Love For Life Events, Articles, Web Pages And Insights
Between 2005 And 2023

Oh, The Irony Of It All
And Other Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Facebook Posts
22nd November 2019 To 7th January 2020
Oh, The Irony Of It All

Magic Carpet Ride
And Other Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Facebook Posts April 2019 To November 2019
Magic Carpet Ride

The Selfie of Freakenstein
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
17th March 2017 to August 2018
Copied 16th October 2018
The Selfie Of Freakenstein

Where Are the Spartans?
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Facebook Post
20th September 2015
Where Are The Spartans

The Steps Of Kindom
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
November 2006 to November 2012

The Steps Of Kindom 2006-2012

Youtube Blocking Historical Facts
Claiming Hate Speech & Abuse

YouTube Flagging 6th June 2019

Copy Of The Old Love For Life Website's
Quick User Guide 16th October 2018

Quick User Guide

Copy Of The Temporary Love For Life Website Homepage 24th August 2020 as a PDF document.

Great Pyramid Of Sydney
M5/M7 Interchange Connects Sydney With NWO Playground
And Head Office Of Southern Highlands & Canberra

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
24th October 2009
Copy Of This Old Webpage Was Made
8th December 2018
Great Pyramid Of Sydney M5 M7 Interchange

Reply To Black Sun Obelisk
2nd Sept 2018
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Reply To Black Sun Obelisk

Growing Food @ Home Is Illegal
Compilation of old articles found on the net
showing how this agenda is connected to the
UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 30 and how it's
being orchestrated by high level Freemasons through
stealth, using their bureaucracies and their brainwashed
educated slaves to gradually carry out this agenda of theirs.
They want all of MAN across Earth to be spoon fed for the whole
of their lives, and in every way imaginable = SLAVERY.
There is a massive difference between freedom and choice.
Compiled by Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st May 2019
Growing Food @ Home Is Illegal

Making A Living Out Of The Misery Of Others
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
12th April 2019
Making A Living Out Of The Misery Of Others

The Follow Through
Arthur Cristian, Adon Bender, Fiona Cristian & Adrian Laughery
Love For Life
23rd February 2019
The Follow Through

Santa Claus + Other Facebook Posts Early-Mid February 2019
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
10th February 2019
Santa Claus + Other Facebook Posts Early-Mid February 2019

MAN'S Fake Regulation
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
15th January 2019
MAN'S Fake Regulation

The Cyborg Jukebox + The Matrix Of Self Obsession + The Shadow + The Voices In Your Head
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st January 2019
The Cyborg Jukebox

Julie Shmooley Facebook Chat About Law and Land 29th December 2018
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
29th December 2018
Julie Shmooley Facebook Chat About Law and Land

Facebook Chat With Aborida Hassan Essam Regarding Palestinians
The Gaza, Free Will And Growing Food 30th-31st Dec 2018

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
31st December 2018
Facebook Chat With Aborida Hassan Essam Regarding Palestinians

John Wrote
I Have Yet to Determine What My Living Dream Is
Arthur Cristian
Facebook Post
August 2018
John Wrote I Have Yet To Determine What My Living Dream Is

How They Go Searching For
A Broken Will To Manipulate

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
27th September 2018
How They Go Searching For A Broken Will To Manipulate The Vessel Of Their Victim

Image Labels
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Contains Numerous Facebook Posts
Between May and September 2018
The Black Marbles
The Sand Pit
They All Made Their Bed In The System"
Moses, An OcCULTist
The Ego's Broadway Production
The Tell-E-Vision Of Definition Raising The Intellect Of The E-Go Now Lost In The Imaginary House Of The Host's E-Motion
The Suicide Of The "Self" Referencing Lemming
The Dark Lord Of The Egregore
The Sewer System Of The Dark Lords Of Shit
The Second Coming Is A CULT - JeZeus Christ Is A Land Lord A One World Government Land Lord
How To Break Away From "The System" In This Life
The Psyops Of The Annunaki
The Gatekeepers Allowing It In While Slamming The Gates On The Truth
The Scams Performed By Co-Intel
Routing Out Intelligence Agents Who Are Determined To Commit Murder And Genocide
John Mathieson Is An Intelligence Agent
The Schizophrenia Of Moses And The Ten Commandments

The Satanic Craft of Inculcation in Practise
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
4th March 2014 To Mid-End 2017
Copied 16th October 2018
The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise

