroline Cristian in Willawarrin 2440 NSW Australia, and you will receive a code that you need to email to action@loveforlife.com.au, or Facebook Private Message on Fiona's Facebook Wall, so she can go to the post office to collect.

Note: Arthur's 2007-2008 FB Wall was hijacked July 2023 & he now uses Fiona's FB Wall. All Arthur's posts going back to 2008, still appear to be intact - the 1st bitcoin post on the top of the FB wall is from the hijackers/fraudsters.

or via


If you are in Australia, you can make a donation using Osko or PayID from any of the major banks using the email address: action@loveforlife.com.au



Account Name: Fiona Caroline Cristian
BSB (Branch Number): 012547
Account Number: 557681376
and please write Gift because this is not a business/commercial arrangement. Fiona is not selling or buying anything.

All the Love For Life work we have done since 2005 is for free without a fee, so any support is greatly appreciated.

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The Fascism Of PayPal

On the 9th September 2018, we received an email from PayPal saying that they had closed Fiona's 2005-2006 PayPal account without being able to give us a reason. After a few phone calls to PayPal's front line desk of drones repeating scripts and a couple of emails back and forth, it became clear that those behind PayPal have no intention of reinstating the account, even though they insist that Fiona has done nothing wrong and there are no issues inside PayPal either. They say that they cannot let us know what the security issues are because then we might find a way around their security???!!!

Read, The Fascism Of PayPal"https://docdro.id/M2CE1eN, as a response to their brick walls.

The immediate effect of this action was that Upwork, a global freelancing network used to find a Drupal developer to upgrade the Love For Life.com.au website from Drupal 5 to Drupal 8.1.6, then contacted both us and the developer we had an agreement with, telling us: "We have suspended your account and all your active contracts because we are experiencing issues with your PayPal account. Please ensure your PayPal account has a valid funding source and is not locked or restricted. Freelancers cannot log time on your contract(s) until your account has been reactivated.". The Drupal developer from Spain was also told by Upwork that, if he did anymore work for us, he would no longer be able to bid for work through Upwork or be paid and his contract with Upwork would be cancelled.

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In frustration at the way this action of PayPal's is typical of the faceless corporations now controlling all the land and all the resources across earth that are able to make sweeping decisions that affect our lives without there being any recourse for those affected, we wrote "The Fascism Of PayPal" https://docdro.id/M2CE1eN".

It is getting to the point where everyday men and women can have access to services, products and resources denied without any recourse available to them, even if they have not committed a crime, broken the peace or injured anyone. If we do not all have free access to the basic tenets of uncorrupted land, food, water and shelter, and with that, family and community, then are we not under a dictatorship?

After some email exchange with Upwork and after Fiona gave them Fiona's credit card details, Fiona was able to get going with her developer again. He was business as usual and had lots of ideas as to how to get things up and running quickly. Then it got to the point where the Drupal 8.1.6 version was about to become live on the internet again and he disappeared. We have emailed him, left him messages through the Upwork site but have heard nothing since mid October. Fiona had no choice but to ask Upwork to cancel the contract and return the money held in escrow so that Fiona can find someone else to do the work and, through Upwork, the developer has approved the return of the money.

Fiona still needs to get some more money together to complete all the upgrading needed for the website so, if you would like to support Fiona in achieving that, you can now donate here: Pay With Card.

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What's Been Thrown At Us Since 2005

2003-2007, the conspiracy of the crime syndicates $250,000.00 fraud behind the Australian Government Taxation Office and its determination through the NSW District Court (NN 2836/05 and 2094/05) and Federal Magistrates Court (SYG 37 33 2005) to appoint Tibor Karolyi from the Sydney office of the Australian Government Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia to bankrupt the "person", "ARTHUR CRISTIAN. Before, during and after, Arthur never signed any of their paperwork, told them all to go and get f..... and to shove all their lies and paperwork up their Khyber Pass and without Arthur's consent, the person was never bankrupted, even though they threw the intimidation of the Australian Federal Police at him, Arthur kept ignoring them until they all finally faded away never to be seen or heard of again. And with the Macquarie Bank/Perpetual Limited switching of contracts going on, 2005-2007, Arthur gave what remained of his Sydney based, 19 year old office automation sales and service business to his service manager as a gift and began unplugging from "The System".

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2005-2007, the crime syndicate then conspired to steal Fiona's family home by switching contracts she had with Macquarie Bank and its Perpetual Limited without Fiona knowing anything about it - there was no "meeting of the minds". Even though at first, Macquarie Bank staff admitted it was their mistake and said they would quickly rectify it, the matter was taken over by moguls higher up inside Macquarie Bank, all under the reign of Bill Moss, and with members of the bar and judiciary in tow, were instrumental in the conspiracy to steal Fiona's family home. This led to elderly supporters being hog-tied, gagged and hooded, one of them, Joe Bryant, with a bullet through his hip and both he and his wife tortured for a few hours after Joe helped us change back the locks on the family home.

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In hospital recovering from the operation and trauma, Joe Bryant had a large posse of national television, current affairs, radio and newspaper journalists around him while a strike force of police and detectives were assembled to find the two men responsible for this crime. On the same day, after police interviewed Arthur who gave them the big picture shenanigans behind Macquarie Bank and the launching of the Love For Life website into mainstream containing all the evidence of the fraud and the perpetrators, all national media outlets were stopped from going to air and the Police task force was dismantled. The crime syndicate stole Fiona's family home. In today's values, both the theft of the home and the destruction of two cash flow businesses, including ongoing investments, equity accumulation and capital gains, totals a theft of somewhere between $2.5 and $5 million. More on Joe Bryant can be found in this document, Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Macquarie Bank In The Reign Of Bill Moss.

