To set sail across the seas of fiction that is The System, we need a strong boat with sturdy sails, a rudder, a helm and prime intelligence to navigate powerfully across all the tiny details of fiction that form the big seas of The System. Without them, our vessels are pulled all over the place by the stormy weather of fiction coming at us relentlessly. With gale force winds and gigantic waves that we slide up and down, we become distracted from our natural vision of life, confused and exhausted as we immerse our real lives in the fiction that is intentionally designed to swallow everyone into an eternal oblivion, once they are trapped and lost in the blur of The System. The insights we share provide a clear big picture to get our real lives out of this e-motional disorientation of fiction in this life.

When a car is driven too fast, the tiny details that make up the big picture outside the window become a blur, and our ability to focus on them is diminished. We are then left to guess and imagine what we are seeing through the window without ever really knowing for sure. It's only when we slow the car right down, even stopping to observe, scrutinise and contemplate, that we take in the whole of the big picture. As the reader, it is important to slow down and stop listening to the chit chat between the ears, to clear the head of the everyday, hum drum, pressing issues and demands including the stresses and trauma instigations that cause us to look for fast food truth, freedom and consciousness shortcuts because we have all been conditioned to have short attention spans. We think we know it all and we filter information for that which fits our preconceived belief systems while disregarding everything else.

Only then can we slow down and become conscious of the many blind spots of the blur of fiction, where we recognise a life imprisoned in a chain gang nurturing the dark side of fiction that keeps us trapped in the darkness of The System, and sense the big picture with all its tiny details communicating our true intention, that being TRUE FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE.

If we do not realise that everything going on earth-wide in The System is only nurturing fiction, particularly since 9/11, Corona and the technological and digital revolution, has been intentionally designed to keep us in the traumatic darkness of confusion, bamboozled by mainstream, Netflix, social media and system lifestyle responsibilities, demands, obligations, interests, pressures and relief entertainments and sensations on our waking life as we scroll from disjointed post to disjointed post, our attention spans getting shorter and shorter as the kaleidoscope of distorted frequencies, chemicals, poisons, toxins and fictional information filtering through our brains increases, we will never be able to put it all aside and calm down enough to see how we are being affected and to heal.

The insights we share will help anyone with critical thinking and due diligence to get outside the haze of e-motional fiction and be clear on the big picture dream of a life of do no harm, aligned only to the good heart with all its virtues. Avoiding one shoe fits all cult mentalities so there is no loss of uniqueness and originality, we need to create intentions that are disciplined and focused, leading to a grounded life full of natural joy, health, beauty, peace and calm. Life is in our image so we assist in making sure that everyone is in complete control of their life image, and in doing so, there is no more chopping and changing going on, no more being e-motionally pulled this way and that, all of which undermines the good heart of our big picture dreams of life that is nature, earth, MAN and village life.

To end The System in this life, we have to completely walk away from supporting its destructive e-motional patterns, and we do this by being conscious of not misusing our magnetic power of creation to draw in the chaos of destructive e-motions to meet the destructive e-motions of The System that we are already putting out there as fiction to live amongst. Our greatest gift in co-creating a Kindom Village is to aid others who dream to exit The System not to get lost in the tiny details of fiction that corrupt and distort the good hearted big picture dreams of their local village life.

Arthur and Fiona Cristian