Love For Life Website's Home Page And
Quick User Guide

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Copied 16th October 2018
Home Page Love for Life Website

An Overview Of The Brigalow Corporation
Takeover Of Australia

10th January 2010
Copied From The Old Love For Life Website
Drupal 5 Database That Was Removed From
The Public Domain Early July 2018

The Dictatorship of Facebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
1st January 2019
The Dictatorship Of Facebook

The Fascism Of PayPal
Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Love for Life
30th October 2018

Scribd Fascism
Fiona & Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
28th January 2019,

YouTube Fascism
January 2019 And Going Back To February 2015
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

Email To Tibor Karolyi
19th March 2006
Regarding Bankruptcy Order Of
The Federal Magistrates Court Of Australia (SYG 37 33 2005)
Attempt To Bankrupt The Person Arthur Cristian/ARTHUR CRISTIAN/Whatever Other Derivatives Used
29th January 2019

All Correspondence With Highlands Property Real Estate
November 2017 to late April 2019

In this document, the oldest correspondence is at the top and the latest is at the bottom
Fiona Cristian's Termination (Not Eviction) Notice
Fiona (& Arthur) Cristian

Correspondence Between Highlands Property & Fiona Cristian
April 2019 back to November 2017

In this document, the latest correspondence is at the top and the oldest is at the bottom
Fiona Cristian's Termination (Not Eviction) Notice
Fiona (& Arthur) Cristian

Fiona Cristian Reply to State Debt Recovery Office
Part One to Part Ten
17th Oct 2008 To 2011
1320 A4 Pages
Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery Office Part One To Part Ten

Michael Borusiewicz Of
Lukes Army EXPOSED

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love for Life
11th March 2016
Michael Borusiewicz Of Lukes Army EXPOSED

Darkness Visible Part 1A
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1A

Darkness Visible Part 1B
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1B

Darkness Visible Part 1C
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1C

Darkness Visible Part 1D
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014
Darkness Visible Part 1D

Darkness Visible Part 2
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 2

Darkness Visible Part 3
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 3

Darkness Visible Part 4
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 4

Darkness Visible Part 5
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 5

Darkness Visible Part 6
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 6

Darkness Visible Part 7
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Created During 2014 & 2015
Darkness Visible Part 7

NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
17th June 2009
Copied 16th October 2018

Video Love For Life Website Attacked Part 1
Aussie Free Speech Under Threat
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
June 2009
10 Minutes 13 Seconds
Note: Without breaking community rules, Part One has been taken down a few times from our Youtube and Bitchute channels.

Video Love For Life Website Attacked Part 2
Aussie Free Speech Under Threat
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Has Threatened to Shut Down
The Love for Life Website
June 2009
10 Minutes 15 Seconds Website Has Been Shut Down
Sometime Between November 2007 and January 2008 Website Has Been Shut Down

Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Macquarie Bank
In The Reign Of Bill Moss
NSW Supreme Court Case
Macquarie Bank/Perpetual Limited vs Fiona Cristian
Victims Of Bank Fraud Condoned By Judges

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
2005 to 20th June 2016
Welcome To The Dictatorship Of Macquarie Bank In The Reign Of Bill Moss

Oh Jaba, Oh Jaba, Oh Jaba
Just What Has Become Of You
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
19th October 2018

What Are We Waiting For?
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
25th July 2008

We Are The Life Of The Dream Of Life
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
6th September 2010

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
9th August 2008

Watch Out For The Lying Christian God Scum
Throwing The Alphabet Word "Blasphemy"Around To Denigrate Others
When All The While They Are The Only Scum Appearing Amongst Us, The Living

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
29th September 2016

The Only Path To Freedom
Beware The False Steps

Contains Numerous Love For Life Insight Posts During 2013 And 2014
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
2nd April 2014

The Background To "The System" Parts 1, 2, 3
25th August 2016
and includes threads
Illumination Is Inculcation
The Set Up Of Passing The Buck
And Making Someone Else Fully Responsible
For Your Victim "State"

Eric Dubay's Flat Earth Movement Is A Cult
Facebook Thread Explains How And Why

To Be Educated Is To Have No Soul
The System Is Soul Destroying

"The System" Sandpit +
Shattered Reality +
Choosing The Sandpit +
Behind The Sandpit
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

Slave To A Name - Part 1, 2, 3, 4
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
3rd March 2014