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2006-2010, the New South Wales State Debt Recovery Office pursued Arthur and Fiona for over three years, spending up to $500,000.00 seeking payment of 2 x $25.00 fines for not voting and a $65.00 fine for not changing the address of the family dog's registration. Twice, a large squad of around 16 police, detectives, sheriffs and tow truck drivers were sent to Fiona's family home to retrieve $115.00 + fines.

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Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery Office
Part One To Part Ten 17th Oct 2008 To 2011

Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery Office Part One To Part Ten
1320 A4 Pages

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2009, the Love For Life website was attacked by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies because they objected to some of the content, despite us making it very clear that we are not anti-anyone as we realise that none of us arrive in the womb with any notion of race, colour or creed. The CEO, Mr Vic Alhadeff, wanted to shut down the Love For Life website. The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies backed off after being inundated by thousands of Love For Life supporters.

NSW Jewish Board Of Deputies
Has Threatened To Shut Down
The Love For Life Website Parts 1, 2 & 3

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
30th January 2009
Link: https://docdro.id/KOZWcx0

Love For Life Website Attacked Part 1
Aussie Free Speech Under Threat
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
CEO, Vic Alhadeff, Says Australians
Don't Have Freedom Of Speech

June 2009
10 Minutes 13 Seconds

Love For Life Website Attacked Part 2
Aussie Free Speech Under Threat
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
CEO, Vic Alhadeff, Says Australians
Don't Have Freedom Of Speech

June 2009
10 Minutes 15 Seconds

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2014-2018, Fiona and Arthur being sued $20,260.00 for defamation by David Bottrill of the Ordo Templi Orientis in Canberra for a comment posted by Michael Boruscievicz of Luke's Army in the unmoderated LFL website that she removed when asked to do so. Fiona had nothing to do with either writing or posting the comment. Michael Borusiewicz Of Lukes Army EXPOSED had been posting the same comments on other websites, forums and social media platforms in the three to four months before posting it on the Love For Life website and already had David Bottrill threatening to sue him, so for months, Michael knew that David Bottrill considered the material defamatory before he posted it on the Love For Life website.

They gave up trying to get money out of Arthur but they continued to pursue Fiona who finally had to pay $10,130.00. Fiona paid it off $200.00 per fortnight until it was completed in September 2018. In an email to Fiona after the case was closed, David Bottrill demanded that she take down certain sections of the website, including the situation with the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, even though none of it had anything to do with the David Bottrill case. The website has since been moderated. Read The Fascism Of PayPal for more on this. All the documentation of this case is in The Satanic Craft of Inculcation in Practise and embedded below.

The Satanic Craft of Inculcation in Practise
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
4th March 2014 To Mid-End 2017

Michael Borusiewicz of Lukes Army EXPOSED
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love for Life
11th March 2016
Michael Borusiewicz Of Lukes Army EXPOSED

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2010-2018 The Love For Life Facebook walls have been under constant attack through ghosting, blocking and shadow banning. The numbers of friends and followers goes up and down, up and down, despite the fact that we rarely remove people. Friends write to us asking why we have removed the friendship when we haven't, others write to us asking why it is a ghost town on our walls when we have so many friends, or saying that they cannot see the posts that we put up, or do not receive notifications of posts.

We have had over four thousand Facebook friends and thousands of followers removed over the last couple of years and our Friends counter now vacillates around the 4000+ mark, going up and down without us doing anything. Perhaps all those removed are still there sitting in stasis and we have over 10,000 friends! We have no way of knowing, especially as many people like to remain private and perhaps do not want to be associated with us and so do not let us know what is happening but you can bet that those behind the CIA based Facebook front know exactly what is going on and use this knowledge to play out the scenarios that further their agenda.

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The lackeys of the tiny few behind "The System" manipulate what is seen on Facebook both to stop undesirable influences from spreading and also as a form of psychological attack to make those targeted feel that they are not popular and that their message isn't spreading. There are also thousands of intelligence agents operating across social media platforms as intelligence gatherers and to make mischief by operating psyops (psychological manipulation) on the walls, etc, of those who are considered undesirable because of what they are promoting because it goes against the agenda of the tiny few.

Thus they enter discussions and cause conflict, distrust, open hostility and general unpleasantness that can frighten off those who have been visiting the walls, etc. There are many intelligence (intel) operatives working throughout "The System", carefully placed so as to seem distant from each other but all part of an information gathering network spreading all through "The System" that also works to do the bidding of their masters in certain circumstances.

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For example, there may be one Police Officer in a town who can be told to block a case, or to target someone or to misplace evidence because he has been initiated into some society or lodge and obeys their orders when necessary, even though, on a day-to-day basis, he goes about his work as usual. We call these men and women The Black Marbles and you can read about them in the Image Labels thread from Facebook:

Image Labels Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Facebook Comments & Threads
Love For Life
29th May 2018 Until September 2018
Image Labels

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It just goes to show that the real war has never been about wars between countries, races and religions; the real war is being waged by the tiny few against all of us through their rule of law and the lackeys who enFORCE it.

In 2009/2010, we chatted to some people in America who said that they were part of a group of 100 men and women across earth who were testing click counters on YouTube. From various locations, they all clicked on one of our YouTube videos and then checked the click counters. After receiving 100 clicks on the video, the click counter showed only 2. Around three to four months ago, Arthur posted another video to YouTube which went up to around 870 clicks within 36 hours. It then froze for three days before dropping back to around 330 clicks and, months later, it is still struggling to get to 500 clicks. How many clicks has it really had? There is no way of knowing!

Also around this time, a man who was an ex-military industrial complex software engineer called us to talk about The Ringing Cedars books and the Kindom dream we talk about, and he mentioned that he knew of software that could show how many people were visiting a Facebook wall at one time. He gave us the link and, once installed, it showed that there were tens of thousands looking at the Arthur Cristian Facebook wall at one time. The software stopped working after a couple of days.

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He also told us that, of the around 33 million websites across earth that were on the net back then, the Love For Life website was placed at 177,000 odd in traffic flow, meaning that the website was up in the top 1% of websites in traffic flow, like a pesky dog biting the ankles of the big boys. It makes sense that we received communications from the Westpac and the Commonwealth Bank here in Australia complaining that the Love For Life website was getting first page ranking when anyone was searching for Westpac or the Commonwealth bank! This was because of the huge amount of files found in the Love For Life website involving all the major banks and their complicity with fraud, etc, causing thousands of Australians to lose their homes, businesses, assets, cars, savings, Superannuation, etc.

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Three times, the YouTube community has shut down certain videos on our YouTube channel, saying that they had been flagged because they promoted hate speech. Each time, they have backed off when we confronted them and showed them that the videos shown were just historical evidence and facts for students and that we made it very clear that the abuse referred to in some of the videos happened in all cultures and creeds across earth.

Some other videos documenting the takeover of Libya did show some horrific images that were filmed during the takeover but, again, this was the truth of what was going on. We have now put warnings under these videos. We have also discovered that countries are banning certain videos from being shown in those countries. And we think there is no censorship?

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We currently still have good standing in the YouTube community because we always make the effort to stand up to these efforts to diminish our presence.

The Libya videos were about what happened in Libya when it was invaded and taken over by NATO and Allied Forces who were sponsoring Libyan rebels to create war and conflict. The truth about Libya was that Gaddafi actually gave up power in the 1970s and there was a true democracy in Libya. All the money was spread to the people, all education and medical needs were free, and, if the facilities needed for a medical problem weren't available in Libya, the costs of flying the patient to another country to get the help needed were covered by the government.

Young couples getting married were given 50% of the price of a house for them to live in and any debts they incurred to pay for the rest of the house were interest free. If you wanted to farm, you were supplied with land and equipment for free. As a system regime, it was as good as it gets and it was independent of the IMF. The first thing that happened after NATO and the Allied Forces took control of Tripoli was the establishment of a centralised, IMF bank. And we wonder who benefits from war!

Since the 1960s/1970s the middle classes all across the western world of "The System" have been destroyed because, traditionally this is where the most resistance to those behind "The System" has come from. In Australia, over 700 hundred thousand farming families have been removed from the land, 500,000 between the late 70's and mid 90's, most were destroyed by banksters, so that vast tracts of land are now owned by international, private corporations and nations like China. Inflation, the cost of living, the slower rise in wages and benefits, the rise in interest rates have all gradually eroded the financial freedom of a family to buy a piece of land with a house on it and live comfortably with one adult working a forty hour week.

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We are living in a time where our young people think they are wealthy because they can afford iphones, computers, holidays, cars and clothes but where they will never be able save up enough to own a home which means that the demand on rental properties will drive rents up and up and the gap between the haves and the have nots will increase and increase. Distracted by the entertainment and the bells and whistles of "The System", their heads spinning with the latest Hollywood gossip, fashion and sport, they do not notice their system freedom shrinking and shrinking.

Besides this, almost all of those with an influence on public thinking who have not been afraid to speak out from the good heart against the wrongs they see in "The System" have been silenced and even assassinated to prevent them from influencing those who admired them. They include Princess Diana, John Lennon, George Harrison and John Kennedy who was going against the dictates of the financial and political world. Here in Australia, they include Peter Brock and Steve Irwin who were both revered and were also speaking out on many issues.

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The tiny few at the top of "The System" and their lackeys cannot have anyone spreading resistance to the One World Order they are planning. They and their highest lackeys are extremely privileged and they go to the highest universities and are taught at institutes like Tavistock to learn how to manipulate and massage public thinking, as well as how to compromise people and even assassinate them. They have access to information that is hidden from most of us, including over 1000 years of the study of alchemy, and they know how to make people get sick and die from "natural" causes, or have "accidents" that can be put down to bad luck, foolishness and/or misjudgement.

We are pounded by the domination of the tiny few in a thousand and one ways, especially through the courts where the listings are full day after day after day, most of them with men and women who have broken statute laws that they didn't know existed because there are many thousands of them. How the tiny few are laughing at us when there are far too many statute laws for us to ever know and yet, if we are brought before the court because we have broken a statute that we weren't aware of, we are told that ignorance is no excuse.

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When we drive a car five kilometres too fast down a road, unless we hit someone or something, we are not doing any harm and not injuring anyone. And yet we can be pulled into court and fined because of harm and injury that we MIGHT cause. Fiona was recently fined $330.00 for double parking outside the school where our youngest daughter goes. Fiona was waiting in a line of traffic and never turned the engine off or got out of the car but, because our daughter got out of the car, Fiona was double parked! There was absolutely no harm or danger to anyone in what Fiona did, but her actions were still considered an offence. How many other subtleties and nuances are there to driving a car that can have any of us fined at any time? (hundreds of them)

And yet, do all these statute really improve our safety, as we are told? When you think of all the movements of motorised transport all across earth daily, they would extend into the billions. In Australia alone, they would be in the multi-millions, by the time we have all driven to work, dropped children off at school and taken them to sporting events and activities, gone shopping, visited family and friends, gone to the movies, etc, etc, etc. When you compare the daily movements of motorised transport, the daily percentage of accidents happening would be far below .001% of that number, and people will have been speeding, parking in the wrong places, doing U turns where they are not supposed to, etc, etc, etc. How many statutes are being broken daily compared to the number of accidents as result of breaking those statutes?