Re-Presenting Is The Pull Of Duality
Into False Consciousness

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
19th April 2011

Recognising The Distinction Between Information That Is CREATION
And Knowledge That Is FICTION Is Critical To Reclaiming Freedom

Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
7th July 2008

Numerous Love For Life Insight Posts During 2013 And 2014
The Only Path To Freedom Beware The False Steps

Born In Original Sin
Free-Dumb For All
Revoking The Ego
How MAN Commits Spiritual Suicide
Email To Field McConnell & David Hawkins
How To Detect Intel Operatives Working For The New World Order Agenda
How The Psyop Program & Intel Networks Are Messing With Your Head
His-Story/Her-Story (History)
Psyop Programming At Play
Storytelling In-To Wonderland Through The Looking Glass As Alice "NAME"
The True Satanic/Freemasonic Symbolism Of John The Baptist
Denial & Apathy -How Deep Does Duplicity & Complicity To Harm Doing Go?
Revolution Or Revolution
The Pull Of E-Motion
IMAGE POWER The Nefarious Tactics Used To Disguise Truth And Distract Us From Remedy
The Psyop Program Scam Behind Religion Belief Faith & Associated Opinion
Another Delusion
Who We Really Are Does Not End At The Surface Of Our Skin
The Misuse Of Love By Intel Networks To Create Doubt And Uncertainty With The Intention To Destroy Love And Therefore Destroy MAN(True Freedom, Peace, Joy, Abundance And Truth For Everyone)
The Facebook Stoush
A World Of Words Is A World Of Lies
E-MAN -The Name Of The Beast Is MAN
Extract From The Facebook Discussion About The Video Of The Mountain Man Arrested
Introduction To The Sorcerer Santos Bonacci
Discussion With Brother Gregory Clearly Demonstrating Christianity Is Part Of The Problem & Not The Solution
What Do You Believe On Origins? Who Said There Was A Beginning? Who's Truth Do You Accept? Belief Is A Strange Idea
The Spell Is Broken Taking The Land To Create Kindom
So You Want The Good Bits Of "The System" But Not The Bad Bits?
Transition Shifting From Limited Liability/Responsibility To Full Liability/Responsibility
How To Create Remedy/Kindom In Present Sense
Refuse To Re-Present The Story-Telling Of Other Men And Women's Making
and so many more.

His-Story/Her-Story (History)
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
Reposted 5th July 2014

Godzilla Through The Looking Glass Destroyed By "Name"
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
20th April 2014

Educated Slaves
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
20th March 2014

Dealing With "Spells" And Their "Curses"
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
15th February 2011

Crop Circles Are A Massive Hoax
Facebook Discussion On Simon Kawai's Facebook Wall
Involving Arthur & Fiona Cristian
31st August 2013

Corporation Australia
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Written During January & February 2007

Control The Land And You Control MAN On The Land
Displace MAN From Land And You Turn MAN Into Slaves

Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
April 2011

A Disassociation From The Work of Kate of Gaia
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
17th May 2014

JeZeus Is A One World Government Land Lord
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
20th June 2018

YouTube Discussion With Black Sun Obelisk
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
28th August to 1st September 2018

Gary Gevisser Encounter On Facebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
27th September 2018
Gary Gevisser Encounter On Facebook

Troy Dunn Reply Fakebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
4th October 2018
Troy Dunn Reply Fakebook

Facebook Reply To Sharon Stambolieff
Arthur Cristian
Love Foe Life
13th Sept 2018
Facebook Reply To Sharon Stambolieff

Who's At The Helm Of Your Vessel
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
15th September 2018
Who's At The Helm Of Your Vessel

Can You Prove Where You Are Right Now?
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
6th October 2018
Can You Prove Where You Are Right Now?

Facebook Chat With Andrew Smith & Brant Hunt
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
15th November 2018
Facebook Chat With Andrew Smith & Brant Hunt

Elisabeth Nolson Facebook Chat
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
20th to 29th November 2018
Elisabeth Nolson Facebook Chat

Chat With Nathan Christopher Stevens-Starchild On Facebook
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
27th October 2018
Chat With Nathan Christopher Stevens-Starchild On Facebook

Do You Go To The Word Air To Get Your Next Breath Of Air?
Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
6th October 2018
Do You Go To The Word Air To Get Your Next Breath Of Air?

545 People Are Responsible For The Mess
But They Unite In A Common Con

By Charlie Reese
Orlando Sentinel
3rd February 1984
545 People Are Responsible For The Mess

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