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So if the statutes aren't stopping accidents, what are they doing? They are bringing in multi-millions of dollars in revenue for the government every day (most of the money goes to mainly overseas based private corporations who own the jails, revenue offices, speed cameras, etc - its all privatised). One man we met spent a day in a local court in Australia adding up all the fines. In one day, in one local court, fines worth AUD $22,000.00 were handed out. There is no doubt that there are men and women out there who behave with no respect to others and who cheat, steal, lie and injure those around them but the vast majority of men and women appearing in local courts over statute offences are not harming anyone. They are not stealing, causing harm to property, behaving violently or aggressively and many of them are probably not aware that what they are doing is considered an offence.

So laws that we are told are there to protect us, are actually there to revenue raise and to give us a reminder that we are dominated, albeit for our "protection", just as the extreme anti-terrorism laws brought in in many countries across earth after 9/11 were supposedly brought in for our protection but actually give those in control sweeping powers to arrest and detain without charge for long periods of time. In Australia now, anyone serving a sentence for terrorism offences can have their sentence extended if they are not felt to have reformed! So the sentence means nothing - we can keep you here, if we choose to!

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Many good men and women do not worry about such laws because they feel that they have nothing to hide, which is why they also don't worry about whatever intelligence is being gathered on them. They are law abiding citizens who always try to do the right thing. They do not think about the fact that, one day, the laws might change and the way they live their lives might suddenly become undesirable, leading them to be seen as undesirable. They may protest but the intelligence has already been gathered and the laws already put in place. They are sitting ducks.

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We are the rank and file, alright while we keep our heads down in rank and file, for the moment, but we are walking between electric fences in our rank and file day-to-day existence and, should we get near to the fence, there is a shock waiting to get us back in line. Welcome to the domination of "The System" and the high level ocCULTists/freemasons of a one bloodline family behind it.

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2005-2012, besides this, in the early years of Love For Life, we had many death threats via phone and email, Fiona was kidnapped by Police Officers and there were four assassination attempts on Arthur's life. This webpage contains links to all the documents detailing all this system interference in our lives despite the fact that neither of us have ever committed a crime, broken the peace or deliberately harmed or injured anyone, along with most men and women who do not have dreams of harm towards others. All we are doing is sticking our heads above the fog and pointing out the harm that we see and offering a remedy to that harm.

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Xanthe, Jasmin, Emma & Frances 2011
Xanthe, Jasmin, Emma & Frances photo 19_zpsdhsemcxo.jpg

If you would like to contact us,
Email: action@loveforlife.com.au
Snail Mail: PO Box 36 Willawarrin 2440 NSW Australia
Mobile: 0418 203 204 - International 0011 61 418203204
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

Love For Life Facebook Kindom Group
Started By Supporters 2015


Facebook Group Why Aren't We Free Discussion

Facebook Group Kindom/Do No Harm Community Discussion

Love For Life Music

Amour Pour La Vie Kindoms

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Love For Life Mailing List

If you want to join the Love For Life mailing list subscribe here: https://www.freelists.org/list/loveforlifegroupmaillist

Fiona 2016
Fiona photo 20_zpsltrlu4xl.jpg

2018-2019 Love For Life Garden Photos

1 & 2. 9th & 10th January 2018:

3. 12th to 15th January 2018:

4. 15th Jan 2018 to 16th March 2018:

5. Working Bee Weekend Preparation 5th April 2018:

6. Building New Garden Bed 7th to 13th April 2018 - 1/2 Way There:

7. New Garden Bed Update 17th to 20th April 2018:

8. Garden Update 22nd to 27th April 2018:

9. Garden Update 27th June 2018 to 13th July 2018:

10. Garden Update 17th July 2018:

11. Removal Of Leylandii Trees 28th July 2018:

12. Early Spring 2018 Love For Life Garden:

13. Love For Life Garden Early-Mid Spring 2018:

14 Late Spring Early Summer 2018

15 Love For Life Garden Mid Summer 2018-2019

16 Dismantling The Love For Life Garden 14th February to 2nd April 2019

1st December 2017 photo 45_zpsxk70bnyt.jpg

1st December 2017 photo 47_zpstjkyjugd.jpg

1st December 2017 photo 37_zpsqytui0c7.jpg

1st December 2017 photo 38_zpsj5d82qq0.jpg

1st December 2017 photo 40_zpsfwblj0e9.jpg

Love For Life Music

Innocence Lost
Rough Demo - February 2019 - Includes Lyrics
Music & Melodies: Arthur Cristian
Lyrics: Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Vocals Arthur Cristian
Backing Vocals & Harmonies: Hannah Wood & Arthur Cristian
Vocal Effects: Arthur Cristian
Arranged and Recorded By Arthur Using Studio One Pro 4 Feb 2019

Jukebox Joe
Rough Demo January 2019 - Includes Lyrics
Music & Melodies: Arthur Cristian
Lyrics: Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Vocals Arthur Cristian
Backing Vocals & Harmonies: Hannah Wood & Arthur Cristian
Vocal Effects: Arthur Cristian
Arranged and Recorded By Arthur Using Studio One Pro 4 Jan 2019

The Egregore Of Your False Idol Governmente
Rough Demo December 2018
Lyrics: Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Music: Arthur Cristian
Vocals: Arthur Cristian
Backing Vocals: Arthur Cristian and Hannah Wood
Love For Life

How Did They Get The 100 Points?
Rough Demo August 2018
Music: Arthur Cristian
Vocals: Arthur Cristian
Lyrics: Fiona & Arthur Cristian

Big MAN Giant
Rough Demo 2017
Music: Arthur Cristian
Vocals: Arthur Cristian
Backing Vocals: Arthur Cristian, Stephen Rodriguez, Hannah Wood
Lyrics: Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Love For Life

Head So Strong Rough Demo With Lyrics
October 2014
Music Arthur Cristian
Vocals Arthur Cristian & Hannah Wood
Lyrics Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Love For Life

Celebrate Death To The Living
Rough Demo - June/July 2012
Original Song & Concept Hannah Wood
Music & Vocals: Hannah Wood & Arthur Cristian
Lyrics: Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Love For Life

Save Our Lives
Rough Demo With Lyrics
Written by Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
August 2007

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Most Recent Love For Life Insight Videos

Video Series: Duality - The Cult Of Hoops
Part One - 1st June 2020 - 69 Minutes
Part Two - 15th June 2020 - 73 Minutes
Part Three - 22nd June 2020 - 58 Minutes
The Pain Of Not Remembering Who We Really Are - 8th June 2020 - 74 Minutes
Part Four - Kindom Co-Creation Part A - 29th June 2020 - 58 Minutes
Part Five - Kindom Co-Creation Part B - 13th July 2020 - 74 Minutes
Part Six - Nurturing Part A - 20th July 2020 - 67 Minutes
Until the remaining videos of this series are uploaded to our Youtube channel, links to the remaining 8 videos can be found in the YouTube about section of Parts One to Six listed above.

This MAN 3 - Parasols Of Health
Fiona & Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
18th July 2019
19 Minutes 18 Seconds

This MAN 2 - Washing Day
Fiona Cristian - Love For Life
18th July 2019
4 minutes 16 Seconds

This MAN 1
Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
18th July 2019
5 Minutes 39 Seconds

Introducción al Reino Familiar
Introduction to Kindom With Spanish Subtitles

Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life
15th July 2019
63 minutes 6 Seconds
English Version 5th March 2015:

Defining Magnificence Into Mediocrity
And Calling It Magnificence Part 2

Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
14th August 2018
Live Facebook Chat
1 Hour 53 Seconds

Defining Magnificence Into Mediocrity
And Calling It Magnificence Part 1

Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
7th August 2018
Live Facebook Chat
1 Hour 37 Minutes

Are You Dreaming As The Egregores Beast Of Burden?
Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
6th August 2018
Live Facebook Chat 28th May 2018
2 Hours 21 Minutes 38 Seconds

Why Do You Let Go Of Holding The Dreams Of Your Heart
And Default To The Fantorgasmic Egregore?

Arthur & Fiona Cristian - Love For Life
6th August 2018
Live Facebook Chat 18th May 2018
2 Hours 29 Minutes

Can You Sense What You Are Currently Holding
As The Dream Of Your Life?

Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
6th August 2018
Live Facebook Chat - 14th May 2018
2 Hours 28 Minutes 8 Seconds

What Are You Calling Out
In The Dream Of Life You Are Holding?

Fiona & Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
6th May 2018
Live Facebook Chat - 28th March 2018
1 Hour 17 Minutes 15 Seconds

What Are You Holding In The Dream Of Your Life?
Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
26th March 2018
Live Facebook Chat - 26th March 2018
1 Hour 38 Minutes

Note: The Next 4 Videos Are Not Yet Uploaded To Our Youtube Channel But You Can View Them On The Tru-Mon Show YouTube Channel - Links Provided Below

Don't Wake The Baby
The Background To "The System" Part 15

The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 161)
Love For Life
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Recorded 12th October 2017
1 Hour 53 Minutes

Our Marriage To Fantasy Is Our Vow Of Death Part 2
The Background To The System Part 14

The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 160)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 4th September 2017
1 Hour 43 Minutes 10 Seconds

Our Marriage To Fantasy Is Our Vow Of Death Part 1
The Background To The System Part 13

The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 156)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 2nd September 2017
2 Hours 19 Minutes 46 Seconds

The Invisible Cage Of The Good Hearted
The Background To The System Part 12

The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 154)
With Jahnick Leaunier, Scott Andrews
Arthur and Fiona Cristian - Love For Life
Recorded 26th August 2017
2 Hours 7 Minutes 10 Seconds

Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies Part 7
The Background To The System Part 11

18th June 2019
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 151)
With Jahnick Leaunier, Scott Andrews
Arthur and Fiona Cristian - Love For Life
Recorded 19th August 2017
2 Hours 19 Minutes 17 Seconds

Sensing The Bigger Picture
The Background To The System Part 10

Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
12th March 2018
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 153)
With Jahnick Leaunier, Scott Andrews
Arthur and Fiona Cristian - Love For Life
Recorded 17th August 2017
1 Hour 34 Minutes 29 Seconds

Home Is Where The Heart Is
Where Your Living Dreams Are

Arthur Cristian - Love For Life
24th October 2017
1 Hour 7 Minutes 9 Seconds

Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies Part 6
The Background To The System Part 9

22nd August 2017
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 149)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 12th August 2017
2 Hours 22 Minutes 14 Seconds

Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies Part 5
The Background To The System Part 8

21st August 2017
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 147)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 5th August 2017
2 Hours 43 Minutes 50 Seconds

Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies Part 4
The Background To The System Part 7

17th July 2017
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 146)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 29th July 2017
2 Hours 33 Minutes 55 Seconds

Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies Part 3
The Background To The System Part 6

25th July 2017 The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 144)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 22nd July 2017
2 Hours 8 Minutes 42 Seconds

Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies Part 2
The Background To The System Part 5

16th July 2019
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 143)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 15th July 2017
2 Hours 17 Minutes 57 Seconds

Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies Part 1
The Background To The System Part 4

10th July 2017
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 142)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 8th July 2017
1 Hour 58 Minutes 35 Seconds

Eclipse Of The Sun
The Background To The System Part 3

15th October 2016
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 72)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 6th September 2016
2 Hours 27 Minutes 22 Seconds

Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Is A Cult
The Background To The System Part 2

31st August 2016 The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 69)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 30th August 2016
2 Hours 33 Minutes 38 Seconds

The Dark Side Of The Moon
The Background To The System Part 1

24th August 2016
The Tru-Mon Show (Episode 68)
With Jahnick Leaunier & Arthur and Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Recorded 23rd August 2016
2 Hours 27 Seconds 8 Seconds

Numerous other Love For Life insight videos and music can be viewed from here:

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Love For Life Articles Web Pages And Insights
Between 2014 and 2019 - A Few Between 2008 And 2013

Oh, The Irony Of It All
And Other Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Facebook Posts
22nd November 2019 To 7th January 2020
Oh, The Irony Of It All

Magic Carpet Ride
And Other Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Facebook Posts April 2019 To November 2019
Magic Carpet Ride

The Steps Of Kindom
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
November 2006 to November 2012

The Steps Of Kindom 2006-2012

PDF 5.3mb file size

Youtube Blocking Historical Facts
Claiming Hate Speech & Abuse

YouTube Flagging 6th June 2019

Copy Of The Old Love For Life Website's
Quick User Guide 16th October 2018

Quick User Guide

Copy Of The Temporary Love For Life Website Homepage 24th August 2020 as a PDF document.

Great Pyramid Of Sydney
M5/M7 Interchange Connects Sydney With NWO Playground
And Head Office Of Southern Highlands & Canberra

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
24th October 2009
Copy Of This Old Webpage Was Made
8th December 2018
Great Pyramid Of Sydney M5 M7 Interchange

Reply To Black Sun Obelisk
2nd Sept 2018
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Reply To Black Sun Obelisk

Growing Food @ Home Is Illegal
Compilation of old articles found on the net
showing how this agenda is connected to the
UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 30 and how it's
being orchestrated by high level Freemasons through
stealth, using their bureaucracies and their brainwashed
educated slaves to gradually carry out this agenda of theirs.
They want all of MAN across Earth to be spoon fed for the whole
of their lives, and in every way imaginable = SLAVERY.
There is a massive difference between freedom and choice.
Compiled by Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st May 2019
Growing Food @ Home Is Illegal

Making A Living Out Of The Misery Of Others
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
12th April 2019
Making A Living Out Of The Misery Of Others

The Follow Through
Arthur Cristian, Adon Bender, Fiona Cristian & Adrian Laughery
Love For Life
23rd February 2019
The Follow Through

Santa Claus + Other Facebook Posts Early-Mid February 2019
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
10th February 2019
Santa Claus + Other Facebook Posts Early-Mid February 2019

MAN'S Fake Regulation
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
15th January 2019
MAN'S Fake Regulation

The Cyborg Jukebox + The Matrix Of Self Obsession + The Shadow + The Voices In Your Head
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st January 2019
The Cyborg Jukebox

Julie Shmooley Facebook Chat About Law and Land 29th December 2018
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
29th December 2018
Julie Shmooley Facebook Chat About Law and Land

Facebook Chat With Aborida Hassan Essam Regarding Palestinians
The Gaza, Free Will And Growing Food 30th-31st Dec 2018

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
31st December 2018
Facebook Chat With Aborida Hassan Essam Regarding Palestinians

Where Are the Spartans?
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Facebook Post
20th September 2015
Where Are The Spartans

John Wrote
I Have Yet to Determine What My Living Dream Is
Arthur Cristian
Facebook Post
August 2018
John Wrote I Have Yet To Determine What My Living Dream Is

How They Go Searching For
A Broken Will To Manipulate

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
27th September 2018
How They Go Searching For A Broken Will To Manipulate The Vessel Of Their Victim

Image Labels
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Contains Numerous Facebook Posts
Between May and September 2018
The Black Marbles
The Sand Pit
They All Made Their Bed In The System"
Moses, An OcCULTist
The Ego's Broadway Production
The Tell-E-Vision Of Definition Raising The Intellect Of The E-Go Now Lost In The Imaginary House Of The Host's E-Motion
The Suicide Of The "Self" Referencing Lemming
The Dark Lord Of The Egregore
The Sewer System Of The Dark Lords Of Shit
The Second Coming Is A CULT - JeZeus Christ Is A Land Lord A One World Government Land Lord
How To Break Away From "The System" In This Life
The Psyops Of The Annunaki
The Gatekeepers Allowing It In While Slamming The Gates On The Truth
The Scams Performed By Co-Intel
Routing Out Intelligence Agents Who Are Determined To Commit Murder And Genocide
John Mathieson Is An Intelligence Agent
The Schizophrenia Of Moses And The Ten Commandments

The Selfie of Freakenstein
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
17th March 2017 to August 2018
Copied 16th October 2018
The Selfie Of Freakenstein

The Satanic Craft of Inculcation in Practise
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
4th March 2014 To Mid-End 2017
Copied 16th October 2018
The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise

Love For Life Website's Home Page And
Quick User Guide

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Copied 16th October 2018
Home Page Love for Life Website

An Overview Of The Brigalow Corporation
Takeover Of Australia

10th January 2010
Copied From The Old Love For Life Website
Drupal 5 Database That Was Removed From
The Public Domain Early July 2018

The Dictatorship of Facebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st January 2019
The Dictatorship Of Facebook

The Fascism Of PayPal
Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Love for Life
30th October 2018

Scribd Fascism
Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
28th January 2019

YouTube Fascism
January 2019 And Going Back To February 2015
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

Email To Tibor Karolyi
19th March 2006
Regarding Bankruptcy Order Of
The Federal Magistrates Court Of Australia (SYG 37 33 2005)
Attempt To Bankrupt The Person Arthur Cristian/ARTHUR CRISTIAN/Whatever Other Derivatives Used
29th January 2019

All Correspondence With Highlands Property Real Estate
November 2017 to late April 2019

In this document, the oldest correspondence is at the top and the latest is at the bottom
Fiona Cristian's Termination (Not Eviction) Notice
Fiona (& Arthur) Cristian

Correspondence Between Highlands Property & Fiona Cristian
April 2019 back to November 2017

In this document, the latest correspondence is at the top and the oldest is at the bottom
Fiona Cristian's Termination (Not Eviction) Notice
Fiona (& Arthur) Cristian

Fiona Cristian Reply to State Debt Recovery Office
Part One to Part Ten
17th Oct 2008 To 2011
1320 A4 Pages
Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery Office Part One To Part Ten

Michael Borusiewicz Of
Lukes Army EXPOSED

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love for Life
11th March 2016
Michael Borusiewicz Of Lukes Army EXPOSED

Darkness Visible Part 1A
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1A

Darkness Visible Part 1B
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1B

Darkness Visible Part 1C
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1C

Darkness Visible Part 1D
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1D

Darkness Visible Part 2
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 2

Darkness Visible Part 3
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 3

Darkness Visible Part 4
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 4

Darkness Visible Part 5
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 5

Darkness Visible Part 6
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 6

Darkness Visible Part 7
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 7

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
17th June 2009
Copied 16th October 2018

Love For Life Website Attacked Part 1
Aussie Free Speech Under Threat
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
June 2009
10 Minutes 13 Seconds

Love For Life Website Attacked Part 2
Aussie Free Speech Under Threat
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
June 2009
10 Minutes 15 Seconds

GaiaGuys.net Website Has Been Shut Down
Sometime Between November 2007 and January 2008

GaiaGuys.net Website Has Been Shut Down

Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Macquarie Bank
In The Reign Of Bill Moss
NSW Supreme Court Case
Macquarie Bank/Perpetual Limited vs Fiona Cristian
Victims Of Bank Fraud Condoned By Judges

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
2005 to 20th June 2016
Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Macquarie Bank In The Reign Of Bill Moss

Oh Jaba, Oh Jaba, Oh Jaba
Just What Has Become Of You
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
19th October 2018

What Are We Waiting For?
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
25th July 2008

We Are The Life Of The Dream Of Life
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
6th September 2010

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
9th August 2008

Watch Out For The Lying Christian God Scum
Throwing The Alphabet Word "Blasphemy"Around To Denigrate Others
When All The While They Are The Only Scum Appearing Amongst Us, The Living

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
29th September 2016

The Only Path To Freedom
Beware The False Steps

Contains Numerous Love For Life Insight Posts During 2013 And 2014
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
2nd April 2014

The Background To "The System" Parts 1, 2, 3
25th August 2016
and includes threads
Illumination Is Inculcation
The Set Up Of Passing The Buck
And Making Someone Else Fully Responsible
For Your Victim "State"

Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Movement Is A Cult
Facebook Thread Explains How And Why

To Be Educated Is To Have No Soul
The System Is Soul Destroying

"The System" Sandpit +
Shattered Reality +
Choosing The Sandpit +
Behind The Sandpit
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

Slave To A Name - Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
3rd March 2014

Re-Presenting Is The Pull Of Duality
Into False Consciousness

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
19th April 2011

Recognising The Distinction Between Information That Is CREATION
And Knowledge That Is FICTION Is Critical To Reclaiming Freedom

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
7th July 2008

Numerous Love For Life Insight Posts During 2013 And 2014
The Only Path To Freedom Beware The False Steps

Born In Original Sin
Free-Dumb For All
Revoking The Ego
How MAN Commits Spiritual Suicide
Email To Field McConnell & David Hawkins
How To Detect Intel Operatives Working For The New World Order Agenda
How The Psyop Program & Intel Networks Are Messing With Your Head
His-Story/Her-Story (History)
Psyop Programming At Play
Storytelling In-To Wonderland Through The Looking Glass As Alice "NAME"
The True Satanic/Freemasonic Symbolism Of John The Baptist
Denial & Apathy -How Deep Does Duplicity & Complicity To Harm Doing Go?
Revolution Or Revolution
The Pull Of E-Motion
IMAGE POWER The Nefarious Tactics Used To Disguise Truth And Distract Us From Remedy
The Psyop Program Scam Behind Religion Belief Faith & Associated Opinion
Another Delusion
Who We Really Are Does Not End At The Surface Of Our Skin
The Misuse Of Love By Intel Networks To Create Doubt And Uncertainty With The Intention To Destroy Love And Therefore Destroy MAN(True Freedom, Peace, Joy, Abundance And Truth For Everyone)
The Facebook Stoush
A World Of Words Is A World Of Lies
E-MAN -The Name Of The Beast Is MAN
Extract From The Facebook Discussion About The Video Of The Mountain Man Arrested
Introduction To The Sorcerer Santos Bonacci
Discussion With Brother Gregory Clearly Demonstrating Christianity Is Part Of The Problem & Not The Solution
What Do You Believe On Origins? Who Said There Was A Beginning? Who's Truth Do You Accept? Belief Is A Strange Idea
The Spell Is Broken Taking The Land To Create Kindom
So You Want The Good Bits Of "The System" But Not The Bad Bits?
Transition Shifting From Limited Liability/Responsibility To Full Liability/Responsibility
How To Create Remedy/Kindom In Present Sense
Refuse To Re-Present The Story-Telling Of Other Men And Women's Making
and so many more.

His-Story/Her-Story (History)
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Reposted 5th July 2014

Godzilla Through The Looking Glass Destroyed By "Name"
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
20th April 2014

Educated Slaves
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
20th March 2014

Dealing With "Spells" And Their "Curses"
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
15th February 2011

Crop Circles Are A Massive Hoax
Facebook Discussion On Simon Kawai's Facebook Wall
Involving Arthur & Fiona Cristian
31st August 2013

Corporation Australia
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Written During January & February 2007

Control The Land And You Control MAN On The Land
Displace MAN From Land And You Turn MAN Into Slaves

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
April 2011

A Disassociation From The Work of Kate of Gaia
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
17th May 2014

JeZeus Is A One World Government Land Lord
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
20th June 2018

YouTube Discussion With Black Sun Obelisk
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
28th August to 1st September 2018

Gary Gevisser Encounter On Facebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
27th September 2018
Gary Gevisser Encounter On Facebook

Troy Dunn Reply Fakebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
4th October 2018
Troy Dunn Reply Fakebook

Facebook Reply To Sharon Stambolieff
Arthur Cristian
Love Foe Life
13th Sept 2018
Facebook Reply To Sharon Stambolieff

Who's At The Helm Of Your Vessel
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
15th September 2018
Who's At The Helm Of Your Vessel

Can You Prove Where You Are Right Now?
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
6th October 2018
Can You Prove Where You Are Right Now?

Facebook Chat With Andrew Smith & Brant Hunt
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
15th November 2018
Facebook Chat With Andrew Smith & Brant Hunt

Elisabeth Nolson Facebook Chat
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
20th to 29th November 2018
Elisabeth Nolson Facebook Chat

Chat With Nathan Christopher Stevens-Starchild On Facebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
27th October 2018
Chat With Nathan Christopher Stevens-Starchild On Facebook

Do You Go To The Word Air To Get Your Next Breath Of Air?
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
6th October 2018
Do You Go To The Word Air To Get Your Next Breath Of Air?

545 People Are Responsible For The Mess
But They Unite In A Common Con

By Charlie Reese
Orlando Sentinel
3rd February 1984
545 People Are Responsible For The Mess

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Supporting The Ironbark Farm Kindom Village Dream

It is going to take a team effort to gradually extricate our lives from all the middle men and women of The System and there are many ways to support this effort; those that have the time can contribute labour, those who have skills in trades, designs, permaculture, food forests, planning, business, crafts, food preparation, etc, can bring them to the table, those who have spare resources can add them to the tools and equipment we already have, those who have financial resources can donate. Ironbark Farm Kindom Village will be the sum of everything put into it by men, women and children who dream for lives apart from The System of harm doing and destruction. It is up to each of us to do what we can to make it happen.

The Big Picture of the Ironbark Farm Aust Kindom Village Dream can only continue with your support so, if you like what we are up for and doing and would like to help get the Village up and running faster, you are welcome to make a gift/donation by clicking on the Stripe blue button below Pay with Card. And wherever possible please mention gift with every donation, as this is not not a commercial-business arrangement/contract, etc. Fiona is not selling or buying anything.


Send A Gift Through Stripe


PayPal Has Blocked Fiona Cristian From Receiving Donations To Support The Kindom Village Dream Or Anything Else We Do - Read this: Fiona's 2005 Paypal account was closed by Paypal in 2018 for no reason, "The Fascism Of PayPal" - Fiona is blocked from opening another PayPal account".


or via a Postal Note
such as Western Union
at a Local Post Office. Go to a local post office to send a gift to Fiona Caroline Cristian in Willawarrin 2440 NSW Australia, and you will receive a code that you need to email to action@loveforlife.com.au, or Facebook Private Message on Fiona's Facebook Wall, so she can go to the post office to collect.

Note: Arthur's 2007-2008 FB Wall was hijacked July 2023 & he now uses Fiona's FB Wall. All Arthur's posts going back to 2008, still appear to be intact - the 1st bitcoin post on the top of the FB wall is from the hijackers/fraudsters.

or via


If you are in Australia, you can make a donation using Osko or PayID from any of the major banks using the email address: action@loveforlife.com.au



Account Name: Fiona Caroline Cristian
BSB (Branch Number): 012547
Account Number: 557681376
and please write Gift because this is not a business/commercial arrangement. Fiona is not selling or buying anything.

All the Love For Life work we have done since 2005 is for free without a fee, so any support is greatly appreciated.

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If you would like to contact us,
Email: action@loveforlife.com.au
Snail Mail: PO Box 36 Willawarrin 2440 NSW Australia
Mobile: 0418 203 204 - International 0011 61 418203204
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

Facebook Ironbark Farm Aust
Facebook Fiona Cristian - Arthur's 2007-2008 FB Wall Was Hijacked July 2023 & Now Uses Fiona's FB Wall
Facebook Love For Life Kindoms
Our 2008/2009 YouTube Channel,115+ Videos, Most Are Love For Life Insights We Share
New Ironbark Farm Website ironbarkfarmaust.org & ironbarkfarmaust.com diverting to .org Is Currently Under Construction

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Love For Life Mailing List

If you want to join the Love For Life mailing list subscribe here:

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Page 1 - Love For Life Home Page

The Previous Love For Life HTML Homepage Uploaded February 2019 Has Been Moved - You Are Already On This Webpage Otherwise Click On This Link To View It. For those interested, it contains information on our backgrounds, what we have been through since 2003-2005, including links to heaps of Love For Life videos, insight articles, events and other earth wide matters of interest.

Page 2 - Love For Life Pledges - Declarations - Disclaimers - Disclosures

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